A wedding, songs, games and dances in Zaonezhie, Olonets province

  Lysanov, Vasily Dmitrievich  (1857-1926).    
A wedding, songs, games and dances in the Zaonezhie of Olonets province / coll. and expounded. in the dramas. form by VD Lysanov. - Petrozavodsk: Northern Early Prints RG Katz, 1916. - 119, 24, IV p. with notes., [7] l. ill. ; 24. -
Ex. National Bank of the Republic of Resp. Karelia with autogr. Aut .: To Her Excellency Cleopatra Ivanovna Shidlovskaya from the author. Petrograd 8 / II 1917 .
1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Peoples of the North of the European part of Russia - Historical and ethnographic research. 4. Wedding ceremonies - Olonets province.
BBC 63.529 (235)
Source of electronic copy: NB Rep. Karelia
Location on the secret of the original: НБ Респ. Karelia
Publisher Северная скоропечатня Р. Г. Кац
Catalogue object