Legal Customs
Legal Customs
- General section
Collection of folk legal customs..... [
Collection of folk legal customs.St. Petersburg: Type.A.S.Suvorin, 1878-1900.[T.1. 1878.Collection of folk legal customs..... T. 2.
Collection of folk legal customs.St. Petersburg: Type.A.S.Suvorin, 1878-1900.T. 2. 1900.On the meaning and collection of ancient Russian legal symbols
Данилов, Иван Григорьевич. О значении и собирании древних русских юридических символов. Санкт-Петербург : типография В. Безобразова и К°, 1880.Proceedings of the ethnographic department.Izvestia of the Imperial Society of Fans of Natural Sciences, Anthropology and Ethnography.Prince.9, no.1. Collection of information for studying the life of the peasant population of Russia
Imperial society of lovers of natural science, anthropology and ethnography.Ethnographic department.(until 1917; Moscow).Proceedings of the ethnographic department.Moscow, 1868-1913.Prince.9, no.1: Collection of information for studying the life of the peasant population of Russia.Moscow: Printing house A. Levenson and Co., 1889.Law, custom and volost court
Paharnaev, Alexander Iosifovich Law, custom and volost court.
Perm: Typo-lit. Lips. 1894.The customs of Russian law
Lisitsyn, Nikolai Valerevich Customs of the Russian law. Moscow, 2010.Criminal legal regulation of the implementation of folk customs
Perezhogina, Galina Vladimirovna.Criminal legal regulation of the implementation of folk customs.Tyumen, 2018. - Legal customs in the regions
- Arkhangelsk Region
Collection of folk legal traditions of the Arkhangelsk province. Proceedings of the Arkhangelsk Provincial Statistical Committee for 1867 and 1868. Book. 1
Efimenko. Petr Savvich. 1835-1908. Collection of folk legal traditions of the Arkhangelsk province. Arkhangelsk: Lip. type., 1869.
Book. 1. 1869.People's legal traditions of Lapps, Karelians and Samoyeds of Arkhangelsk Province
Efimenko, Alexandra Yakovlevna (1848-1918). People's legal traditions of the Lapps, Karelians and Samoyeds of the Arkhangelsk Province. St. Petersburg: type. V. Kirschbaum, 1877. - Vladimir Region
Ives. Matv. Liadov. The folk customs of the peasants of the Shuya Uyezd in legal terms. A covering letter dated April 21, 1875.
Ives. Matv. Liadov. The folk customs of the peasants of the Shuya Uyezd in legal terms. A covering letter dated April 21, 1875.1875. - Vologda Region
Material information about the folk legal customs of the Gryazovets district, the Vologda province with the application of the accompanying letter of the author
Manuscripts in the Vologda province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Staroverov, S.F. Material information about the folk legal customs of the Gryazovets district, the Vologda province with the appliance of the author’s cover letter. - Kirov Region
Proceedings of the ethnographic department.Izvestia of the Imperial Society of Fans of Natural Sciences, Anthropology and Ethnography.Prince.9, no.1. Collection of information for studying the life of the peasant population of Russia
Imperial society of lovers of natural science, anthropology and ethnography.Ethnographic department.(until 1917; Moscow).Proceedings of the ethnographic department.Moscow, 1868-1913.Prince.9, no.1: Collection of information for studying the life of the peasant population of Russia.Moscow: Printing house A. Levenson and Co., 1889.Notes about the legal life of the peasants of Sarapulsky Uezd, Vyatsk Governorate / I. M. Bogayevsky - P. 1-13 (scans 17-29)
A collection of information for studying the everyday life of the peasant population of Russia. News of the Imperial Society of Lovers of Natural Science, Anthropology and Ethnography, consisting of the Imperial University of Moscow. Issue. 3. Materials for the study of customary law
A collection of information for studying the everyday life of the peasant population of Russia.
Tikhonov, VPVyp. 3: Materials for the study of customary law among the peasants of Sarapul Uyezd, Vyatka province. 1891. - Krasnoyarsk Territory
Information on ordinary civil law in the Kazachinsky Volost of the Yenisei Gubernia
Manuscripts of works on the Yenisei province (geography, ethnography, folklore).
Information on the ordinary civil law in the Kazachinsky volost of the Yenisei province. - Moscow Region
Proceedings of the ethnographic department.Izvestia of the Imperial Society of Fans of Natural Sciences, Anthropology and Ethnography.Prince.9, no.1. Collection of information for studying the life of the peasant population of Russia
Imperial society of lovers of natural science, anthropology and ethnography.Ethnographic department.(until 1917; Moscow).Proceedings of the ethnographic department.Moscow, 1868-1913.Prince.9, no.1: Collection of information for studying the life of the peasant population of Russia.Moscow: Printing house A. Levenson and Co., 1889.About punishments ruled by the volost courts of Moscow Governorate / V. Kandinsky - P. 13-19 (scans 29-35)
- Altai Republic
The usual law of the South Altai (late XIX - beginning of the XXI century)
Uchaykina, Ayar Mikhailovna.The usual right of the South Altai (late XIX - early XXI century).Gorno-Altaysk, 2016. - Republic of Bashkortostan
Proceedings of the Orenburg Scientific Archive Commission. Issue. 13. About the Bashkir Tams
The Orenburg Scientific Archive Commission. Proceedings of the Orenburg Scientific Archive Commission. Orenburg, 1889-1917.
Sokolov, Dmitry Nikolaevich (geologist, 1867-1919). Issue. 13: About the Bashkir tamgas. Orenburg: typography of PA Porkhunov, 1904. - Republic of Buryatia
The marriage law of the foreigners of the Selenga District
Krol, Moses Aronovich (1862-). The marriage law of the foreigners of the Selenga district.
Irkutsk: Tipo-lit. PI Makushina, 1895. - Republic of Tatarstan
Samades near the peasants of Chistopol district of the Kazan province
Manuscripts of works in the Kazan province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Soloviev.Samades at the peasants of the Chistopol district of the Kazan province. - Ryazan Region
Article of the member-employee E.T. Solovyov "Legal customs of Russian peasants in Ryazan province: Part 1: Civil law of peasants of Ryazan province"
Kalachev Nikolai Vasilyevich (1819-1885).
Article of an employee member E.T. Solovyov "Legal customs of Russian peasants in Ryazan province: Part 1: Civil law of peasants of Ryazan province".Essay member-employee E.T. Soloviev "The legal customs of the Russian peasants of Ryazan province - Part 2: The criminal law of the peasants of the Ryazan province"
Kalachev Nikolai Vasilyevich (1819-1885).
Essay of the member-employee E.T. Solovyov "Legal customs of Russian peasants in Ryazan province: Part 2: Criminal law of peasants of Ryazan province". - Tambov Region
On the issue of legal customs: the structure and state of volost justice in the Tambov province
Chepurny, Konstantin Fedorovich To the question of legal customs: the structure and state of volost justice in the Tambov province. Kiev: Univ. type., [1874].Proceedings of the ethnographic department.Izvestia of the Imperial Society of Fans of Natural Sciences, Anthropology and Ethnography.Prince.9, no.1. Collection of information for studying the life of the peasant population of Russia
Imperial society of lovers of natural science, anthropology and ethnography.Ethnographic department.(until 1917; Moscow).Proceedings of the ethnographic department.Moscow, 1868-1913.Prince.9, no.1: Collection of information for studying the life of the peasant population of Russia.Moscow: Printing house A. Levenson and Co., 1889.About the participation of supernatural power in the peasants’ court proceedings in Yelatomsky Uezd, Tambov Governorate / P. I. Astrov – P. 49-57 (scans 65-73)
- Tomsk Region
Legal customs of old peasants of Tomsk province
Kostrov, Nikolay Alekseevich (1823-1881). Legal customs of old peasants of Tomsk province. Tomsk: Tomsk. lips. type., 1876. - Chuvash Republic
The activities of the worldly Court Chuvash peasants during the second half of XIX-beginning of XX centuries
Egorov, Dmitry Vladimirovich. The activities of the worldly Court Chuvash peasants during the second half of XIX-beginning of XX centuries. Cheboksary, 2010. - Yaroslavl Region
Legal customs of the village of Nikola-Perevoz, Sulost volost, Rostov district
Titov, Andrei Alexandrovich (1844-1911). Legal customs of the village of Nikola-Perevoz, Sulost volost, Rostov district. Yaroslavl: type. Lips. earth. council, 1888. - North Caucasian Federal District
Law and custom in the Caucasus. T. 1
Kovalevsky. Maxim Maksimovich. 1851-1916. Law and custom in the Caucasus. M .: type. A.I. Mamontov and Co..
T. 1. 1890.Customary law of the Highlanders (the Ossetians, Dagestanis, Kabardians).
- Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
Transformation of the Kabardin composition system in the late 18th - early 19th century.
Abazov, Alexey Khasanovich Transformation of the system of compositions of the Kabardians in the late XVIII - first half of the XIX century .. Moscow, 2008. - Republic of North Ossetia–Alania
Modern custom and ancient law.T. 1.
Kovalevsky.Maxim Maksimovich.1851-1916.Modern custom and ancient law.Moscow: Type.V. Gatsuk, 1886.T. 1. 1886.Modern custom and ancient law.T. 2.
Modern custom and ancient law.T. 2. 1886.Adats of the Caucasian highlanders. Issue. 2. Adats of Ossetians, Chechens and Kumyks. Code of Adats of the Mountaineers of the North Caucasus
Leontovich, Fedor Ivanovich (1833-1911). Adats of the Caucasian highlanders. Odessa: Type. P. A. Zeleny, 1882-1883.
Вып. 2: Adats of Ossetians, Chechens and Kumyks; Code of Adats of Highlanders of the North Caucasus. 1883. - Republic of Dagestan
Law and custom in the Caucasus.T. 2
Kovalevsky.Maxim Maksimovich.1851-1916.Law and custom in the Caucasus.M.: Type.A.I.Mamontov and to °.T. 2. 1890.The Highlanders of Dagestan. P. 125-304 (scans 141-320)
- Programs for collecting folk legal customs
The program for collecting people's legal customs
The program for collecting people's legal customs.
[St. Petersburg: Type. B. Bezobrazova and Co., censorship. 1864].The case of sending out universities to professors of law faculties of a program for collecting folk legal customs
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education.The case of sending out universities to professors of law faculties of a program for collecting folk legal customs.The program for collecting people's legal customs. Civil law
Матвеев, Павел Александрович (писатель, правовед; 1844-?). Программа для собирания народных юридических обычаев. Гражданское право. [Санкт-Петербург] : тип. В. Киршбаума, [1877].The program for collecting people's legal customs
Foinitsky, Ivan Yakovlevich (1847-1913). The program for collecting people's legal customs.
St. Petersburg: Type. V. F. Kirschbaum, 1878.The program for collecting people's legal customs
The program for collecting people's legal customs. St. Petersburg: Izd. commis. gathering of people. customs, comp. at the Deposition of Ethnography. Rus. geogr. Islands, 1889.Program for collecting information on legal practices
Kharuzin, Mikhail Nikolayevich (1860-1888). The program for collecting information about legal practices. Moscow: Type. E.G. Potapova, 1889.Answers to the program of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society for the collection of folk legal customs
Zagoskin, Mikhail Vasilyevich (1830-1904). Responses to the program of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society for the collection of folk legal practices. Irkutsk: Izd. Committee, 1891.
About the evidence at the volost court / A. Panne - P. 19-24 (scans 35-40)