Finko, Olga Sergeevna
(Candidate of Philology).
Vocabulary of the wedding rite of the Kuban (on the material of the ritual practice of the village of Chernoberovskaya of the Krasnodar Territory): the dissertation author's abstract on the competition of the scientific degree of Candidate of Philology: specialty 10.02.01 / Finko Olga Sergeevna; [Slavonic-on-Kuban State Pedagogical Institute]. - Kursk, 2011. - 18, [2] p. ; 21 cm. - Location of protection: Kursk State University. - Bibliography: page 17-18 (10 titles)
1. Russian language (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Territory (collection). 4. Russian language. 5. Russian language - Dialects - Krasnodar Territory - Abstracts of dissertations. 6. Wedding ceremonies - Krasnodar Territory - Abstracts of dissertations. |
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