Fundamental Council for military schools established
March 29 (April 10) 1805, under the War Ministry, was established the Fundamental Council for military schools, chaired by the Grand Duke Constantine Pavlovich. Its objective was to manage all military educational institutions of the Russian Empire.
In October 1803, under the chairmanship of the Grand Duke Constantine Pavlovich, was established a Temporary Commission on military schools, which was engaged in drawing up an outline for the provincial military schools, revision of statutes and regulations of the cadet corps. This Commission completed its work on 21 March (2 April), 1805 upon the submission to his Majesty the Emperor Alexander Pavlovich a report and a plan of military training, in compliance to which the Fundamental Council for military schools was established. Its members included Minister of Education, Count P. V. Zavadovsky; Minister of Military Land Forces, General of Infantry, S. K. Vyazmitinov; Deputy Minister of Justice, N. N. Novosiltsov.
The Fundamental Council was supposed to continue the work of the Commission and proceed to the arrangement of provincial military schools, the transformation of the higher cadet corps, by writing their full charter and providing personnel. For this purpose, under the Council was established the Scientific Committee for the development of statutes, regulations, and instructions to directors of military schools and curriculum. The Council’s record keeping was entrusted to the Office, consisting of three missions: Scientific and General Correspondence Mission; Accounts and Inspection Mission, and Commissariat Mission.
6 (18) April 1830 the Fundamental Council for military schools was abolished, succeeded by the Council on Military Schools. General of Infantry, Count P. A. Tolstoy was appointed Chairman of the Council; among its members were: Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich and Minister of Education, General of Infantry, Prince K. A. Lieven. The Council was subject to Tsarevich Constantine Pavlovich, and after his death in June 1831 – to Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich.
Responsibilities of the Council were to 'safeguard of welfare and improvement "of military educational institutions, in particular, the Corps of Pages, the cadet corps, the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, as well as precise control over the execution of their statutes, regulations and special orders of the supreme power. Council members were also charged with the duty to make personal inspections of military schools, on the basis of which annual reports to Emperor Nicholas were compiled.
All suggestions for improvement of teaching in institutions, annual estimates of the costs of maintaining the military-educational institutions, the distribution of the amounts allocated and the proper control of the expenditure of funds were subject to review of the Council on Military Schools. Execution of orders of the Council was entrusted to the Chief Director of the Corps of Pages, the Cadet Corps and the Noble Regiment.
March 25 (April 6), 1843 was approved the Regulations on the Office of the Chief of the military schools, which changed the status of the Council. According to the Regulations, the agency now was to report to the principal chief of the military-educational institutions as a consultative body, having received "the executive power in regards of the economy, and advisory, supervisory and corrective power in regards of other sectors." Thus, the Council managed the economic sector of military schools, having the rights of the Military Council, and at the same time was advisory and monitoring body on the issues of education.
The new Council held meetings upon the order of its president and on special orders of the chief commander. Members of the department were the dignitaries, appointed by the emperor, as well as officials and inspectors of military schools. Office of the Council was abolished, and the materials for the meetings of the Council were now prepared at the offices of the Staff on Military-Educational Institutions Management.
January 21 (February 2), 1863 the Council on Military Schools was abolished, and all its affairs, both legislative and economic, not subject to the permission of the Ministry of War, were submitted to the Military Council.
Lit.: Временная комиссия и Непременный совет о военных училищах (1803-1830) // Российский государственный военно-исторический архив. Путеводитель. Т. 1. 2006. С. 88—89; Галенковский И. А. Воспитание юношества в прошлом. СПб., 1904; Каменев А. И. Система военно-учебных заведений и руководства ими // Военная школа России: уроки истории и стратегия развития. М., 1999; То же [Электронный ресурс]. URL:; Лалаев М. С. Исторический очерк Военно-учебных заведений, подведомственных Главному их управлению: От основания в России военных школ до исхода первого двадцатипятилетия благополучного царствования государя императора Александра Николаевича. 1700-1880. СПб., 1880-1892; Мельницкий И. И. Сборник сведений о Военно-учебных заведениях в России. СПб., 1857-1860; Петров И. В. Главное управление Военно-учебных заведений: Исторический очерк. СПб., 1907-1907; Совет о военно-учебных заведениях (29.03.1805—21.01.1863) // Высшие и центральные государственные учреждения России. 1801—1917. Т. 4. СПб., 2004. С. 43—45.
Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:
Положение об Управлении училищ военного ведомства. СПб., 1858;
Устав для военно-учебных заведений второго класса: [Утв. 20 апреля 1830 г.]. СПб., 1830.