Mammoth Zarinsky. An outline of peasant customs along the Vahe River, in the Arkhangelsk Province.

Identifier c6404862-cae7-41bb-aa3d-0cbea947d7b5
Title Mammoth Zarinsky. An outline of peasant customs along the Vahe River, in the Arkhangelsk Province.
Dates 1853
Text language Русский
Level Case
Call number 47
Cataloguing source ПБ им. Б.Н. Ельцина
Series Ethnographic and statistical information about the inhabitants of the Arkhangelsk province; brief historical and geographical essays on the counties of the province
Extent 34 листа, с. 253-260
Fonds Manuscripts in the Arkhangelsk Gubernia (geography, ethnography, folklore)
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