Current state of the Russian language (from 90s of XX century to the present day)
Current state of the Russian language (from 90s of XX century to the present day)
Transformation processes of the polyethnic linguistic space of the Tyumen region: sociolinguistic analysis
Bauer, Marina Mikhailovna. Transformational processes of the polyethnic linguistic space of the Tyumen region: sociolinguistic analysis. Kemerovo, 2007.
Russian speech etiquette in the socio-political sphere of communication
Tian Yuan (Candidate of Philology). Russian speech etiquette in the socio-political sphere of communication. Moscow, 2007.
The structure of modern Russian newspaper texts
Wang Hao (Candidate of Philology). The structure of modern Russian newspaper texts. Moscow, 2008.
Anthroponimic space of the villages Abramovka Talovsky district and Krasnoye Novokhopersky district of the Voronezh region
The Verkhovs, Lyudmila Nikolaevna. Anthroponymic space of the villages Abramovka Talovskogo district and Krasnoe Novokhopersky district of the Voronezh region. Voronezh, 2008.
Foreign words in Russian speech of the late XX - early XXI century: problems of development and functioning
Marinova, Elena Vyacheslavovna (Doctor of Philology). Foreign words in Russian speech of the end of the XX - beginning of the XXI century: problems of development and functioning. Moscow, 2008.
New phenomena in Russian speech etiquette
Pakhomova, Inna Nikolaevna (candidate of philological sciences). New phenomena in Russian speech etiquette. Moscow, 2008.
Actual political vocabulary and phraseology of the Russian language of the newest period and its representation in the educational bilingual dictionary
Salman Ahmed Esmaeel. Actual political vocabulary and phraseology of the Russian language of the newest period and its representation in the educational bilingual dictionary. Voronezh, 2008.
ВГУ. Сайт
Speech means of creating the image of a rhetorician in political discourse: the dynamic aspect
Sharafutdinov, Olesya Ilyasovna. Speech means of creating the image of a rhetorician in a political discourse: a dynamic aspect. Chelyabinsk, 2008.
Lexico-semantic and stylistic features of modern official-business texts
Egorova, Natalia Valentinovna. Lexico-semantic and stylistic features of modern official business texts. Izhevsk, 2009.
Thematic group "Names of posts of public service and management system" in Russian
Kuznetsova, Julia Nikolaevna. Thematic group "Names of posts of public service and management system" in Russian. Voronezh, 2009.