Life Cycle Rituals
Traditional rituals and rituals of the life cycle in the daily culture of the peoples of the Middle Volga region (XIX-XX centuries)
- Maternity and Puberty Rites and Customs
Program for collecting information about maternity and christening rites from Russian peasants and non-Russians
Kharuzina, Vera Nikolaevna (1866-1931). The program for collecting information about maternity and baptismal rites from Russian peasants and non-Russians. Moscow: T-skoropech. A. A. Levinson, 1905.Exhibition of the life of the child in the light of ethnography
The life of a child in the light of ethnography, an exhibition (Leningrad, 1929). Exhibition of the life of a child in the light of ethnography. L.: Izd-vo Akad. Sciences of the USSR, 1929.- Individual Peoples
- Mordvins
The traditions of preparing the children of the Mordovian people for the future family life in the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries.
Chekmayeva, Yuliya Viktorovna The traditions of the preparation of the children of the Mordovian people for the future family life in the second half of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th centuries. Moscow, 2011.
- Individual Territories
- Central Federal District
- Vladimir Region
Information on the ethnography of the Vladimir province. Issue. 1. Wedding ceremony in the Sudogodsky district of the Vladimir province. Rituals and customs at the birth of an infant and lullabies songs of Vladimir province
Sobolev. Alexey Nikolaevich. Information on the ethnography of the Vladimir province. Vladimir [gub.]: Type. M.P. Leontief, 1912.
Issue. 1: Wedding ceremony in the Sudogodsky district of the Vladimir province; Rituals and customs at the birth of an infant and lullabies songs of the Vladimir province. 1912. - Orel Region
Rite "to baptize the cuckoo" in Orel province
Харузина, Вера Николаевна (1866-1931). Обряд "крестить кукушку" в Орловской губернии. [Москва] : Унив. тип., [1912].
- Children’s Games and Toys
To study folk children's games from the Buryats
Vinogradov, Georgiy Semenovich (1886-1945). To the study of folk children's games at the Buryat.
Irkutsk: State. publishing house, 1922.Russian clay toys
Dintses, L.A.Russkaya clay toys.Moscow: Publishing House of the Acad.Sciences of the USSR, 1936;Leningrad.Folk games and toys
Folk games and toys.St. Petersburg: Peterburgkomstat 2000.
- Wedding Rituals and Customs
About the so -called corgory damage due to the severity of marriage customs
Gilyarovsky, Fedor Vasilievich.About the so -called corgory damage due to the severity of marriage customs.[B.m .: B. and., 1878].- Individual Peoples
The custom of bride kidnapping in ancient times and his experiences in wedding ceremonies among modern peoples
Derzhavin, Nikolai Sevastyanovich (1877-1953). The custom of bride kidnapping in ancient times and his experiences in wedding ceremonies among modern nations.
ST.PETERSBURG: type. Imp. Acad. Sciences, 1905.Materials on the wedding and the family-clan system of the peoples of the USSR
Materials on the wedding and the family-clan system of the peoples of the USSR. L.: Komis. on the device stud. ethnogr. excursions, 1926.- Belarusians
Collection of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. T. 51, [No. 1-4]
Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg). Branch of the Russian language and literature. Collection of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. St.Petersburg: printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1871-1916.
T. 51, [№ 1-4]. 1890.Wedding rituals of the Belarusians. Surazhsky District of Bryansk Region. P. 495-501 (scans 653-659); Demidovsky, Dukhovshchinsky, Safonovsky District of Smolensk Region. P. 419-481 (scans 577-639); Belsky and Rzhevsky Districts of Tver Region. P. 387-419, 482-495 (scans 545-577, 640-653)
- Buryats
Marriage ceremonies and customs of Transbaikalian Buryats
Krol, Moses Aronovich (1862-). Marriage ceremonies and customs in Transbaikalian Buryats. Irkutsk: type. K.I. Witkowska, 1894.Gender relations in the traditional culture of the Buryats
Zamuraeva Pauline Bairovna.Gender relations in the traditional culture of the Buryats.Ulan-Ude, 2015. - Russians
Wedding customs in Ancient Russia
Ostroumov, Nikolay Ivanovich (1876-). Wedding customs in Ancient Russia.
Tula: Printing house I.D. Fortunatova., 1905.Wedding rites of Russian peasants in Tsarevokokshaysky district
Manuscripts of works in the Kazan province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Zhavoronkov, village of Svadebery rites of Russian peasants in the Tsarevokokshay district.Notes of the Semipalatinsky submissions of the West Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society.Vol.7.
Notes of the Semipalatinsky submissions of the West Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society.Semipalatinsk: B. and., 1919.Vol.7. 1913.A. N. Beloslyudov. Wedding ritual of the Kamenschiks (Materials on the ethnography of the inhabitants of the Bukhtarma Valley. P. 1–13 (scans 155-167)
The Kamenshicks are an ethnic group formed in the XVIII-XIV century on the territory of the South-Western Altai - Tatars
Wedding rite Tatars Bashkortostan
Kamaleev, Elvir Wienerovich (Candidate of Historical Sciences).Wedding rite Tatars Bashkortostan.St. Petersburg, 2013. - Ukrainians
Description of wedding Ukrainian common rituals, in small Russia and in the Sloboda Ukrainian province, also
Kalinovsky, Grigory Ivanovich (1758-after 1799).Description of wedding Ukrainian common rituals, in small Russia and in the Sloboda Ukrainian province, Torzor in the Great-Russian Slobodas inhabited by Malorossians used.In St. Petersburg: Printano with an artillery and engineering linking cadet corps at a typography of HF.F.Maple, 1777.Description of the wedding rites of Little Russians of the Sudzhansky district of the Kursk province
Manuscripts of works in the Kursk province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Nikolaev.Description of the wedding rites of Little Russians of the Sudzhansky district of the Kursk province.The news of the Society of Lovers of Natural Sciences, Anthropology and Ethnography, which consisting of Moscow University.T. 48, issue.1. Protocols 26-48 meetings (November 29, 1877 - October 30, 1884) with 4 applications.- (Proceedings of the ethnographic department. Prince 7)
Императорское общество любителей естествознания, антропологии и этнографии. (до 1917 г. ; Москва). Этнографический отдел. Труды Этнографического отдела. Москва, 1868-1913.
Кн. 7: Протоколы 26-48 заседаний( 29 ноября 1877 - 30 октября 1884 года) с 4 приложениями. Москва : издание Общества любителей естествознания, антропологии и этнографии, 1886.Little Russian wedding. P. 64-178; 1-7 (sheet music) (scans 72-195)
- Chuvash
Wedding rites at the Chuvash Kossmodemyansky and Cheboksary counties
Manuscripts of works in the Kazan province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Solovyov, E. T. T.S Vodeba rites at the Chuvash Kossmodemyansky and Cheboksary counties.Wedding riding Chuvash: interaction ritual and music
Osipov, Alexander Abramovich.Wedding riding Chuvash: interaction ritual and music.Cheboksary, 2019.
- Individual Territories
- Central Federal District
- Vladimir Region
Wedding custom and songs associated with it, in the village of Ozyablikovo Vladimir province Murom County
Manuscripts of works on the Vladimir province.
Zhdanov, A. Wedding customs and songs related to him, in the village of Ozyablikov Vladimir province of the Murom district.Information on the ethnography of the Vladimir province. Issue. 1. Wedding ceremony in the Sudogodsky district of the Vladimir province. Rituals and customs at the birth of an infant and lullabies songs of Vladimir province
Sobolev. Alexey Nikolaevich. Information on the ethnography of the Vladimir province. Vladimir [gub.]: Type. M.P. Leontief, 1912.
Issue. 1: Wedding ceremony in the Sudogodsky district of the Vladimir province; Rituals and customs at the birth of an infant and lullabies songs of the Vladimir province. 1912. - Voronezh Region
Wedding rites of the mountains.Pavlovsk
Manuscripts in the Voronezh province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Kashin, V. Svadeble rites of the mountains.Pavlovsk.The vocabulary of the wedding rite in Voronezh dialects: ethnolinguistic aspect
Bogdanova, Elena Alexandrovna.The vocabulary of the wedding rite in Voronezh dialects: ethnolinguistic aspect.Voronezh: VGLTU, 2019. - Ivanovo Region
Description of the wedding customs observed by the peasants of the Kinesham district, living near the city of Kineshma upstream of the river.Volga miles 25 and downstream of the same river miles for 10. Providing paper dated December 30, 1853
Manuscripts of works on the Kostroma province.Vishnevsky, Pavel.Description of the wedding customs observed by the peasants of the Kinesham district, living near the city of Kineshma upstream of the river.Volga miles 25 and downstream of the same river miles at 10. Productive paper of December 30, 1853. - Kaluga Region
Wedding rite in the Kaluga province of Mosalsky district
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts of works in the Kaluga province (geography, folklore, ethnography).Wedding rite in the Kaluga province of Mosalsky district. - Kostroma Region
Wedding rites in Khoroshevskaya volost, Vyatluga district, Kostroma province
Manuscripts of works on the Kostroma province.Dementyev, D. P. Svadebery rites in the Khoroshevsky volost, Vyatluga district, Kostroma province. - Lipetsk Region
Historical-geographical and ethnographic description of the village of Verkhny Lomovts, Kolabinsky volost of the Zemlyansk district, the Voronezh province.Description of buildings, wedding songs, customs and rites of the same village
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts in the Voronezh province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Trostyansky, V. I. Historic-geographical and ethnographic description of the village of Verkhny Lomovts, Kolabinsky volost of the Zemlyansk district, the Voronezh province.Description of buildings, wedding songs, customs and rites of the same village. - Tula Region
About the ancient peasant rite of putting on the wretches in the Bogoroditsky district of the Tula province
Manuscripts of works in the Tula province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Nadezhdin.About the ancient peasant rite of putting on the wore, in the Bogoroditsky district of the Tula province.The texts of songs printed in the article "Wedding rites and songs of the peasants of the Tula province" in the magazine "Moskvityan", 1853, No. 14
Manuscripts of works in the Tula province (geography, ethnography, folklore).The texts of songs printed in the article "Wedding rites and songs of the peasants of the Tula province" in the magazine "Moskvityan", 1853, No. 14. - Yaroslavl Region
S.V. Porforovsky, a student at St. George's University. Wedding and wedding customs in Pereslavl district of Vladimir province. Attached: the author's letter to the RGO, printed leaflet and recording of songs.
S.V. Porforovsky, a student at St. George's University. Wedding and wedding customs in Pereslavl district of Vladimir province. Attached: the author's letter to the RGO, printed leaflet and recording of songs.1903.
- Northwestern Federal District
Wedding rites and customs of the Novgorod province
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts of works in the Novgorod province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Kr., A. S. Svadebery rites and customs of the Novgorod province.The Oyat River flows in Leningrad and Vologda Regions
Mammoth Zarinsky. An outline of peasant customs along the Vahe River, in the Arkhangelsk Province.
Mammoth Zarinsky. An outline of peasant customs along the Vahe River, in the Arkhangelsk Province.1853.The Vaga River flows in Arkhangelsk and Vologda Regions. Description of a wedding ritual (scans 6-39)
- Arkhangelsk Region
A. Bystrov. Wedding ceremonies and games in the mountains. Mezen. The author is the staff inspector of the Mezen Uyezd School.
A. Bystrov. Wedding ceremonies and games in the mountains. Mezen. The author is the staff inspector of the Mezen Uezd School.1839.Wedding rites in Solvychegodsky district
Manuscripts in the Vologda province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Ordin, N. Swadebery rites in the Solvychegodsky district.Wedding customs of the Onegin before and now
Wedding customs of the Onegin before and now. Arkhangelsk: Lip. type., 1913.Wedding songs and rites of Mezen
Tonskov, Vyacheslav Alekseevich.Wedding songs and rites of Meseni.Kazan, 1931. - Vologda Region
Vologda wedding
Aleksandrov, Vladimir Alexandrovich (1842-1906). Vologda wedding.
St. Petersburg: In the printing house of PA Kulish, 1863.Wedding customs, lamentations and songs in with. Kottugah, Vytegorsk county
Wedding customs, lamentations and songs in with. Kottugah, Vytegorsk district. Petrozavodsk: The Lip. type., 1892.Wedding customs of the Gryaznovetsky district of the Vologda province
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts in the Vologda province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Volkov, I.V. Svadet's customs of the Gryaznovetsky district of the Vologda province. - Republic of Karelia
Wedding rites are customs.Songs.Story.Poems of the collector himself.Pudozh district, Olonets province
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts of works in the Olonets province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Staritsyn, D. Sudade rites - customs.Songs.Story.Poems of the collector himself.Pudozh district, Olonets province.A wedding, songs, games and dances in Zaonezhie, Olonets province
Lysanov, Vasily Dmitrievich (1857 - 1926). A wedding, songs, games and dances in the Zaonezhie of Olonets province.
Petrozavodsk: The Northern Early Prints RG Katz, 1916.“Pre-wedding” (Dosyulnaya wedding) – staging of a traditional wedding
- Novgorod Region
Stories about old costumes, wedding customs and witchcraft
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts of works in the Novgorod province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Eliash, N. M. Stories about old costumes, wedding customs and witchcraft.
- Southern Federal District
- Astrakhan Region
Action.Cl.Pavel Nearsin.The customs observed during the walling and at the wedding of the Emppetse and in general in commonness in Astrakhan.
Action.Cl.Pavel Nearsin.The customs observed during the walling and at the wedding of the Emppetse and in general in commonness in Astrakhani.1851. - Krasnodar Territory
Vocabulary of the wedding ceremony of the Kuban (on the material of the ceremonial practice of the village of Chernokerovskaya, Krasnodar Territory)
Finko, Olga Sergeevna (Candidate of Philology). Vocabulary of the wedding ceremony of the Kuban (on the material of the ritual practice of the village of Chernokerovskaya, Krasnodar Territory). Kursk, 2011.
- Volga Federal District
- Kirov Region
Marriage rites in the parish of the village of Talokokinsky, Nolinsky district
Manuscripts in the Vyatka province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Domrachev, Vasily.Marriage rites in the parish of the village of Talokokinsky, Nolinsky district. - Penza Region
Wedding rites and customs of peasants of the Gorodishchensky district recorded in the village
Russian Geographical Society.The manuscripts of the works of the Penza province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Nevelskaya, O. Swessis rites and the customs of peasants of the Gorodishchensky district, recorded in the village of Kryazm.Proverbs and wedding customs of the Penza province
Russian Geographical Society.The manuscripts of the works of the Penza province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Proverbs and wedding customs of the Penza province. - Perm Territory
Wedding ceremonies for obvinskih peasants
Nazukin, I. Svadebnye rituals at the obninsk peasants. [Perm: Type. Perm. lips. 1875].Materials on the study of the Perm region. Issue. 4. [Wedding customs and songs of peasants of Andreevsky volost, Okhansk district of Perm province
Perm Scientific and Industrial Museum. Materials on the study of the Perm region. Perm: ed. The Museum, 1904-1915.
Serebrennikov, V.N.Vyp. 4: [Wedding customs and songs of peasants of Andreevsky volost, Okhansk district of Perm province. 1911.Wedding customs and songs of the peasants of Andreyevskaya Volost, Okhansky Uezd, Perm Governorate: (Feat. introduction by A. D. Gorodtsov and 8 pages of sheet music). P. 1-68, 1-8 (scans 13-43)
- Republic of Bashkortostan
Wedding rite Tatars Bashkortostan
Kamaleev, Elvir Wienerovich (Candidate of Historical Sciences).Wedding rite Tatars Bashkortostan.St. Petersburg, 2013. - Republic of Mari El
Wedding rites of Russian peasants in Tsarevokokshaysky district
Manuscripts of works in the Kazan province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Zhavoronkov, village of Svadebery rites of Russian peasants in the Tsarevokokshay district. - Republic of Tatarstan
Wedding ceremonies of Kazan residents
Ovsyannikov Wedding ceremonies of residents of Kazan. The Kazan: type. Lips. 1885.
- Siberian Federal District
- Krasnoyarsk Territory
Wedding ceremonies of the Minusinsk peasants
Manuscripts of works on the Yenisei province (geography, ethnography, folklore). Film Kostrov, Nikolay Alekseevich (1823-1881). Wedding rites of the minusinsk peasants.Ethnographic information about the Novoselsk volost of the Minusinsk district of the Yenisei province
Manuscripts of works on the Yenisei province (geography, ethnography, folklore).
Ethnographic information about the Novoselsk volost of the Minusinsk district of the Yenisei province.About customs and rituals. Detailed information on wedding rituals is presented (scans 30-81)
- Far Eastern Federal District
- Trans-Baikal Territory
Marriage ceremonies and customs of Transbaikalian Buryats
Krol, Moses Aronovich (1862-). Marriage ceremonies and customs in Transbaikalian Buryats. Irkutsk: type. K.I. Witkowska, 1894.
- Funeral Rites
On the funeral customs of the pagan Slavs
Котляревский, Александр Александрович (1836-1881). О погребальных обычаях языческих славян. Москва : К. А. Попов, 1868.- Mordvins
The funeral customs of Mordovians
Russian Geographical Society.The manuscripts of the works of the Penza province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Sectors, Peter.The funeral customs of Mordovians. - Ossetians
Funeral ceremony of Ossetians as an ethnocultural phenomenon
Kokoeva, Aza Bagratovna. Funeral ceremony of Ossetians as an ethnocultural phenomenon. Vladikavkaz, 2015. - Russians
To the funeral rites.Songs, some features of the Azov dialect.City of Azov, Don region
Manuscripts in the Donetsk province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Brailovsky, S.K to funeral rites.Songs, some features of the Azov dialect.The city of Azov, Don region.The burial rite of the North-Eastern Russia region as a reflection of interreligious, interethnic and trade ties in the IX - in the first quarter of the 13th centuries.
Galkin, Timur Olegovich. Funeral rite of the North-Eastern Russia region as a reflection of interreligious, interethnic and trade ties in the IX - in the first quarter of the 13th centuries. Vladimir: [б. and.], 2012.
The rite of farewell to dolls. A girl’s entry into adulthood