Imperial philanthropic society. The Imperial Philanthropic Society. Highest approved by the handwritten signature of Her Majesty...

Identifier fafa7886-2889-49b0-a82f-64b2a088b77f
Title Imperial philanthropic society. The Imperial Philanthropic Society. Highest approved by the handwritten signature of Her Majesty Empress Elizabeth Alexeevna Charter of the estate for the charity of the underage poor
Dates 1816

Рукописный текст. Чернила

Text language Русский
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 768 / 1 / 7
Cataloguing source РГИА
Series Op. 1
Extent 2 листа
Creator Петербургское женское патриотическое общество
Fonds The Imperial Philanthropic Society
Display format