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Efimenko, Peter Savvich (1835-1908).
Collection of folk legal traditions of the Arkhangelsk province / Comp. d. Archang. lips. stat. com. and member-comp. Imp. Rus. geogr. PS-PS. Efimenko. Book. 1-. - Arkhangelsk: Lip. type., 1869. - 20. - (Proceedings of the Arkhangelsk Provincial Statistical Committee for 1867 and 1868)
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I. Russian Geographical Island (St. Petersburg). Arkhangelsk branch. |
Source of the electronic copy: PB |
Book. 1. - 1869. - [5], V, [2], 336 s .. - (Proceedings of the Arkhangelsk Provincial Statistical Committee for 1867 and 1868, issue 3)
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Source of the electronic copy: PB |