Inventory No. 1.

Identifier 1ad45bc4-c305-4a1e-a4f9-e0213db6ead5
Title Inventory No. 1.
Dates 1863
Text language Русский
Level Lists
Call number РГИА. 426 / 1
Cataloguing source РГИА
Extent 1364 единицы хранения
Fonds Department of Land Improvements Ministry of Agriculture
Contents В описи представлены дела: 1 Делопроизводство - об орошении и обводнении земель, осушении болот, торфодобыче; о гидротехнических и гидрогеологических изысканиях, укреплении берегов, рек и оврагов, о гидротехнических сооружениях, водоснабжении населенных пунктов. Материалы Лесного департамента и Департамента земледелия и сельской промышленности по аналогичным вопросам
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1101. Information on the progress of hydraulic work in the Baravinsky steppe of the Tomsk province in 1913 and estimated assumptions for 1914
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1102. The assumption of hydraulic operations in the Far East in 1912 and a copy of correspondence with the Amur Governor-General of the creation of an organization for heading by hydraulic engineering in the Amur Territory
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1103. A detailed description of the irrigation systems of the Zeravshan River with the presentation of the history of some of them
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1104. Report of the senior engineer of the Vazheevsky hydraulic engineer on a business trip to the Astrakhan, Samara and Saratov provinces to inspect public work for 1911-1912
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1105. Vedomosti of excavation work on the deepening and straightening of the Bird River from the estate of the Krynka of the Bobruisk district to the village of Gorelets of the Igumen district of the Minsk province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1106. Correspondence with the Vladimir-Ryazan Department of Agriculture and State Property [on expenses for] hydraulic work in 1914
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1107. Correspondence with the Vyatka Department of Agriculture and State Property [on expenses for] hydraulic work in 1914 at land management
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1108. Information and correspondence [on expenses on] hydraulic work in European Russia in 1914 on land management
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1109. Correspondence with the Baltic Department of Agriculture and State Property on Hydrotechnical Work and Consumptions in 1914, [with the application of the draft drainage work in the Livonia province]
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1110. Correspondence with the Tula-Kaluga Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work on Stock Lands
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1111. The petition at the request of the STATLAMister of the Imperial Court A.V.Tatarinova and correspondence with the head of the development of official peat bogs on the study of peat deposits in the Tver province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1112. Correspondence with the Vladimir-Ryazan Department of Agriculture and State Property [on expenses on] Hydrotechnical work in 1914 on land management, [with the application of the work plan for 1914]
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1113. Correspondence with the Arkhangelsk Department of Agriculture and State Property and the Department of Trade Ports [on expenses on] Hydrotechnical work in 1914 on stock lands
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1114. Correspondence with the Vilno-Kovensk Department of Agriculture and State Property [On Consumptions on] Hydrotechnical Work in 1914 on stock lands
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1115. Correspondence with the Kiev-Podolsky Department of Agriculture and State Property [on expenses for] hydraulic work in 1914
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1116. Correspondence with the Kostroma-Yaroslavl Administration of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work in 1914
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1117. Correspondence with the Kursko-Orovsky Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1118. Correspondence with the Minsk Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1119. Correspondence with the Mogilev-Chernigov Administration of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1120. 32 l.
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1121. Correspondence with the Nizhny Novgorod Department of Agriculture and State Property on Hydrotechnical Work Consumptions
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1122. Correspondence with the Novgorod Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1123. Correspondence with the Olonets Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1124. Correspondence with the St. Petersburg-Pskov Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work, with the application of peasants on the production of hydraulic work at the expense of the treasury
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1125. Correspondence with the Smolensk-Vitebsky Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1126. Correspondence with the Kholm-Volyn Directorate of Agriculture and State Property on Consumptions on Hydrotechnical Work, with the application of the survey of the peasants of the village of Volyn province on land drainage
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1127. Correspondence with the Black Sea Office of Agriculture and State Property on Work and Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1128. Correspondence with the Arkhangelsk Department of Agriculture and State Property on Land Management Expenses
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1129. Correspondence with the Vologda Office of Agriculture and State Property on Land Management Expenses
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1130. Correspondence with the Kostroma-Yaroslavl Administration of Agriculture and State Property on Land Management Expenses
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1131. Correspondence with the Kursk-Orovsky Department of Agriculture and State Property on Land Management, with the application of a plan for land management work in the Kursk province for 1914 and hydrogeological and hydro-technological descriptions of the Oryol province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1132. Correspondence with the Minsk Department of Agriculture and State Property on Land Management Expenses, with the application of a plan for hydraulic surveys and work for 1914
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1133. Correspondence with the Mogilev-Chernigov Department of Agriculture and State Property on Land Management Expenses, with the application of a hydraulic plan for 1914
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1134. Correspondence with the Moscow-Fire Department of Agriculture and State Property on Land Management Expenses
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1135. Correspondence with the Nizhny Novgorod Department of Agriculture and State Property on Land Management Expenses
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1136. Correspondence with the Novgorod Department of Agriculture and State Property on Land Management Expenses
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1137. Correspondence with the St. Petersburg-Pskov Administration of Agriculture and State Property on Land Management Expenses
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1138. Correspondence with the Tula-Kaluga department of agriculture and state property on land management expenses
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1139. Correspondence with the Vyatka Department of Agriculture and State Property on Hydrotechnical Work in 1914 on the stock lands, [with the application of plans for the survey of flour mills and others]
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1140. RGIA
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1141. Correspondence with the Kholm-Volyn Office of Agriculture and State Property on Land Management Expenses
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1142. 1874
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1143. Correspondence with the head of the development of official peat bogs on the study of peat deposits in the treasury of the "Chadle Topuchea Swamp" of the Yegoryevsky district of the Ryazan province, due to its exchange for "Prudkovskaya grove" of the Partnerships of the Papersiopolorian Factory
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1144. Service at the request of the landowner A.I.Polyakova on the study of peat deposits along the Tsgara river under the village of Novoselitsa-Western Litinsky district of the Podolsk province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1145. Estimated assumptions of local agricultural departments and state property on hydraulic operations for 1915
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1146. Estimated assumptions of local agricultural departments and state property on hydraulic operations for 1915
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1147. Estimated assumptions of local agricultural departments and state property on hydraulic operations for 1915
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1148. [Correspondence with the Kiev-Podolsky Department of Agriculture and State Property and an extract from the Journal of a meeting of the Technical Committee] for the consideration of the draft hydraulic work on water supply, sewage, wastewater purification, irrigation of the fruit garden
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1149. Inquiries on the transfer of cases of the 1st office work to the mechanical bureau of the land improvement department
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1150. Correspondence with the Vilno-Kovensk Department of Agriculture and State Property on the alleged drainage works on the estate E.L.Gudima Klein-AUC of the Shavelysky district of the Coven province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1151. Correspondence with the head of the development of official peat bogs to consider a note on the use of peat according to the method of F. Frank.[With the application of information on its processing]
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1152. Correspondence with the Savalko-Lengory Department of Agriculture and State Property and the petition of the peasants about the commanding of hydraulic engineering for drainage work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1153. Correspondence with the head of the development of official peat bogs about the work of the peatmaster and on peat production, with the application of the estimate for 1915
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1154. Correspondence at the request of the Mogilev Provincial Zemstvo on the issuance of a subsidy for hydraulic work, in connection with the establishment of a cultural and hydraulic engineering bureau under it
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1155. Correspondence at the request of the Board of the Society of the Moscow-Kazan Railway on the study and lease of peat deposits near the Station "Cherasti" Vladimir province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1156. Correspondence at the request of the Vendaau agricultural society of the Livonia province on the vacation of benefits for the purchase of a car for cutting peat
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1157. Reports, certificates and correspondence on the education, activities and works of the Verkhne-Volga Exchanging party, with the application of the estimates for 1915
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1158. Correspondence at the request of the Nezhinsky mayor of the Chernihiv province about the purification of the Ostra River, which is a source of contagious diseases
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1159. Correspondence with the Kursk-Orovsky Department of Agriculture and State Property on the study of the swampy section of the Oryol School of Horticulture
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1160. [Correspondence with the head of the development of state -owned peat bogs and with the Novgorod Department of Agriculture and State Property] on the formation of a peat of the exponential article in quarters 200, 206 and 213 of the desert of the Demyansky forestry of the Novgorod province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1161. Correspondence at the request of the merchant M.I.Panfilova about the return to him for rent a peat bog in the Tassinsky dacha of the Sudogodsky district of the Vladimir province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1162. Correspondence with the St. Petersburg-Pskov Administration of Agriculture and State Property on the systematic production of drainage work in the St. Petersburg province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1163. Correspondence at the request of the Tver Provincial Zemstvo Council for the command of the peat chief and on the allowance for demonstrative development of peat
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1164. Correspondence of the opening of the peat farm station [in the swamp "Galitsky moss"], near the Redkino station of the Nikolaev railway
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1165. Correspondence at the request of the landowner of the Vitebsk province H.I.Sandrygaylo about the message about the information about the Trelabenberg car for processing peat in his estate of the Kasplyany Vitebsk province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1166. Reports, reports and correspondence on the work of the Polesie Exchanning Party in 1914
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1167. Reports, instructions and correspondence on the work of the Polesie Exchanning Party in 1913
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1168. Correspondence at the request of the Kiev provincial zemstvo council on the vacation of a manual of 5,700 rubles for the construction of fencing dams, [to prevent the waters of the Dnipro of the Dnieper of the Peasants] Chigirinsky district [and on the study of feed area in the province]
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1169. Reports, reports and correspondence on the work of the Polesie Exchanning Party in 1915
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1170. Correspondence at the request of Senator A.A.Rimsky-Korsakov about the command of the peatster in his estate "Old Dvor" of the Vitebsk province, [with the application of plans of peat bogs, descriptions and results of their study]
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1171. Estimated assumptions about hydraulic operations in land management in agricultural and state property for 1915
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1172. Reports, estimated assumptions and correspondence on expenses for the peatmaster part and peat production
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1173. RGIA
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1174. Correspondence at the petition of the landlord of the Yaroslavl province A.A.Prorvich about draining her estate Lavrovo in Rybinsk district
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1175. Correspondence at the request of the peasants of the village of Ostrovka of the Spassky district of the Ryazan province about the allowance for demonstrative development of peat on their swamps
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1176. Correspondence at the request of the Novorzhevsk district zemstvo council on the company’s business trip for assistance to the development of peat
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1177. Correspondence at the request of the landowner of the Vilnius province of Prince I. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about the assignment of a part of expenses on the treasury on the drainage work in his estate Stone Pol of the Vilnius province, adjacent to the state-owned Pereborodsky dacha
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1178. Correspondence at the request of Senator A.A.Ofrosimov about the commanding of the hydraulic engineering in his estate under the village of Bolshaya Krichino and the village of Voronino Dmitrovsky district of the Oryol province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1179. Correspondence at the request of the landowner N.N.Jewinov on the drainage of lands in the pools of the lakes of the Vitebsk province of Vitebsk
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1180. The case at the proposal of peat presses of the Lyudansky system of the attorney of the partnership "A.P. Bolsintsev and Co. °" S.F.Lelovsky
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1181. Correspondence on holding the treasury of peat bogs when expanding lands in farm plots and on studying swamps in the Bryansk, Pyshach and other dachas of the Minsk province for this purpose
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1182. Correspondence at the request of the Starooskolsky district zemstvo of the Kursk province on the participation of the treasury in expenses for drainage work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1183. Correspondence at the request of Count E.F.Berg on the permission of his production of reconnaissance surveys on the rivers of Kema, Segezh, Zage and on the lakes in the pools of these rivers
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1184. The petition of Princess M.A.Vadbolskaya about the commanding of the equipment to the estate of Darino Luzhsky district of the St. Petersburg province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1185. Correspondence (copies) at the request of the Warsaw Museum of Industry and Agriculture on the allowance for a hydrological examination
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1186. Correspondence (copies) at the request for the vacation of the manual of the Riga and Estland Central Agricultural Societies for Experience for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1187. [Correspondence with the Minsk Department of Agriculture and State Property on the attracting of private landowners to participate in the costs of draining the tasting of the state-owned extension article by Vulka-Oobrovskaya Pinsk Forestry]
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1188. Correspondence [at the request of the Grodno Office of Agriculture and State Property] on increasing the rates of excavation work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1189. Correspondence at the request of the college secretary V.A.Bulychev about the command of Torfmaster to his estate under the village of Gorinsky Bui district of the Kostroma province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1190. Correspondence at the request of the Spasskaya district district council on the provision of assistance to drain the Meshchersky lowland in the Ryazan province and on the project of drainage of the village of Vozelkova Shuisky district of the Vladimir province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1191. Correspondence at the request of the Radomysl district zemstvo council of the Kyiv province on the release of a loan for research in the Valley of the Veresny River
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1192. [Correspondence with the Commissioner of the General Management of Land Management and Agriculture in the Caucasus and with the Black Sea-Kuban Directorate of Agriculture and State Property] on the establishment of a special hydraulic party in the Black Sea province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1193. A report note by the landowner A.I.Polyakova and the petition of the chief manager and agriculture to assist in obtaining a loan from a noble bank to continue large reclamation work in his estate Novoselitsa-Lucian Lithuania
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1194. The petition of Countess E.I.Krasitskaya and correspondence on the preparation of estimates for the drainage device in her estate "Big-Ponemun" Novoaleksandrovsky district of the Koven province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1195. Correspondence at the request of private individuals for renting peat bogs
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1196. Correspondence at the request of the Perm provincial zemstvo on the vacation of benefits for the construction of reservoirs in villages.Inquiries, reports and a report on the activities of the hydraulic department of the Perm Zemstvo
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1197. Correspondence at the request of the Poltava provincial zemstvo on the issuance of a manual for the study of peat bogs, [with the application of information on the costs of improving agriculture in the province]
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1198. Correspondence at the request of Count S. Sheremetev for the commanding of the equipment to his estate Mikhailovskoye Utolsky district of the Moscow province for research and study of energy resources in order to build a dam on the Pakhra River
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1199. Service at the petition of the landowner N.N.Arnoldi and correspondence on the consideration of the draft drainage of swamps in the estate under the village of Zakharkovo Lgovsky district of the Kursk province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1200. A petition at the request of the candidate of natural sciences, state adviser A.P.Molchanova and correspondence of permission to make the experience of destroying the fire of forests and peat bogs chemically
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1201. Correspondence with the Nizhny Novgorod Office of Agriculture and State Property and the Novazzi mining engineer on the study of the causes of landslides along the banks of the Volga in the city of Vasilsursk
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1202. Correspondence at the request of the Opochetsk City Council of the Pskov province on the company's business trip for the study of peat deposits
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1203. Correspondence at the proposal of the landowner Goritsky on the sifting of the canal on the border of the Yaroslavl and Kostroma provinces for the alloy of forest
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1204. Correspondence at the request of contractors for the production of final calculation for their hydraulic engineering work or to increase the prices of these works, and on the termination of work, in connection with the circumstances of the wartime
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1205. Correspondence at the request of the Zlatoust district zemstvo council of the Ufa province on the release of benefits for the study of peat bogs and the production of peat for fuel
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1206. Message at the request of Countess Tolstoy and peasant Kirin on the study of the peat swamp in the Dobrinsk-Voznesensky cottage of the Lebedyansky district of the Tambov province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1207. Correspondence at the request of the "Electric Lighting Society of 1886" on permission to acquire ownership in the Tver province and the county of peat bogs
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1208. The case of the petitions (petition) of the hereditary honorary citizen I.A.Stroganova and candidate of mathematical sciences I.N.Lviv about the return to them for rent of official peat bogs in the "Savvyvskaya" cottage of the Tver province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1209. Report and correspondence with the head of the development of official peat bogs with hospitals on the use of peat moss as dressing material
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1210. Correspondence at the request of the joint -stock company of the Siversal Metal Processing Plants on the permission of the acquisition in the Tsarskoye Selo district of the Petrograd province under the village of Daimishchi peat swamp
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1211. The journal of the meeting in the department of land improvements about culture work on drained swamps and correspondence about its submission to the Department of Agriculture
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1212. Correspondence on the memorandum of N. Verderevsky on the replacement of wood heating with peat and on the use of prisoners on peat labor work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1213. Correspondence at the petition of landowners about the irrigation of the cultural sections of the Vullefertovo tract of the Tuapse forestry of the Black Sea province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1214. The petition of the peasants of the village of Verbalyupa of the Krasnoselskaya volost of the Kovensky district and the province addressed to the chairman of the Council of Ministers on strengthening the coast of the Naman River from the spills, with the application of the journal of the Kovensky provincial administrative committee of January 20
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1215. Decisions of the meeting at the Tula Provincial Zemstvo Administration, program, statements and other materials on hydrological research and public work in the Tula province, with the application of cards and descriptions of counties
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1216. Correspondence with the Savalko-Lengory Department of Agriculture and State Property on Hydrotechnical Work, with the application of sentences of peasants of the Lomzhin province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1217. Correspondence on the application of the contractor of engineer Gozadinov on the payment of work on the sequence of the trunk channel in the Valley of the River Tsapenki Opochetsky district of the Pskov province under the agreement on October 10, 1911
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1218. The case of hydraulic work in European Russia in 1915 on stock lands.[Correspondence with the Office of Agriculture and State Property and with the Head of the Development of Kazakhnaya Peat Bollets on Hydrotechnical Work Expenses]
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1219. Correspondence with the Office of Agriculture and State Property of the Vladimir and Ryazan province and extracts from the journals of meetings of the Technical Committee on Projects of Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1220. Estimated assumptions for hydraulic systems for land management for 1916
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1221. [The ratio of the hydraulic department of the Kostroma-Yaroslavl Administration of Agriculture and State Property] on the joint activities of the hydraulic authorities of the Government and Zemstvo
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1222. Correspondence with the Vilno-Kovensky Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1223. Correspondence with the Office of Agriculture and State Property of the Vladimir and Ryazan provinces on expenses for hydraulic engineering on stock lands, with the application of a plan for land management work for 1915
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1224. Correspondence with the Vologda Office of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work on Stock Lands
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1225. Correspondence with the Kiev-Podolsky Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work on Stock Lands
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1226. Correspondence with the Kursk-Orovsky Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work on Stock Lands
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1227. Correspondence with the Minsk Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work on Stock Lands
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1228. 1915
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1229. A note by the Olonets vice-governor of Shidlovsky "On the paths in the north to the open sea" and the considerations of the head of the agricultural department and state property of the Olonets province, with the application of the certificate regarding its
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1230. Circulars, orders on the department of land improvements, instructions, lists of magazines of meetings of the Technical Committee for 1914-1915 for 1 office work and different correspondence with other office workings
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1231. RGIA
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1232. Correspondence with the Kholm-Volyn Office of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work on Stock Lands
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1233. Correspondence with the Vilno-Kovensky Department of Agriculture and State Property on Land Management Expenses
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1234. Correspondence with the Vladimir-Ryazan Department of Agriculture and State Property on Land Management Expenses
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1235. Correspondence with the Kursk-Orovsky Department of Agriculture and State Property on Land Management Expenses
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1236. Correspondence with the Minsk Department of Agriculture and State Property on Land Management costs, with the application of the work plan for 1915
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1237. The plan of hydraulic work for land management in the Mogilev province for 1915 and copies of documents on complaints of peasants about the owners of the Mill Slavinsky and Zelkovich
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1238. Correspondence with the Nizhny Novgorod Department of Agriculture and State Property on Land Management Expenses
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1239. Correspondence with the Petrograd-Pskov Department of Agriculture and State Property on Land Management Expenses
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1240. Correspondence with the Volyn governor and copies of documents at the petitions of the peasants to provide assistance in land management
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1241. Correspondence with the Tula-Kaluga department of agriculture and state property on land management expenses
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1242. Correspondence with the Baltic Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1243. Correspondence with the Arkhangelsk Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work on Stock Lands
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1244. Correspondence at the request of the Society of the Moscow-Vindavo-Rybinsky Railway for renting peat bogs in the Kotovitsky-Pide, the Novgorod province, [with the application of the results of the study of swamps]
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1245. Estimated assumptions of local agricultural departments and state property on hydraulic operations for 1916
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1246. Estimated assumptions of local agricultural departments and state property on hydraulic operations for 1916
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1247. 1247
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1248. Correspondence with the Moscow-Fire Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work on Stock Lands
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1249. Correspondence with the Nizhny Novgorod Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work on Stock Lands
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1250. 1915
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1251. An extract from the magazine of a meeting of the Technical Committee for the consideration of the project to drain the swamps of the peasants of the village of Khozelsky district of the Kaluga province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1252. Correspondence with the Arkhangelsk Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work during Land Management, with the application of the plan of land management for 1915
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1253. Magazines of land management meetings at the Vyatka provincial land management commission for drawing up a plan for hydraulic surveys and work for 1915
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1254. [Correspondence with the Petrograd-Pskov Administration of Agriculture and State Property and with the Department of Division] on the inspection of the drill wells of the hospital for the mentally ill named after Alexander III at the Vodny station
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1255. Correspondence with the head of the development of state -owned peat bogs and with local agricultural departments and state property on the costs of peat production and use of the labor of prisoners of war
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1256. Correspondence at the request of the Northern White Coal Joint -Stock Company on the study of the Vyga, Suna and Kemi River and Lake Vyazhozero, Epuzero, Ondozero, Kunto and others, for the installation of hydraulic stations and chemical plants for the extraction of acid and nitrate
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1257. Correspondence at the request of the abbess of the Voskresensko-Pokrovsky monastery of the Petrograd diocese on the device of water supply
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1258. A report note by the authorized Pskov City Council, with the application of the petition of the mayor, on the allocation of the city of Pskov a manual to improve city water supply
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1259. RGIA
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1260. The case of Princess M.K.Tenisheva and correspondence on the commanding of a peat chief for examining the peat swamp in her estate of the Talashkin Smolensk province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1261. Correspondence with the Mogilev-Chernigov Department of Agriculture and State Property and the Department of Agriculture on the works and expenses to drain the swampy plot of the Pavlovsk Agricultural School of the Mglinsky district zemstvo of the Chernihiv province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1262. Correspondence at the request of the Cheboksary district council of the Kazan province on the issuance of a loan and to assist in organizing the development of peat
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1263. Correspondence at the request of the Board of the Partnership of the Voznesensky Manufactory of S. Lepeshkin about the lease of the state-owned peat bog in the Delikhovo-Dushenovsky dacha of the Bogorodsky forestry of the Moscow province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1264. Correspondence at the request of Princess M.V.Vyazemskaya on the command of the Aspen Grove of the Petrograd province on the estate, for the preparation of the dam, with the aim of arranging a labor fish farm
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1265. Correspondence at the request of engineer V. Person on resolution on the Sun River for the installation of hydroelectric installations and correspondence on the construction of a state of Sunsky nitric acid for the needs of wartime
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1266. The case of a commission on peat case under the Council of Reclamation Congresses.[The draft program of the work of the commission under the Council of Reclamation Congresses on the use of peat wealth and the application of the commission to mobilize peat fuels]
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1267. [Correspondence with the head of the development of official peat bogs] on the development of normal conditions for renting state -owned peat overwhelming articles
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1268. 1915
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1269. [Correspondence with the head of the development of official peat bogs and with joint -stock companies and partnerships] on the acquisition of peat cars with a peat part of the land improvement department
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1270. Correspondence with the Moscow-Fire Department of Agriculture and State Property on the memorandum of the head of the Office on the development of the state-owned peat of the Orshinsky moss of the Tver district and the province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1271. Correspondence at the request of the board of the Russian artel of construction workers on the rental conditions for renting peat bogs
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1272. Report and correspondence for the "all -depth" petition of the landowner of the Pskov province N.A.Yakhontov on the issuance of a manual for the resumption of a burnt peat factory
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1273. The case of petitions of different persons to issue a cash benefit for the development of peat.[Correspondence at the petitions of the landowners of Bigge and Komarov on the issuance of benefits for the development of peat] in the Vitebsk and Novgorod provinces
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1274. A petition at the request of the landowner of the Mozyr district of the Minsk province A.A.Matveeva about the commanding of his estate Technique for the study of the peat deposits
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1275. Correspondence at the request of the personal honorary citizen A. Agafelov on leasing to him in Kemsky district of the Arkhangelsk province of thresholds "Matkazhny" and "Smas" for hydroelectric stations for extracting nitrogen from the air
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1276. [The attitude of the head of the development of state -owned peat bogs] at the request of the Tambov City Council to assist in the development of peat bogs
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1277. Correspondence at the request of the Letichevsky district zemstvo council of the Podolsk province on the study of peat deposits in swamps along the rivers wolf, wolf and moat and on the issuance of benefits
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1278. Correspondence at the request of the ensign A.A.Malinsky on the instructions of the organization of the extraction of peat with advanced machines
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1279. Correspondence at the request of the merchant Zybin to sell the treasury of the forest and peat dacha belonging to him near the city of Vyshny Volochka
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1280. Correspondence at the request of the doctorsky chemical plant for the rental of land for the land of the Nikolsk-Averkiyevskaya treasury forest cottage and the Biserovo swamp at the Moscow-Tirm Administration of Agriculture and State Property for the access of the access roads
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1281. Correspondence with the Kholm-Volyn Office of Agriculture and state property about estimated assumptions to correct the hydraulic structures of the Volyn Polesie
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1282. Correspondence at the request of the Perm Governor for the allocation of funds for the repair of a tubular well on Strigigan farms of the Irbit district of the Perm province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1283. Correspondence with the Arkhangelsk Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work, with the application of information on the activities of the hydraulic engineering part of the management, from the moment of its opening
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1284. Police Department of the Executive Ministry.The case in relation to the Ministry of Finance on the imposition of penalties on the persons guilty of violations of Article 73 of the Charter of the Harbow Collection.
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1285. Correspondence with the Vladimir-Ryazan Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1286. Correspondence with the Vologda Office of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work, with the Application of the estimates and plan
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1287. Correspondence with the Vyatka Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work, with the application of the plan of land management for 1916
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1288. Correspondence with the Kiev-Podolsky Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1289. Correspondence with the Kostroma-Yaroslavl Administration of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1290. Correspondence with the Kursko-Orovsky Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1291. Correspondence with the Minsk Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1292. Correspondence with the Mogilev-Chernigov Department of Agriculture and State Property on Consumptions for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1293. Correspondence with the Moscow-Fire Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1294. Correspondence with the Nizhny Novgorod Administration of Agriculture and State Property on Hydrotechnical Work Expenses
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1295. RGIA
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1296. Correspondence with the Olonets Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work, with the application of the plan of land management for 1916
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1297. Correspondence with the Perm Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work, with the Appendix of the Report of the Perm provincial Zemstvo Division for the Hydrotechnical Department
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1298. Correspondence with the Petrograd-Pskov Department of Agriculture and State Property on Hydrotechnical Work and Expenses
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1299. Correspondence with the Smolensk-Vitebsky Department of Agriculture and State Property on Consumptions on Hydrotechnical Work, with the application of the plan of land management and hydraulic work on the Vitebsk province for 1916
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1300. Correspondence with the Tula-Kaluga department of agriculture and state property on expenses for hydraulic work, with the application of land management meetings at the Tula provincial land management commission and statements of reference prices
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1301. Correspondence with the Black Sea-Kuban Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1302. Correspondence with the Kholm-Volyn Office of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1303. Correspondence at the request of the Demyansk district zemstvo council of the Novgorod province on draining at the expense of the treasury of peasant lands
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1304. Regulations on the Torfyan Committee, the program of its activities and the list of members
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1305. Circulars, instructions, rules, journals of meetings of the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property and the Department of Land Improvements on Peat Management, Waters, Hydrotechnical Work and Other issues
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1306. RGIA
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1307. Circulars and orders of the Ministry of Agriculture and Department of Land Improvements
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1308. Circulars, orders, instructions of the Ministry of Agriculture and Department of Land Improvements
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1309. Correspondence at the request of the Ust-Sysolsky City Duma of the Vologda province on strengthening the banks of the Sysoly River
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1310. Estimated assumptions of local agricultural departments and state property on hydraulic operations for 1917
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1311. The case of the financial estimate, the estimated assumptions of local agricultural departments and state property on hydraulic operations for 1917
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1312. Correspondence at the request of the Petrograd Society "Children's Help" about the installation of a well at the station of the Udelnaya
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1313. Plans of hydraulic surveys on state -owned exponent articles for 1916 in the Vologda, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod, Olonets, Oryol, Perm and Yaroslavl provinces
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1314. Estimated assumptions of local agricultural departments and state property on hydraulic operations for 1917
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1315. Correspondence at the petitions of contractors for termination of contracts for hydraulic work and on increasing the rates of work, due to wartime circumstances
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1316. RGIA
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1317. Correspondence at the request of the Moscow Society for the Study and Use of the Swamps about the construction of the Water Route Moscow - Verkhnyaya Volga along the rivers Zizu, Sister and Super for supplying peat fuels of the Moscow Industrial District
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1318. Correspondence with local agricultural and state property departments about calculations with contractors for excavation work that have not fulfilled their obligations
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1319. Correspondence at the request of the Peterhof Society for the poor to drain the plot of land occupied by a shelter in the city of New Petershof
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1320. Correspondence with local agriculture and state property on hydraulic work in European Russia
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1321. Explanatory notes, plans and other applications to projects of drainage of state -owned quitting articles in the Tver province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1322. Report and certificates on the organization of peat paperwork
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1323. Correspondence with the British Engineering Joint -Stock Company of Siberia and with other societies and partnerships on the acquisition of peat vehicles and equipment of peat part
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1324. 801 l.
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1325. Correspondence with the head of the development of state -owned peat bogs and with local agricultural and state property departments about peat production in the Mogilev, Minsk and Chernihiv provinces
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1326. [Correspondence] at the request of the landowner John Yakovlev Kaugar to rent swamps in the Mitavsky cottage of the Courland province for the development of peat
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1327. [Correspondence with the head of the development of official peat bogs] on the prohibition of gun hunting for rented peat swamps
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1328. [Correspondence] at the request of engineer V.R.von Rukteshel on the provision of monetary assistance (issuing a loan) for the manufacture of peat briquettes
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1329. RGIA
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1330. Correspondence at the request of the zemstvos and the chemical section of the Kyiv Regional Military-Industrial Committee on the issuance of benefits for their peat developments, for peat production and production of dry distillation of peat in 1916
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1331. [Reports and correspondence with the head of the development of state -owned peat bogs] on the publication of the magazine "Bulletin of the Peat Business"
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1332. Correspondence at the request of the Society of Proksunsky Mountain Plants for Rent for Torphenian deposits in the Nizhny Novgorod province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1333. Report on the work of the peat part for 1915 with information about its previous activity and with the application of a historical certificate on the development of peat in Russia
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1334. The case of the study of peat coke according to the method of S.P.Repyeva, [correspondence according to reporting notes S.P.Repyeva about the organization of extracting and processing peat]
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1335. The case of raising the rates.[Tables of average land prices for the installation of drainage ditches in the Minsk province]
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1336. [Correspondence with the head of the development of state-owned peat bogs and the forest department] on the assessment of the peat section offered by A.I. Burnaev-Kurochkin with S-Mi in Kineshm [to exchange for state land]
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1337. Application of a hereditary honorary citizen Alexandrov on the study of a peat bog in the Sestroretskaya dacha of the Petrograd province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1338. [Correspondence] at the request of the landwriter of the Kovensky province and county V.V.Verevkina on the commanding of the Oppara (Kovenskaya province) of a specialist in peat mining into her estate
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1339. Petitions for admission to service and correspondence on the personnel of the peat part
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1340. Correspondence with the head of the development of official peat bogs about the organization, the formation of a peat committee, on the procedure for the operation of peat fabric articles in the Nizhny Novgorod province and a business trip for the study of swamps, on renting peat about
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1341. [Correspondence] at the petitions of various societies, partnerships and individuals on the vacation of peat cars in 1916
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1342. [Correspondence with the head of the development of official peat bogs] on the production of experiments with peat fertilizer and peat litter
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1343. The case of peat production in the Moscow region.Correspondence at the petition of the landowner Baydin on the study of peat bogs in the wasteland of the Mikhailovskaya Korchevsky district of the Tver province and for leasing peat bogs for the Moscow-Tire Administration
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1344. The case of peat production in the Vologda province.Correspondence at the request of the Department of Agriculture on the study of peat bogs in the Vologda province to clarify the possibility of providing fuel with a dairy and economic institution
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1345. 1916
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1346. [Correspondence] on the establishment of remuneration to persons called to extinguish fires on state peat bogs
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1347. Regulation on the congresses of representatives of the peat industry and trade, and the draft charter of the Moscow Union of Peat Proceedings
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1348. Journals of meetings of the Torfyann Committee in the Department of Land Improvements for December 1915 - September 1916
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1349. [Correspondence at the petitions of educational institutions, shelters, agricultural societies and different persons] on the vacation of peat litter
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1350. Circulars, orders and orders of the Ministry of Agriculture and Department of Land Improvements
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1351. Correspondence at the request of the Zemstvo Administrations, partnerships and various persons on the distribution and vacation of peat cars to various institutions and private individuals, with the application of the report of the Sevensky district district council of the Mogilev province on the development of peat for fuel
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1352. Different correspondence (at the petitions of different persons for renting peat firing articles, on issuing loans for peat deeds and acquisition of cars and about another)
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1353. Correspondence with the head of the development of state -owned peat bogs and with local agricultural departments and state property about the work and costs of peat production in 1917.Swamp in the Romanovsky cottage of the Lipetsk district of the Tambov province
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1354. Estimated assumptions about peat production for 1918
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1355. 1917
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1356. Different correspondence about peat production courses.[Regulations, program and correspondence on the organization of educational institutions and courses in the peat case]
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1357. Correspondence and petitions at the petitions of joint -stock companies, partnerships and zemstvo administrations on vacation and sale to various institutions and persons of peat litter and peat
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1358. The case of personnel and issuance of benefits.[Sences of different persons and correspondence on enrollment in the service in the peat part]
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1359. [Correspondence with the Ministry of Finance and Help] on the Out of the Outskirts of Peat Renting Articles without tendering
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1360. [Correspondence with the Ministry of Finance and Help] on the Out of the Outskirts of Peat Renting Articles without tendering
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1361. [The journal of the Interdepartmental Meeting and Correspondence of the Vacation for the purchase of machines for the development of peat]
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1362. RGIA
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1363. Correspondence in the Technical Committee.[Inquiries and correspondence on the consideration by the Technical Committee of the Berg irrigation system]
РГИА. 1 / 1 / 1364. [Correspondence] at the request of Princess Enikeeva about the promotion of the development of peat in her estate in the Saratov province
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 801. Estimated assumptions and correspondence about irrigation work in the Turkestan Territory
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 802. 1911
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 803. Correspondence on the organization and content of the hydrometric part in Turkestan, [with the application of the plan and the estimate of work for 1912]
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 804. Reports, note, certificates and correspondence at the request of American financier John Gammonda on the study of land in Turkestan with the aim of irrigation
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 805. Correspondence on the organization (education) of the meeting to consider the petitions of private entrepreneurs, on the removal of state lands for irrigation and operation
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 806. Correspondence of the ministry K.R.Kartau on the provision of land for him on the rivers of Syr-Darya and Naryn [in connection with the construction of a medical unit and on granting it an exclusive right to maintain towing commodity shipping
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 807. The case at the request of the Ural land-engineering partnership "Skobeiko and K?"On irrigation of lands in the Trans-Caspian region in the area of ​​the Amu-Darya
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 809. The case of a peasant A.K.Klimenko and correspondence on the surrender to him in the long -term lease of land in the area of ​​Kararachiruin in the Pishpek district of the Semirechensk region
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 810. The case at the request of the nobleman M.M.Artsybasheva about a statement to him the conditions of land allocation in Turkestan to private entrepreneurs for irrigation
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 811. A note at the request of the actual state adviser M.M.Fedorova about the irrigation of lands in the Khiva Khanate with the waters of the Amu-Darya River
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 812. Correspondence of water from the Amu-Darya River in the area of ​​the city of Staraya Bukhara
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 813. Performances, certificates and correspondence on the upcoming work to irrigate the north-eastern part of the hungry steppe in a contractual way
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 814. Correspondence of upcoming work on irrigation of the north-eastern part of the hungry steppe in a contractual way
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 815. Report and correspondence at the request of engineer B.Kh.Schlegel about permission to get acquainted with the materials on the research on the Amu-Darya River and with the irrigation projects of the hungry steppe
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 816. Correspondence on approval of the draft charter of the trade and industrial partnership "Iskander"
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 817. Correspondence at the request of the office of the court of Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich and the Office of the Grand Dukes of Boris Vladimirovich and Andrei Vladimirovich on granting the right to irrigate land along the left bank of the Syr-Darya River in the Ferghana region
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 818. Reports on the publication of the album of standard drawings of road structures
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 819. Reports, submission and correspondence on the release of funds to strengthen hydraulic surveys in Turkestan and Transcaucasia, [in connection with the order of the Russian-American trade agreement]
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 820. Correspondence on the complaint of authorized yurters of the Chiliksky volost of the Chimkent district of the Syr-Darya region on the distribution of water use from the Buguni River
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 821. Correspondence with the Tula-Kaluga Directorate of State Property on the permission of the hydraulic engineer of the Tula-Kaluga administration to manage the work on the construction of ponds under the Bogoroditsky agricultural school
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 822. Report on hydraulic operations for 1910 [according to the Tauride and Yekaterinoslav provinces and preliminary reporting data for October 10, 1910 in the Stavropol province, and correspondence on the provision of additional information to the provinces reports]
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 823. Report, petitions of private individuals and correspondence on the use of waters for irrigation of land in Transcaucasia and on the expenses of the water inspection in the Caucasus
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 824. Report, essay and correspondence on hydraulic work in the Mugan steppe, [with the application of cards of the Milskaya and Mugansk steppes and the plan of the Upper Vorontsov Canal]
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 825. Circulars, orders and instructions of the land improvement department, correspondence with other office work on the presentation of various information and another
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 826. Estimates for 1911, proposals for hydraulic costs for 1912, correspondence for the preparation of estimates for 1912
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 827. The estimated business for 1911 in the Caucasus.Reports and correspondence with the inspector of water in the Caucasus on the organization and maintenance of the hydrometric part at water institutions
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 828. Correspondence with the Astrakhan Administration of Agriculture and State Property on Hydrotechnical Work Expenses
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 829. Estimates for hydraulic engineering work on the Voronezh province [in 1912 and a report on hydraulic work for 1910]
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 830. The magazines of special meetings at the Kazan Department of Agriculture and State Property and the Provincial Land Management Commission for the consideration of related assumptions on hydraulic operations on land management in the Kazan province
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 831. The case of hydraulic operations on land management in the Penza province.[Report and correspondence with the Penza-Simbier Directorate of Agriculture and State Property on Hydrotechnical Work Expenses]
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 832. The case of hydraulic operations on land management in the Simbirsk province.[Report and correspondence with the Penza-Simbier Directorate of Agriculture and State Property, is with the governor, on expenses for hydraulic work]
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 833. The case of hydraulic operations on land management in the Samara province.[Correspondence with the Samara-Ural Directorate of Agriculture and State Property and with the Governor of Consumptions for Hydrotechnical Work]
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 834. The case of hydraulic operations on land management in the Saratov province.[Correspondence with the Saratov Department of Agriculture and State Property and with the Governor of Consumptions for Hydrotechnical Work]
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 835. Information, certificates and correspondence with the Stavropol provincial land management commission on hydraulic engineering work in the Stavropol province [in 1910-1911 and estimated assumptions for 1912]
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 836. The case of hydraulic operations on land management in the Tauride province.[Correspondence with the Taurico-Yekaterinoslav Administration of Agriculture and State Property and with the Governor of the costs of hydraulic work]
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 837. Correspondence with the Tauride-Yekaterinoslav Administration of Agriculture and State Property on Hydrotechnical Work on Land Management in the Yekaterinoslav Province, with the application from the Journal of meetings of the Technical Committee on the project
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 838. Report and correspondence with the Kharkov-Poltava Department of Agriculture and State Property and with the Governor of the costs of hydraulic engineering in the Kharkov province, [with the application of the map of agronomic events for 1910-1911
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 839. Report and correspondence with the Kharkov-Poltava Department of Agriculture and State Property and with the Governor of Hydrotechnical Work on Land Management in the Poltava province
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 840. [Correspondence with the Kherson Governor of Expenses] for hydraulic engineering work in the Kherson province, [with the application of copies of meetings of meetings at the provincial land management commission on upcoming work]
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 841. [Correspondence with the Ufa Governor and meetings of the Agricultural and State Property Management and the Provincial Land Management Commission (Copies)] on hydraulic costs in the Ufa province
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 842. Correspondence on the production of surveys for flooding of the Stavropol province
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 843. Submission of the Main Directorate of Land Management and Agriculture to Legislative Institutions on the release of funds for irrigation of the central Mugani and the statement of expenses for the continuation of the Mugansk Canal
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 844. Journal of the meeting of the hydrological committee, reports, estimated assumptions and correspondence for irrigation of the river valleys of the Crimean Peninsula
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 845. Correspondence at the request of the Simferopol city head about the allocation of the Earth from the official estate "Samir", for the construction of a water column
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 846. Correspondence at the request of a resident of the city of Izmail S.K.Alekseenko on the assignment of work on the device of the dam on the Danube River, [with petitions]
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 847. Russian
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 848. Correspondence at the request of the peasants of the village of Maryina Kirsanovsky district of the Tambov province about the device of the pond
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 849. Journals of meetings of the hydrological committee and correspondence at the request of the Tauride Provincial Zemstvo Council on the issuance of benefits for the end of the ancient Foodosian method of obtaining water by condensation of atmospheric moisture
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 850. Correspondence on complaints of fish industry at the closure of Saatlin gateways in the fishing sites of the Mugan crafts
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 851. Reports, notes, extracts from the magazine of meetings of the Technical Committee and correspondence on earth and hydrometric work on the Terek River
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 852. Correspondence with the Commissioner of the Gemylear Management and Agriculture in the Caucasus and the Migrant Board on the acquisition of private lands bordering in the Transcaucasia in order to irrigate them, to increase the colonization reserve
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 853. Estimated assumptions for stock hydraulic engineering work on the Astrakhan Administration [state property]
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 854. Correspondence with the Voronezh Office of Agriculture and State Property and meetings of meetings in the management of expenses on stock hydraulic work, with the application of estimates and drawings of the dam and ponds in the Kamenskaya steppe of the Bobrovsky district
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 855. Correspondence with the Penza-Simbier Directorate of Agriculture and State Property and meetings of meetings at the Office and Land Management Commission on expenses for stock hydraulic work
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 856. Correspondence with the Samara-Ural Directorate of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses on Stock Hydrotechnical Work, with the Appendix
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 857. Correspondence with the Saratov Office of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Stock Hydrotechnical Work?[with the application of copies of meetings of meetings on management]
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 858. Report, meetings of meetings and correspondence on stocks on stock hydraulic work on the Taurico-Yekaterinoslav Agricultural and State Property Administration
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 859. Correspondence with the Kharkov-Poltava Office of Agriculture and State Property on Consumptions on Stock Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 860. Correspondence with the Kherson-Bessarabian Department of Agriculture and State Property on Consumptions on Stock Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 861. Correspondence with the Ufa Office of Agriculture and State Property on Consumptions on Stock Hydrotechnical Work, with the application of drawings for drainage of swamps in the area of ​​the Lyakhovskoye School of Beekeeping and Fertility of the Ufa Uyezd
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 862. Correspondence on personnel of the inspection of water in the Caucasus
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 863. The case at the request of the Yalta mayor and the memo of the city council on providing the city of Yalta Yauslar
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 864. RGIA
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 865. Speaking, memorandum of the nobleman G.I.Aristova and a certificate of the application of the snow water accumulation system in order to irrigate fields and agricultural work, with the application of the extract from the journal of the technical committee
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 866. The case at the request of the Taganrog mayor about a loan of 60,000 rubles to lay a deep well in order to find artesian water
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 867. Correspondence at the request of the attorney of rural societies of the Erivani district of the Erivan province on the command of the engineer to inspect the lands and the conclusion about the irrigation of their
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 868. Correspondence at the request of the Kherson governor for the release of funds for an irrigation on the fields of the farm of the Kherson Zemstvo Agricultural School
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 869. Correspondence at the request of the proxy peasants of the Ulansky rural society of the Astrakhan province Grigory Tkachev about the issuance of a loan for the construction of an artesian well
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 870. Correspondence at the request of the Penza governor about the allocation of funds to arrange a pond on farms of the village of Mikhailovsky Krasnoslobodsky district
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 871. Correspondence with an inspector of agriculture in the St. Petersburg province and the agricultural department on issues relating to the official irrigated plots (on cutting the land to plots, on leasing land for peasants, on the addition of arrears and about another)
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 872. Correspondence with the Tula-Kaluga department of agriculture and state property on land management costs and the arrangement of wells in the village of Makeevka of the Tula province and other hydraulic work
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 873. The petition of Princess A.N.Volkonskaya and correspondence on the issuance of a loan for the arrangement of an artesian well in its estate under the village of Trostyan "Tambov province and on the commanding of hydraulic engineering for research
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 874. RGIA
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 875. Application at the request of Prince B.L.Vyazemsky and correspondence on the commanding of the engineer-hydraulic engineer Sparro in his estate Lotarevo Tambov province
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 876. The case with the correspondence and discharge from the magazines of the meetings of the Technical Committee on the projects of the device: roads in the Belevsky district of the Tula province, the pond and the dam in the Temnikovsky district of the Tambov province and the Abyssinian well in the Khrenovsky forestry of Voronezhskoye
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 877. [Correspondence with the Stavropol-Terian Administration of Agriculture and State Property and the Governor of Expenses] for stock hydraulic work, [with the application of estimates for 1913]
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 878. Correspondence at the request of the Stalmeister of Sheremetev’s court on the commanding of the hydraulic engineering to draw up the plan and the estimate of the irrigation of his estate in the Livensky district of the Oryol province
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 879. Correspondence on excited by the Ministry of Railways of the Ministry of Railways with the governor of His Majesty in the Caucasus about the removal of water from the Rion river for the electrification of the Perevalny (Surazh) section of the Transcaucasian railways
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 880. Reports, a note of the agricultural candidate Yankovsky, magazines of meetings of the Technical Committee and other materials on the organization of experiments to moisturize fields in state irrigated areas
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 881. Correspondence with the Kazan Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 882. Correspondence with the Tambov Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Stock Hydrotechnical Work, with the Appendix of Copies of Protocols of Meetings in the Office of Project Consideration and Summary
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 883. [Excurs from the magazine of the meeting of the Technical Committee and the sentences of the Soldier and Chokhladinsky village collections of the Terek region] on the project of the water supply for the Chokhladinsky Agricultural School
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 884. The schedule of fluctuations in the horizons of water of the Araksa River in the villages of Mursali and Petropavlovsk in the Caucasus for April-May 1910-1911
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 885. Report and correspondence at the request of the Committee for the construction of the winery station of Russian viticultors and winemakers in the city of Odessa on the assistance for the installation of water supply and irrigation of the station
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 886. Correspondence with the department of rural economy and agricultural statistics at the request of the city of the old Crimea on the issuance of a reclamation loan for irrigation, [with the application of an extract from the journal of the Technical Committee for the consideration of the irrigation project]
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 887. Correspondence at the request of the Alushta city department on the permission of the use of the source of state -owned forest cottage for water supply
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 888. Correspondence at the request of the peasant land bank on the commanding of the engineer-hydraulic engineer Kuzenberger to the Sofainsky estate of the Syzran county of the Simbirsk province to clarify the conditions for its watering, [with the application from the journal of the meeting
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 889. 10 l.
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 890. Meetings of meetings at the Kherson-Bessarabian Department of Agriculture and State Property and Correspondence of Rent for Rent at the request of a nobleman Pisarzhevsky Kazenna Olonetzhesky Armor Article for land reclamation and operation
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 891. [Correspondence with the Voronezh Department of State Property] at the request of the Ostrogozh Zemstvo Council on the subsidy for the construction of the Abyssinian wells
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 892. Correspondence at the petition of the city of Feodosia on reclamation loan for the arrangement of a dam for the irrigation of gardens and vineyards in the Chobo-Chraei beam
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 893. Correspondence at the request of the Novouzensky City Council of the Samara province on the manual for the construction of cement-concrete wells and the cleaning of Lake Kalach and the Chertanla River
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 894. Correspondence at the request and petition of the peasant S.A.Ovsienko on the allocation of a loan of 2400 rubles for the production of experiments on irrigation of land in the Perekop district of the Tauride province
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 895. [Correspondence at the request of the chieftain of the Taman department of the Kuban region] on the issuance of a loan to the population of Zakubansky district for land reclamation
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 896. [Correspondence with the headquarters of the Caucasian Military District and with a manufacturer of hydrometric and landing work on the Terek River] on the provision of technical assistance in water economy to the population of the Khasav-Yurt district of the Terek region
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 897. Circulars and orders of the Council of Ministers and the department of land improvements, and correspondence with private individuals and institutions on assumptions about inventions and improvements in irrigation, with the application of descriptions and schemes, and on other issues
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 898. Reports, extracts from the magazines of meetings of the Technical Committee and correspondence on work and expenses for irrigation of the north-eastern part of the hungry steppe in 1911-1914
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 899. Report and correspondence with the head of work on irrigation of the north-eastern part of the hungry steppe on the reconstruction and repair of the channel of Emperor Nicholas I, with the application of the estimate
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 900. Correspondence with agriculture management and state property in the Turkestan Territory and with other institutions for the organization and maintenance of the hydrometric part in Turkestan, with the application of the work plan and estimates
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 901. Reports, reports and correspondence with the head of research on irrigation of the Semirechensk region on work and expenses in the Valley of the Chu River, with the application of estimates
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 902. Reports and correspondence with the head of research in the central part of the hungry steppe and with the management of agriculture and state property in the Turkestan Territory on works and surveys, with the application of estimates for 1912
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 903. A petition at the request of the representative of the trading house K.K.SPP on providing him to irrigate the land of the Earth in the southern part of the hungry steppe
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 904. Correspondence on the organization of the hydromodular part and experiments to determine the irrigation module in Turkestan and Transcaucasia, as well as on the work of the Turkestan Exciting Party in 1913
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 905. The case on the petition of landowners of the Dalversinsky district of the Samarkand region and correspondence on the correction of the dam in the head of the Dalverzinsky Aryk
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 906. The case of the petitions of the inhabitants of the Ferghana region [on taking measures to provide them with water]
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 907. The attitude of the Imperial Russian Technical Society and the correspondence for the report of the engineer N.P.Petrovsky "On irrigation in the Samarkand region"
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 908. Correspondence with the Forest Department at the request of the Imperial Russian Technical Society for the release of funds for the construction of the station for the study of sand and for a member of the Dubyansky Society Member abroad
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 909. Correspondence at the request and petition of the trusted rural society of the village of Kamennaya Balka of the Chimkent district of the Syr-Darya region on the improvement of the water supply of endowed lands
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 910. Activities at the request of the college adviser V.I.Lviv and the titular adviser A.N.Lechkova and correspondence on resolving research to him with the aim of irrigation in the Karshinsky steppe [Bukhara Khanate], [with the application of the map of the Karshin Steppe]
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 911. Correspondence at the request of S.A.Kalinin on the provision of landmarks for irrigation for cotton breeding in the Karakalpak steppe
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 912. Reports, notes of the agronomist N.A.Dimo and correspondence on the production of soil research in the Amu-Darya River basin, [with the application of estimates]
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 913. Correspondence with the head of the survey party in the northwestern part of the hungry steppe on works and research costs
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 914. The petition of the nobleman A.V.Dolgova about the allocation of land to him in the Tedzhensky district of the Trans -Caspian region for cotton breeding
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 915. Correspondence on the development of a dachshund for the production of analytical research by laboratories: the hydrometric part and the Institute of Traffic Engineers
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 916. Correspondence at the request of tenants of state land along the Teden River on the streamlining of the use of the land they leased and on the provision of them with water
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 917. The petition at the request of the inhabitants of the fishing village of Aralsk, located on the shores of the Aral Sea, on the introduction of the city position in the village of water supply and irrigation structures.Protocol of the meeting at the Turkestan Administration
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 918. [Merchant notes of the chiefs of survey parties] about mixed orphaned water waterways of Turkestan and Transcaucasia
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 919. Correspondence with the Military Minister and the Forest Department on the approval of the Charter of the Joint -Stock Company "Turkestan"
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 920. Correspondence at the request of the head of the private survey party in the basin of the Kashka-Darya River, Colonel Ermolaev, to grant him the right to familiarize him with the materials of the government survey party and on accepting the treasury in the treasury
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 921. A petition at the request of a mining engineer D.P.Carnitsky and correspondence on explaining to him the procedure for the construction of new hydraulic structures on lands leased by him in Turkestan
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 922. Reports and note by engineer Alexandrov on the allocation of funds for the collection and systematization of materials for the alleged organization of the general management of the activities of survey parties in the area of ​​the Syr-Darya River
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 923. [Meetings of agriculture and state property management in the Turkestan Territory about the nearest] measures to improve irrigation in the Ferghana cheese-Darya and Samarkand regions
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 924. [Correspondence with agronomists of the Syr-Darya, Ferghana and Samarkand regions] about rice culture in the Turkestan Territory
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 925. Circulars of the land improvement department
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 926. Correspondence at the request of engineer N.I.Novosiltsova about the lease of state land in the tract of the Yakka-Tut of the Khodzhensk district of the Samarkand region for use to field and valuable crops using artificial irrigation
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 927. Information about small loan institutions in the Turkestan Territory
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 928. Correspondence at the request of Captain M.A.Kovalevsky, lieutenant V.I.Terentyeva and the court adviser A.V.Palibin about the allocation of land in 1,200 acres near the Sary-Yazy station of the Trans-Caspian region for breeding cotton
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 929. Correspondence at the request of the commercial adviser Sirotkin on issuing him concessions on the device of steamer messages on the river or
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 930. A note on the allocation of sections of the official irrigated land in the hungry steppe of the Samarkand region and a certificate at the petitions of private individuals to represent state lands in the Turkestan region for irrigation
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 931. Circulars of the Council of Ministers and the Department of Land Improvements and correspondence on various issues
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 932. Correspondence with water inspector in the Caucasus and the Forest Department of Water Supervision in Transcaucasia
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 933. [Correspondence with water inspector in the Caucasus] on hydraulic operations in the Mugansk steppe
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 934. The estimate of the revenue and expenses of the land improvement department for hydraulic operations for 1912
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 935. Correspondence with the Department of Agriculture and the inspector of water in the Caucasus about the device on the Gürgenchai River of Hydrotechnical Structures in order to protect against spills of the river
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 936. A memo, certificate and correspondence on production in 1912 of irrigation work in European Russia
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 937. The petition at the request of the khans of Major General Huseyn Khan and retired captain Jafar-Kupa Kupa Kupa-Khan of Nakhichevan to rent a state dacha "Karachug" of the Erivan province
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 938. A petition at the request of a personal honorary citizen S.P.Manuelian on providing him with a plot of land in the Karayaz area of ​​the Tiflis province for irrigation
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 939. The petition of the peasant Grigory Salkin and correspondence on the structure of the artesian well under the village of Burdygin Buzuluk district of the Samara province
РГИА. 1000 / 1 / 940. Correspondence on the organization of exquisitive parties in European Russia.Estimated assumptions and other materials on the work and research program in the southern part of Crimea in 1912-1913
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1000. Correspondence with the Olonets Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work on Stock Lands
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1001. Correspondence with the Smolensk-Vitebsky Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work on Stock Lands
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1002. Report and correspondence with the Black Sea Office of Agriculture and State Property on Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1003. Correspondence at the request of the landowner A. Belov about the commanding of a peatister to his estate under the village of Kut Kut Luzhsky district of the St. Petersburg province for the study of swamps, with the application of the plan of the peat deposit and research results
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1004. [Report of the Novgorod provincial zemstvo council and correspondence] on the use of Volkhov thresholds
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1005. Russian
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1006. [Report and correspondence with the Baltic Department of Agriculture and State Property] on the rental of the Tanza peat swamp "Mitavsky forestry of the Courland province
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1007. The case on the project to lower the tariff for the transportation of peat by railway roads
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1008. Information on the study of the peasants of the peasants of the villages of the Tatishchev Damitrovsky district of the Moscow province, [with the application of the swamp plan]
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1009. Correspondence with the St. Petersburg-Pskov Department of Agriculture and State Property about [expenses], land management work in 1913
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1010. Correspondence at the petition of the abbess district district council of the Minsk province on the commanding of the hydraulic engineering for research, with the aim of resolving the current of the Talki and Poultry rivers
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1011. [The Senate and correspondence decree and the Vladimir-Ryazan Department of Agriculture and State Property] at the request of the Partnership of the Baranov Manufactory for the lease of the Osteevskoye peat swamp in the Pereyaslavsky district of the Vladimir province, [as applied
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1012. Correspondence at the request of the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the Kovensky Secondary Agricultural School named after P.A.Stolypin on the commanding of a hydraulic engineer in order to clear the pond of this school, which is the cause of diseases and on the project
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1013. [Reports, Senate Decree, statement].Correspondence at the request of the Partnership of the Tver Manufactory for renting a Kulitsky moss swamp, [with the appendix of the fat
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1014. Reports and correspondence with the head of the development of state -owned peat bogs and with the departments of agriculture and state property on expenses for the peat brigade part and peat production
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1015. Correspondence at the request of the Cherepovets district zemstvo council of the Novgorod province on the business of the instructor-tractor at the county
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1016. Correspondence with the Vilno-Kovensky Department of Agriculture and State Property on Land Management Work in 1913
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1017. Correspondence with the Vladimir-Ryazan Office of Agriculture and State Property [on expenses on] work on land management in 1913
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1018. Correspondence with the Vologda Office of Agriculture and State Property on Work, [costs] on land management in 1913
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1019. Correspondence with the Kostroma-Yaroslavl Administration of Agriculture and State Property on Work, [costs] on land management in 1913
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1020. Correspondence with the Mogilev-Chernigov Department of Agriculture and State Property on Work, [Consumptions] on Land Management in 1913
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1021. Correspondence with the Nizhny Novgorod Administration of Agriculture and State Property [On Expenses for Work on Land Management in 1913
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1022. Correspondence with the Novgorod Department of Agriculture and State Property [on expenses for] work on land management in 1913
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1023. Correspondence with the Tula-Kaluga department of agriculture and state property [on expenses] on land management in 1913
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1024. Correspondence of the work on settling the river of the Rosi of the Cherkasy district of the Kyiv province, with the application of reports for 1909, 1910 and 1913
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1025. Correspondence with the Grodno Directorate of Agriculture and State Property [on expenses] on land management in 1913
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1026. Correspondence at the request of the rector of the Korenilievo-Komelsky monastery of the Vologda province on the commanding of the hydraulic engineering, in order to draw up a project to correct a healing source
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1027. Correspondence on the project of the peasant land bank on the descent of water from the Beliye River estate to the Berezina River Borisovsky district of the Minsk province
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1028. Correspondence with the Minsk Department of Agriculture and State Property and the Department of Agriculture on the drainage of the meadow land belonging to the Remezovsky school of the Mozyr district of the Minsk province
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1029. [Report, the petition of the Rukteshel engineer and correspondence on the consideration of the project] on the construction of the Black Sea-Baltic Water Way, [with the application of the project]
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1030. Переписка по ходатайству землевладелицы Е.А. Берс об устройстве пруда при деревне Сухотиной Богородицкого уезда Тульской губернии
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1031. Correspondence at the request of the Moscow branch of the Society of Electric Light on the Rent of the Berendeevsky Swamp of the Pereslavl district of the Vladimir province, [with the application of plans and magazines
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1032. Correspondence with the Novgorod Department of Agriculture and State Property on Loans, Expenses for Drawing the Lands of Peasants of the Village of Belyaevschina of the Luzhsky volost of the Demyansk district of the Novgorod province
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1033. Estimated assumptions of the land improvements and local departments of agriculture and state property for hydraulic engineering in European Russia for 1914
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1034. Estimated assumptions of local agriculture and state property for hydraulic operations in European Russia for 1914
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1035. Sentences at the petitions of the peasants of the villages of the Luzhsky district of the St. Petersburg province and correspondence on the production of drainage work and on the issuance of loans for them
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1036. Reporting and correspondence with the head of the development of state -owned peat bogs on work and expenses for the peatigster part and peat production in 1914
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1037. Correspondence with the Perm Department of Agriculture and State Property and estimated assumptions about [expenses] and land management work in 1913
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1038. Reports, reports and correspondence with the head of the development of official peat bogs on work and expenses for the peatmaster and peat production
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1039. Correspondence at the request of the Olonets district district council on the issuance of a manual to the Council of the Krosolzersky Agricultural Society for the construction of a peat plant, [with the application of a report on the company's activities for 1912]
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1040. Correspondence at the request of the Kuznitsky Agricultural Society on the release of benefits for the purchase of a car for the extraction of peat [Grodno province]
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1041. 1912
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1042. Справка о поддержании и охране гидротехнических сооружений Черноморской губернии. [Справка об охране осушительных каналов в Черноморской губернии]
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1043. Russian
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1044. Correspondence at the request of the Department of Agriculture and on the inspection of the lands of the Sochi Experimental Station in the hydrogeological terms of the lands, [with the application of the report for 1912 of the mining engineer Kozyrev]
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1045. Service at the request of the trading house Mitrofan Smirnov and correspondence on the rental of a peat bog in the Sitnikovsky cottage of the Semenovsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod province, [with the application of deposit plans]
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1046. Correspondence at the request of the Saar agricultural company of the Livonia province for the leave of state funds from state funds to regulate the Olasa stream and drainage of the lands adjacent to it
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1047. Report on a business trip of the engineer Kozyrev to the Kuban region to find out the possibility of the construction of an artesian well on the experimental tobacco plantation named after Pegit
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1048. Correspondence at the request of the Imperial Russian Fire Society for the issuance of benefits to the Eysish fire company of the Vilnius province for the construction of an artesian well
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1049. Correspondence at the request of the Novgorod district zemstvo council of the Pskov province on the drainage of the swamps "Clean and Swates"
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1050. Correspondence with county zemstvo administrations on the provision of information in peat bogs, with the application of the statements on the development of peat fabric articles in the Oryol province and the Vladimir-Ryazan administration of agriculture and state property
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1051. Correspondence on the approval of the Charter of the First Russian Joint -Stock Company "Culture of the Earth", [with the application of the draft charter]
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1052. Correspondence with the Baltic, St. Petersburg-Pskov and Smolensk-Vitebsk Department of Agriculture and State Property and with other institutions on research and work to lower the level of Lubansky Lake to drain the lands of land
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1053. Estimated assumptions of local agriculture and state property for hydraulic operations in European Russia for 1914
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1054. The case at the petition (petition) of the peasants of the village of Suzad and the village of Selts, Novoladozhsky district of the St. Petersburg province and correspondence of the drainage of their lands and lands, [with the application from the journal of the meeting of the Technical Committee to discuss the draft work
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1055. [Доклад и переписка с Петербургско-Псковским управлением земледелия и государственных имуществ] о применении труда заключенных при осушительных работах
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1056. Correspondence at the request of the landowner Voronin about the commanding of the hydraulic engineering in his estate of the "Rivne" Grodno province and "Sork" of the Novgorod province, with the application of the plan of the estate "Rivne"
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1057. Correspondence at the request of the Demyansk district zemstvo council of the Novgorod province on the company's business trip to organize demonstration for the development of peat bogs and on the benefit of acquiring a peat traffic machine
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1059. Correspondence at the request of the Pskov Society of Agriculture on the release of benefits for the manufacture of a peat press for familiarizing the population using peat heating
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1060. Correspondence at the petitions of different persons to expel the collections of peat samples for chemical research organized by the Kyiv agricultural and other museums and exhibitions
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1061. The petition of the peasants of the village of Ivni Gorodensky volost of the Luga district of the St. Petersburg province and the correspondence of land drainage
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1062. Correspondence at the request of the Bureau for Applied Botanika of the Scientific Committee on Hydrotechnical Structures in the Novgorod branch
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1063. Correspondence at the request of the landowner of the Bobruisk district of the Minsk province Ya.Ya.Polterova about the main ditch from the tract of a word in the Sulev River in the Minsk province
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1064. [Letter of the director of the Forest Department] on the appointment of representatives in a meeting on the exchange of land in the estate "New Light" of Prince Golitsyn (Crimea) [According to peat bogs in his estate and a certificate of peat production in the Nizhny Novgorod province]
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1065. Correspondence at the request of the landowner A.N.Polozova about the study of his peat bogs in the Kaluga province, [with the application of the results]
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1066. Correspondence of the charter of the Nizhny Novgorod Society "Peat", with the application of the charter
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1067. Correspondence at the request of the 145th Infantry Emperor Alexander III regiment to drain the garrison shooting range in the city of St. Petersburg
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1068. Correspondence at the request of the Department of Agriculture on the Sukhuma Agricultural Experimental Station for Water Superior Sukhumi
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1069. Correspondence at the request of the representative of the Russian Export Chamber in Denmark L. Pyankov on the sale of state -owned swamps to the Danish joint -stock company
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1070. Correspondence at the request of the Vitebsk branch of the Peasant Land Bank about the command of the peat bog for the research of peat bogs, [with the application of research results]
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1071. Correspondence at the request of the agricultural inspector in the Nizhny Novgorod province on the command of the peat chief for the study of swamps
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1072. Correspondence at the request of the Sarapul district zemstvo of the Vyatka province on the release of the benefit of the Izhevsk and Votkinsky societies for the construction of the water supply in the backwater and correction of the riverbed of the Spoon of the Vyatka Province, [in the territory of the plants belonging to it
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1073. [Correspondence with the Kholm-Volyn Office of Agriculture and State Property and with other institutions] on the construction of an experienced swamp point at the Rudne-Radnya Ovruch district of the Volyn province, [with the application of the Plan of the Court of Clause and the Brochure of SERI
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1074. Correspondence at the request of Countess N.F.Karlova on draining the Garden of the Red Cross community in Peterhof
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1075. Correspondence at the request of the hereditary honorary citizen Shipov on the rental of a peat of the firing article in the Medvedian cottage of the Novgorod province
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1076. Correspondence with the Mogilev-Chernigov Department of Agriculture and State Property in the Mogilev and Chernigov provinces with the city zemstvo administration and other institutions on the work of draining the swamps in the Chernihiv province, with the application of magazines about
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1077. Correspondence on the approval of the charters of joint -stock companies and partnerships of peat consumers, [with the application of the charters of joint -stock companies: Moscow and peat bluffs]
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1078. [Correspondence with the St. Petersburg Agricultural Department of Agriculture and State Property and the Department of Agriculture] On Desweelless Work on Earth of the Nekrasovsky People's Agricultural School of the Pskov Province and County
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1079. [Correspondence with the head of the development of official peat bogs] on the development of peat litter on the first moss swamp of the Klinsky district of the Moscow province and on sending it to experimental institutions and agricultural organizations for testing and using it for testing and using
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1080. The case of the delivery of the merchant and the state adviser Stetsenko to the Kulitsky moss, the Tver province, with the application of the deposit of the deposit, and the correspondence of joint -stock companies for further lease by joint -stock companies
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1081. Correspondence at the request of the Urzhum district zemstvo council of the Vyatka province on the appointment of an instructor for peat production and on vacation of benefits
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1082. Correspondence with local agricultural and state property departments under the draft contract for delivery of drainage work
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1083. Correspondence at the petitions of the peasants of the village of Bolshaya Talinka of the Tambov province and the village of Gubensky Vladimir province on the study and lease of state -owned peat deposits in the Tambov province (Khmelinsky swamp)
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1084. Correspondence at the request of the peasants of the Noteovsky rural society of the Moscow province on strengthening the banks of the Moscow River to protect the historical church of the Holy Trinity
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1085. Correspondence at the request of Freilin S.G.Spechinskaya about the structure of the well in her estate Navilskaya Sloboda and the peasants of the Sukhoi Karachevsky district of the Oryol province.
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1086. Correspondence at the request of landowners and peasants of the village of Litvinovich Glukhovsky district of the Chernihiv province about draining their swamps and hayfields
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1087. [Correspondence with the head of the development of state-owned peat bogs and with the Baltic Department of Agriculture and State Property] on the rental of the Bulen’s peat bog, the Vyndavsky cottage of the Courland province of the Rotgof-Vindavsky agricultural
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1088. Correspondence at the request of the landowners I.A.Nitoslavskaya and Countess Krasitsky about the production of surveys in order to drain the swamps in the estates of the "ulcers" and "Maltz" of the Sennen district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1089. Correspondence at the request of the Sumy district zemstvo council of the Kharkov province on the company's business trip for the study of peat bogs, [with the application of their description]
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1090. RGIA
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1091. Журналы совещаний при местных управлениях земледелия и государственных имуществ и переписка об образовании, организации и деятельности гидротехнических партий для производства изысканий и работ в районах Полесья, Приильменского и Верхне-Волынского бассейн
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1092. Correspondence of the commanding of the Vikhlyaev technique in London to familiarize yourself with the method of processing peat proposed by Mr. Keppel
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1093. Report, information and correspondence on the study and lease of peat bogs in the Gorenosovskaya treasury dacha of the Moscow province
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1094. Correspondence at the request of the Gordeevsky agricultural society of the Chernihiv province on the expulsion of the horse -drawn machine for the production of peat
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1095. Correspondence at the request of the Lepel district zemstvo council of the Vitebsk province on the vacation of cars for peat production
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1096. Correspondence at the request of the Old Russian district district council of the Novgorod province on the release of benefits for hydraulic surveys and work in the county
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1097. Correspondence at the request of the Dmitrovsky district Zemstvo council of the Moscow province on technical and financial assistance to drain land in the county
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1098. Correspondence with the Vladimir-Ryazan Department of Agriculture and State Property on the rental of peat bogs "Mitenino" and "Long" Pokrovsky district of the Vladimir province
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1099. Brief information about the work performed by the Primorsky Hydrotechnical Party in 1913
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 1100. The drainage project of fields in the estates of the WiRwants and Hudeki of the Vilnius province
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 941. Correspondence at the request of the landowner A.N.Pokrovsky about the loan on the plane of the estate on his "Benz-Dere" Tauride province
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 942. Correspondence at the request of the Krinitsa agricultural artel on a loan for irrigation work on the estate under the village of Beregovo Black Sea province
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 943. Correspondence with the Don Regional Land Management Commission on expenses for hydraulic engineering in the field of Donskoy army
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 944. [Correspondence with the Office of the Transcaucasian Railway, with the application of copies of the journal of the meeting of the hydrological committee and report,] on the procedure for consideration of projects of hydraulic devices undertaken for the needs of railways in the area of ​​inspection
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 945. Estimated assumptions about hydraulic operations and research in 1913 by administrations
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 946. Estimated assumptions about hydraulic operations in 1913 by administrations, with the application of dams and describing the work on their construction in the Simbirsk province
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 947. Estimated assumptions about work for 1913 on the inspection of water in the Caucasus
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 948. The petition of the landowner Lukyanovich and the correspondence on the commanding of the Poltava province of the engineer to drawing up the project of drainage work and the structure of the well.
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 949. [Journal of the meeting of the hydrological committee (copy) for December 19, 1911 and correspondence with the inspector of water in the Caucasus] about mixed waterways, [suitable simultaneously for shipping and irrigation]
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 950. Correspondence at the request of the manager of the Olginsky agricultural school of the Kherson province on water supply, [with the appendix project]
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 951. Correspondence at the request of the owner of the Nikitovka estate Simbirsk province N.A.Demchinsky on the issuance of two reclamation loans for the device of the pond and on the mechanical equipment of the irrigation network
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 952. [Report and correspondence with the Department of Agriculture and the Samara-Ural Directorate of Agriculture and State Property] on the reconstruction and expansion of the dam of the Ural lower agricultural school
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 953. Correspondence at the request of the Elizavetgrad district zemstvo council on the issuance of a manual for the maintenance of the hydraulic engineering bureau, [with the application of the report on the organization of the bureau]
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 954. Correspondence with the Cossack Department of the General Staff on the issue of leasing the Azov Flaws of the Kuban Cossack Army, with the aim of draining them
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 955. At the request of hereditary honorary citizens of the mammoth, Lipinsky, nobles of Gardenin and Shatilov about the issuance of 70,000 acres of state land in the Erivan province under the name "Sardar-Abad".[Speaking of different persons and correspondence]
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 956. Service at the request of the peasant of the Perm province Peter Evdokimov Yakovlev on the issuance of a loan for the production of experiments on irrigation of land
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 957. Correspondence at the request of the Sellennaya Society of the Pisary Sloboda of the Tiflis province on the issuance of a loan for the construction of a water supply system
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 958. Extract with reports from a review of water management in the Caucasus for 1911
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 959. Correspondence at the request of the Shumilinsky agricultural society of the region of the Don Army on the issuance of a loan for the arrangement of ponds and wells on farm lands
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 960. Inquiries on the state of property of state irrigated plots on January 1, 1908 and on January 1, 1912 in the Yekaterinoslav, Samara and Kherson provinces
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 961. Assumptions about hydraulic work in the Arkhangelsk province for 1913
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 962. Correspondence on hydraulic costs in European Russia on stock lands
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 963. Correspondence with the Minsk Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 964. Correspondence with the Minsk Department of Agriculture and State Property on Land Management Expenses
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 965. Reports, submission and correspondence on expenses for hydraulic work in European Russia
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 966. Correspondence with the Office of Agriculture and State Property of the Kaluga, Mogilev and Chernihiv provinces on expenses for hydraulic work
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 967. Correspondence with the Tula-Kaluga Department of Agriculture and State Property for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 968. Estimated assumptions and correspondence on the settlement of the course of the Irpen River in the Kiev district of the Kyiv province
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 969. Extracts from the journals of meetings of the Technical Committee on estimated assumptions of local agricultural departments and state property for hydraulic engineering work in 1913, and clarification of the budgetary commission of the State Duma on them
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 970. Correspondence on the upcoming work on land management on the Vilno-Kovensky, Minsk and St. Petersburg-Pskov Department of Agriculture and State Property for 1913
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 971. Correspondence at the request of the landowner of Vitkovsky about the commanding of the hydraulic engineering to verify the project to drain his estate in the Ovruch district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 972. Correspondence at the request of the [Upensky district] Zemstvo of the Olonets province on land drainage in the province of the province
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 973. Circulars, orders for the department of land improvements, instructions, lists of magazines of the Technical Committee on 1st paperwork and different correspondence with other office workings
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 974. Correspondence with the head of the development of official peat bogs on peat production work in European Russia in 1912 and on related issues, [with the application of the journals of deposits of deposits] and the reports of the Kamyshlovsky Zyryanov zemstvo for 1913-19
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 975. Correspondence with the head of the development of official peat bogs on the issue of the manufacture by the artist A.V.Vorotilov cinematic pictures of various methods of peat production
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 976. Information about peat drops in the provinces of European Russia
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 977. Information and correspondence on the land management of the Kursk-Orlovsky agriculture and state property in 1913
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 978. Correspondence with the Moscow-Fire Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work on Stock Lands
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 979. Correspondence with the Kholm-Volyn Office of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 980. Information, certificates, estimated assumptions and correspondence about the work of the peatmaster part and peat production
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 981. Correspondence with the head of the development of official peat bogs about work and expenses for the peattery part and peat production in 1913
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 982. Correspondence with the head of the development of state -owned peat bogs about the costs of the peat sump and on peat production in 1913
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 983. Correspondence at the petition of the Zemstvo province on material and technical assistance in the implementation of major drainage works
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 984. Correspondence with the Kursko-Orovsky Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 985. Correspondence with the head of the development of official peat bogs and with other persons about the methods of processing peat and on other issues of peatical affairs
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 986. Correspondence with the St. Petersburg-Pskov Department of Agriculture and State Property [on expenses on] Hydrotechnical work in 1913 on stock lands, [with the application of the petitions of peasants and various persons about land drainage]
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 987. 7 l.
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 988. [Report, the petition of the Gaching landowner and correspondence] on the rental of a peat bog in the "Golding" state dacha of the Courland province, [with the application of the deposit plan]
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 989. Correspondence with the Department of Agriculture on the Drying of the Nagovskaya School of the Kholmsky district of the Pskov province
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 990. Correspondence at the request of the Turkovitsky Convent of the Kholm diocese of the Lublin province about the technology of the technique for researching the Gucca River in order to drain the Lugs of the Monastery and neighboring villages
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 991. Correspondence with the Baltic Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 992. RGIA
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 993. Correspondence with the Vilno-Kovensky Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 994. Correspondence with the Vladimir-Ryazan Department of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 995. Correspondence with the Kiev-Podolsky Department of Agriculture and State Property and the Services of Landmakers and Peasants on the Production of Hydrotechnical Work on Stock Lands
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 996. Correspondence with the Kostroma-Yaroslavl Administration of Agriculture and State Property on Expenses for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 997. Correspondence with the Mogilev-Chernigov Department of Agriculture and State Property on Consumptions for Hydrotechnical Work
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 998. Correspondence with the Nizhny Novgorod Administration of Agriculture and State Property on Hydrotechnical Work Expenses
РГИА. 1101 / 1 / 999. Переписка с Новгородским управлением земледелия и государственных имуществ о расходах на гидротехнические работы
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 1. Reports, notes, petitions of different persons and correspondence with the management of state property of the Tambov province, the forest department and other institutions on the development of peat
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 10. Reports, notes, certificates and correspondence with the Minister of State Property and with other persons about the equipment and activities of the Western and Northern expeditions to drain the swamps
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 100. Correspondence with the Vladimir-Ryazan Department of State Property and information on the study and lease of Moshnov Swamps, located in the Selishchensk cottage of the Pokrovsky district of the Vladimir province
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 101. Correspondence at the petitions of private individuals and institutions on the issuance of loans for reclamation work from the reclamation fund
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 102. Correspondence at the request of the landowner of the Kutaissky district Ananov about the withdrawal of water from the Hanis-Tskali River to irrigate its site
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 103. Correspondence about the publication of "Brief essay on the irrigation in Russia"
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 104. Correspondence of recoil for rent to Mr. Patrikeev peat swamp for the discharge of Bogen peat, [recommended for heating steam locomotives and enterprises]
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 105. Report and correspondence for renting a merchant Smolin to the development of peat in the "Mounting Swamp" of the Kurgan District of the Smolensk volost of the Tobolsk province and on the extension of the lease of the fourth section of the Biserovsky peat swamp of the Reutovskoye Manufactory
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 106. Correspondence on the rental of a peat bog in the first and fourth districts of the Shvalinovsky forestry of the Suvalka province of the Mariampol district and at the request of the peasants about the harvesting of peat from the swamps
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 107. Performances and correspondence with explanations on the highest mark on the most comprehensive reports of the Erivan and Baku governors on the reasons for the rejection of the ghostly engineer measures to expand the network of irrigation ditches
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 108. Correspondence according to the highest marks in the most comprehensive reports of the military governor of the Semirechensk region on the introduction of a special position of the regional irrigator into the boundary department
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 109. Report, notes and correspondence on the command of the representative from the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property to participate in meetings of the Prut mixed commission to eliminate the harmful consequences from the incorrect spill of the river Prut
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 11. Reports, certificates and correspondence with the Kursko-Orovsky Directorate of State Property on the rental of state-owned peat fingers and fingertips.Note about the peat exhibition of 1883
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 110. Reporting and correspondence on permission to Mashkovtsev to transfer [the rented by him] three sections of the Biserovsky swamp of the Bogorodsky district of the Moscow province to the company "Peat" and on the further transfer of the site by the rule of the Reutovskoye Manufactory
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 111. Report, petitions and reports on the complaint of the peasant Semenchev by the Yekaterinoslav province to the expedition to irrigation in the south of Russia and the Caucasus
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 112. The project of the submission of an increase in loans of the peat brigade part, with the presentation of the history of its activities
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 12. Correspondence with the Forest Department for rental of state -owned peat deposits called "Ursovo Swamp" of the Vladimir province of Kovrovsky district and information about peat deposits
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 13. Reports, notes and correspondence with the agronomist of the Valuysky reservoir and with other persons about the production and leadership of the experiments of sowing herbs and breads on the Valuy irrigated section of the Novouzensky district of the Samara province
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 14. Reports, a draft conditions and correspondence with the head of the development of state peat bogs on the announcement of trading for renting twenty-four peat sections of the Prokudino-Aleksinsky Boron of the Pokrovsky district of the Vladimir province
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 15. Correspondence with the Tambov Directorate of State Property and the Forest Department for the rental of a peat bog in the Tambov forestry peasant Minalyukin
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 16. Reports, certificates, estimates and correspondence with Major General Zhilinsky and with state control on the irrigation works of the southern expedition in the south of Russia in 1888 and 1889
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 18. Correspondence with the Nizhny Novgorod Directorate of State Property with the Head of the Development of State Torpyan Bamps of the Kulebaksky and Vyksuksky Mountain Plant.
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 19. Rules and correspondence projects with the Turkestan Governor-General, with the Department of General Affairs and other institutions on the allocation of state lands to private individuals and societies in the Turkestan Territory to revive them with new irrigation channels
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 2. Reports, certificates and correspondence with the head of the irrigation expedition in the south of Russia and the Caucasus and the Department of State Treasury and other institutions on the work of irrigation of land in the south of Russia and the Caucasus
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 20. Reporting and correspondence with the forensic building about the production of experiments of crown of cotton in the Tingutinsky site of the Astrakhan province
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 21. 1894
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 22. Reports, assumptions and correspondence with local government administrations and the head of the development of state -owned peat bogs on the study of swamps in the Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Oryol and Tambov provinces in 1889 and about races
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 23. Reports on the development of peat by the Livonia and Courland provinces and the report of state -owned peat extension articles in the Vladimir province for 1888, with the application of approximate estimates for 1889
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 24. Report, contract and correspondence with the Tambov Directorate of State Property for the rental of a peat bog in the Tambov-Tsensky cottage, with an area of ​​26.2 tithes (Fokin)
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 25. Correspondence of a business trip of the college secretary Tanfiliev to work on the study of [peat] swamps for compiling maps in [European Russia]
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 26. Reports, assumptions and correspondence on the production of irrigation work in the south of Russia, [Caucasus and in the Ural region in 1889]
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 27. Reports, certificates and correspondence on the production of irrigation work in the south of Russia, [Caucasus and in the Ural region in 1890]
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 28. Report, assumption and correspondence with the heads of expeditions for irrigation and drainage of swamps on the production of irrigation work in the south of Russia, [Caucasus and the Ural region in 1891]
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 29. Reports, note by Lieutenant General Zhilinsky and correspondence with the head of the irrigation expedition in the south of Russia and the Caucasus on the production of irrigation work
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 3. Reports, certificates, draft contract and correspondence with the management of state property of the Vladimir province and with other institutions at the request of the Nikolskoye Manufactory of Savva Morozov and Co. for renting peat bogs
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 30. Correspondence with the head of the irrigation expedition in the south of Russia and the Caucasus on the production of irrigation work [in 1893]
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 31. [Correspondence] with the Voronezh Directorate of State Property for the rental of peat deposits in the Usman Treasury Forest Service of the Voronezh province
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 32. [Correspondence] with the Forest Department for renting a peat swamp "Fathom" in Tykovo Treasury Dacha Pokrovsky district and forestry of the Vladimir province
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 33. [Correspondence] with the Kursk-Orovsky Department of State Property and the Forest Department for the study and lease of peat bogs in the Zhicovani Tables Gazena tract of the Kursk province
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 34. An extract on the "all-depth" report for 1887-1888 the steppe governor general and correspondence with the Minister of Internal Affairs on the need for irrigation and alleged work to irrigate the border with China Semirechensky region to settle it by Russians
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 35. Correspondence of Grand Duke Nikolai Konstantinovich with the Minister of State Property on the irrigation of the steppes in Central Asia on the structure of the exemplary farm in the hungry steppe and the restoration of the Muslim law that contributes to the development of irrigation
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 36. Correspondence with the head of the irrigation expedition in the south of Russia and the Caucasus on measures to resolve the flow of the Kuban River and the study of the mouth (nizovy) of the duct river, caused by the desire to support Achuyev fishing crafts
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 37. Correspondence with the Kursk-Orovsky Directorate of State Property and the Forest Department on the study of the peat deposits in the Kotovsky volost of the Starooskol district of the Kursk province, which was injected according to the expansion plan after Maslov’s death, for the purpose
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 38. Reports, draft provisions, notes, certificates and correspondence with the Main Directorate of the Viceroy of the Caucasus and with other institutions on the use of flowing waters in Crimea
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 39. Reports, position, notes, certificates and correspondence with the Department of General Affairs and with other institutions on the use of flowing waters in the Crimea
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 4. Reports, certificates, petitions of different persons and correspondence with the head of the irrigation expeditions in the south of Russia and the Caucasus, at the petitions of private individuals and institutions on the production of surveys in state and private estates for irrigation purposes
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 40. Police Department of the Executive Ministry.The case in relation to the governor of the Caucasian about the expulsion from the Caucasus in one of the internal provinces of the highlander of the highlander of the village of Gubden Abdul-Kerim Valigand Ogly.
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 41. Correspondence of the command of the expedition chief for flooding Crimea Rear Admiral Glazenap to Crimea to end the work on watering and for negotiations with the Tauride Zemstvo on this subject, and abroad to study the laws on the use of waters
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 42. Correspondence of the commanding of the head of the expedition for the watering of the Crimea Rear Admiral Glazenap in Crimea to end the work on watering and for negotiations with the Tauride Zemstvo on this subject (here about the warning committee)
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 43. Reports, notes, certificates, information and correspondence with the heads of the development of state -owned peat bogs on the study of peat bogs in the Moscow, Voronezh, Kursk, Tambov and Smolensk provinces
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 44. Reports on the development of peat bogs in 1889, approximate estimates for 1890 in the Livonia and Courland provinces, and a report on peat extension articles by the Vladimir province for 1889
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 45. Reports, contracts, petitions of peasants and correspondence with the Tambov management of state property for renting peat bogs in 42 and 43 quarters of the Tambov dacha, with the application of a journal of probe and information about peat dots
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 46. Correspondence and notes with explanations of the Minister of State Property and the extracts from the all -depth report of the Tauride Governor for 1888 on the need to promote the construction of artesian wells and accelerate the publication of the law on the use of water
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 47. RGIA
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 48. Reports, reporting data, notes and correspondence on the study of peat bogs in the Moscow, Voronezh, Vladimir, Novgorod, Tambov, Nizhny Novgorod, Livonia and Courland provinces in 1893 and about the expenses related to it
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 49. Correspondence, notes and reporting research data in 1890-1891 of peat bogs in the Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir, Tambov, Kursk and Yaroslavl provinces and on the expenses associated with it
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 5. Correspondence at the petitions of individuals and Kazan Rodionov Institute on the issuance of loans for reclamation work
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 50. Correspondence on the publication of the outline of the work of an irrigation expedition in the south of Russia and the Caucasus for 1880-1890.Correspondence and vacation of an all -depth report with a short abstract application
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 51. Correspondence [at the request of the merchant Bodrikhin for leasing to him] for the rental of the Moshkovsky swamp in the village cottage of the Vladimir province
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 52. Correspondence with the Tambov Directorate of State Property and with the Head of the Development of State Swamps [On] Research and Rent of the Tobby-Tsarovsky Cottage Complex, with the application of the conditions of conditions, magazine, sounding and plan of the swamps of the Apyevsky cottage
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 53. Correspondence with the Moscow-Aviation Department of State Property and with the Head of the Development of Gazenny Peat Bollets [On] Research and Rent for the Rent of the First Mokhovaya Swamp of the Moscow Province, with the application of the project of the Sonding Journal and Plan
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 54. Report, draft conditions and correspondence with the Moscow-Tire Directorate of State Property on the rental of a peat deposit in the Trapezo-Asmevo Kazakh Forest Cottage of the Bogorodsky district of the Moscow province, with the application of the plan, the journal of sounding and descriptions
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 55. Correspondence with the Department of General Affairs, Economic and Forest about the need and alleged work on watering and forestry in the Samara and Saratov provinces, due to the leafy that befell them in 1891.Report of the Samara Provincial Zemstvo Council for
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 56. [Correspondence on the proposal of the Perm Zemstvo Council on permission] of the experience of artificial irrigation of fields in the Shadrinsky district of the Perm province [and on the resolution of gold mining in the lands in the dachas of state peasants for issuing owned records]
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 57. The answer to the proposal of the professor of St. Petersburg University A.I.Voeikov on the consideration of his proposals for the preparation of the leadership for the watering and irrigation of land with irrigation works
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 58. Reports and correspondence at the request of the merchant Langner about the approval of the Charter of the Society of Irrigation of the Samara and Saratov provinces
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 59. Survey of the Partnership of the Nikolskaya manufactory of Savva Morozov and correspondence on the rental of peat bogs in the dacha "Prokudino-Aleksinsky Bor" [Vladimir province, with the application of the plans of the deposit and the conditions for removing it for rent]
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 6. Reports, reports and correspondence with the Moscow Department of State Property and the Forest Department for the rental of the peat bog in the pond-losen island of the Moscow province Partnership of the Balashin Manufactory
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 60. Correspondence at the request of the tenant of the dairy farm Mr. Vereshchagin about the allocation of part of the first moss official peat swamp with the aim of developing peat for litter
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 61. Information, correspondence and reporting data with the head of the development of state peat bogs on the study of peat bogs in the Moscow, Vladimir, Oryol, Tambov, Tverskaya and Yaroslavl provinces in 1892 and about the consumptions related to it
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 62. Переписка по ходатайству бывшего помощника военного губернатора в городе Ташкенте, действительного статского советника Дингельштедта о выдаче ему пособия и оказании содействия по изданию сочинения об ирригации в Туркестанском крае
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 63. Correspondence at the request of the peasant Mikalyukin about the return to him in the quitual content of the peat bog in the Tambov-Tsensky dacha of the Tambov province
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 64. Correspondence on adding to the state of the Main Directorate of the Turkestan Territory of the official of the official of special assignments for managing the technical part of irrigation in Bukhara
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 65. Report on the activities of the inspector of water and uniform institutions in the Caucasus for 1891
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 66. Correspondence with the head of the development of official peat bogs about [experience] manufacturing peat litter [and its distribution]
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 67. Correspondence at the petitions of different persons for the issuance of loans for the development of peat, on the sale of swamps, with requests of private individuals and on other issues of peatical affairs
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 68. Journal of Special Meeting and Correspondence on the transfer and acceptance of irrigation facilities performed by the Department of Public Work on the state lands in areas, which suffered from crop failure in the jurisdiction of the Ministry of State Property
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 69. The petition (at the request) of the peasant Malakhov and the correspondence for leasing two peat bogs in the 27th quarter of the Tambov cottage for leasing him
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 7. Member of the scientist E.E.Lod and correspondence with the Minister of State Property and with other persons about the establishment of the highest command and activities of the commission for the production of heating experiments by spherical peat.Notes on the result
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 70. Correspondence at the request of the mining engineer Konradi on the publication of his work: "Agricultural water supply to the mountainous part of the Crimean Peninsula"
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 71. Reports, reports and correspondence with the head of the development of official peat bogs on research in 1894 of peat bogs in the Voronezh, Vladimir, Volyn, Kiev, Courland, Lifland, Mogilev, Novgorod, Oryol, Poltava, Poltava, Poltava
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 72. Reports, conditions of conditions and correspondence with the head of the development of state -owned peat bogs for renting a peat bog in the Apyevsky cottage of the Tambov province
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 73. Correspondence of the commanding of the head of peat bogs of the actual state adviser Sytin and the agricultural adviser Tanfiliev to familiarize themselves with the state of peatical affairs.
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 74. Correspondence at the request of the land surveyor M.F.Rollanda about the allocation of a plot of land in the Samara province for the structure of irrigation
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 75. Papers for information and correspondence with private individuals and institutions on various issues, on the issuance of loans to the peasant L.A.Kudryashov, the State Advisor to Arnoldov and other persons for the production of the water -lifting machine, rheomotors and steam ramers invented by them
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 76. Report and correspondence with the Main Directorate of the Cossack Troops and the head of the irrigation expedition in the south of Russia on the research of the Alkhan-Churt Valley in the Terek region
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 77. Correspondence with the Tambov Directorate of State Property on the permission of the peasant Zheltov to cut the peat on the outskirts of the swamp rented by him in the Apyevsky cottage [Tambov province]
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 78. Correspondence with the Moscow-Fire Directorate of State Property on the production of research and leases to the Ostrovskaya peat deposits in the Pavlovsky forestry of the Moscow province, Bogorodsky district
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 79. Correspondence according to the highest marks in the most all -depth reports for 1888 and 1892 on the state of the Baku province
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 8. 1890
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 80. Correspondence with an inspector of water in the Caucasus on the study of the opportunity to restore the value of the state -owned section "Ambar" in the Dzhevat district of the Baku province as a reservoir
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 81. Reports, note, reports and reports of an irrigation expedition in the south of Russia and the Caucasus on hydrogeological research in the Poltava, Kherson, Erivan provinces and in Polesie for 1894
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 82. Correspondence with an irrigation expedition in the south of Russia and the Caucasus and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the alleged hydraulic surveys in the Akmola region for the purpose of irrigation [for the formation of migrant plots]
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 83. Correspondence according to the highest marks in the most comprehensive report of the Samara governor for [1890 and 1892 on the need to continue irrigation work in the southern part of the Samara province]
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 84. Correspondence with the Voronezh Directorate of State Property and the Forest Department for renting peat bogs in the Gnilushenskaya cottage of the Zadonsky district of the Voronezh province
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 85. Reports, reports and correspondence with the head of the irrigation expedition in the south of Russia and the Caucasus and with the inspector of water in the Caucasus on the production of irrigation surveys in the Mugansk Steppe
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 86. Reports and correspondence with the Department of State Land Property and the Head of the Development of Kazakhny peat bogs and the steppe and Akmola governors about hydraulic operations in the Siberian Railway area and on the water supply of resettlement
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 87. The case at the request of the merchant Venediktov and the report of the department of land improvements on the extension of the rental content of the peat swamp in the Tambov-Tsensky dacha of the first Tambov forestry of the Tambov province
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 88. The project of the organization of the peat department at the alleged All -Russian industrial and art exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod in 1896
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 89. Extracts from projects (1879-1882) "On the installation of a shipping and arrigal channel for connecting the Black, Azov, Caspian Seas"
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 9. Reports, a note by the Minister of Agriculture and State Property, complaints of local residents and correspondence with the inspector of water in the Caucasus about the use of waters for irrigation of land in Transcaucasia
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 90. Reports, assumptions and correspondence with the head of the expedition on the production of irrigation work in 1895 of the south of Russia and the Caucasus in 1895
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 91. Report on the work of an irrigation expedition in the south of Russia and the Caucasus for 1894
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 92. The case with the petition of individuals and institutions and correspondence at their petitions for the production of surveys in order to irrigate the Astrakhan, Yekaterinoslav, Kursk, Samara, Tauride, Kharkov and Kherson provinces in estates.
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 93. The case of the petitions of individuals, with the petitions of the peasants and the correspondence of the issuance of loans for irrigation of their lands in the Samara, Tauride and other provinces
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 94. Reports, reports and correspondence with the head of the development of state -owned peat bogs and with local government management departments on the research of 1895 of peat work [and for related expenses]
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 95. Correspondence at the request of private individuals on peat
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 96. Papers for information and in correspondence with private individuals and institutions on various issues
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 97. Information on the results of the study of the Medvedkovo Swamp Medvedkovo, located in the second Bogorodsky forestry of the Bronnitsky district of the Moscow province, with the application of the plan of the probe magazine and the draft conditions for the return on its rental
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 98. Reports, information and reports on an expedition to irrigation in the south of Russia research in the Yekaterinoslav, Kursk, Poltava, Tauride, Tula and Kherson provinces
РГИА. 113 / 1 / 99. Correspondence at the request of the college assessor of Trentovius about the delivery of a bog for leasing a bog for the production of coking peat in the furnace invented by him
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 113. Vedomosti water basins of the Ksan water district Transcaucasia
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 114. Report, reports and correspondence on the production of irrigation work in the south of Russia and the Caucasus
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 115. Report on the work of an irrigation expedition in the south of Russia and the Caucasus for 1895
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 116. Correspondence at the petitions of private individuals and institutions for the production of surveys in their estates for irrigation purposes
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 117. Correspondence at the petitions of peasant societies and individuals on the issuance of loans from reclamation loan for reclamation work
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 118. Reporting data, notes, correspondence on the research and development of peat bogs and related expenses in the Chernihiv, Livonia and Courland provinces and peat drops in the Vladimir province for 1895
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 119. A report note by the expedition to study the sources of the main rivers of European Russia on systematic hydrological studies of individual pools and on measures to protect and streamline the origins of Russian rivers
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 120. Russian
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 121. Papers for information and correspondence with private individuals and institutions on various issues.On sending technicians for servicing landowners about water -lifting structures recommended for watering gardens and gardens in the Kherson province, about the invention
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 122. 171 l.
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 123. Reports, notes, magazines of meetings and correspondence on the creation and activities of the commission for the consideration of irrigation projects in Turkestan
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 124. Reports, extracts from the most comprehensive reports of the governors and correspondence on the settlement of the Caucasus rivers, with the application of drawings
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 125. Correspondence on the publication of the composition of the mining engineer Tsimbalenko "Kyariza of the Trans -Caspian region"
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 126. RGIA
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 127. Correspondence at the request of the Caucasian Department of the Imperial Society of Hunting to represent him the right to hunt in the Salaglinsky cottage and the Karayaz estate of the Tiflis province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 128. 28 l.
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 129. Report of the-agronomist of the expedition for irrigation in the south of Russia I. Rukhlov on agricultural inspection of state-owned volumes in the Kherson province and the steppe part of the Tauride province for 1895, with the application of cards
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 130. Report and correspondence on the publication of materials on irrigation, drainage and peat production
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 131. The case with the idea of ​​the work plan and the expenses necessary to expand irrigation operations in the south and southeast of European Russia in 1897, with the review of the Ministry of Finance and comments of the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 132. Reports, reports and correspondence on the production of irrigation work in the south of Russia and the Caucasus
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 133. Western expeditions to drain the swamps, on hydrological studies of the city of Nikolaev Kherson province for 1895 and an irrigation expedition in southern Russia for 1896
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 134. Correspondence at the petitions of private individuals and institutions for the production of surveys in their estates for irrigation purposes
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 135. Russian
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 136. Доклады, заявления землевладельцев и переписка с заведующим разработкой казенных торфяных болот и с другими лицами об исследовании торфяных болот в Московской, Новгородской, Полтавской и других губерниях
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 137. Correspondence and requests of private individuals in peat
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 138. Papers for information and in correspondence with private individuals and institutions.Correspondence with the Mining Department, the Ministry of Finance and other institutions on various issues.On the provision of the right to issue a compulsory decision on the benefit of the Tauride Zemstvo
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 139. Estimates for 1898
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 140. Reports, notes, reports and correspondence on hydraulic surveys and work in the Siberian Railway area
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 141. 1889
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 142. Report, reports and correspondence of irrigated sections
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 143. Reporting and correspondence on the publication of translation from English of the composition of Flynn on the engineering and technical part of the irrigation published in San Francisco in 1892
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 144. Дело по ходатайству купца Шмидта и переписка об отводе ему земель в Туркестанском крае для орошения
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 145. Correspondence at the request of the Kolpino Mountain Plant on the development of peat in the official forest cottage "Rozhnov Bor" of the Vladimir province of Melenkovsky district
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 146. Reports, reports and correspondence on the command of the inspector of agriculture, the actual state adviser to Dingelste in the Caucasus to familiarize themselves with the situation
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 147. Correspondence on the provision of the heirs of Adjutant General Sheremetev of some benefits for the lease of the state-owned Arazdan estate of the Erivan province and county
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 148. Correspondence for the provision of the heirs of Adjutant General Sheremetev of some benefits for the lease of the state-owned Arazdan estate of the Erivan province and county
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 149. Reports and correspondence on the acceptance of the "Mishutinsky swamp" of the Bogorodsky district of the Moscow province developed [tenants]
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 150. Correspondence on the return of the merchant Smolin of the amount of 55 rubles 80 kopecks, recovered from him for the rental of two swamps in the Tambov-Sensky cottage, with the contract of contract
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 151. Merchant notes and correspondence on the production of gardening experiments in the Tingutinsky irrigated section of the Chernoyarsky district of the Astrakhan province under the leadership of agronomist Kartsev
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 152. Notes, statements and correspondence on the position of irrigation and watering on the official defense articles of the southern and southeastern provinces
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 153. Report, notes, correspondence, a copy of the court ruling and the lawsuit on the complaint landowners of the Krotkova and the peasants of the Penza district of the Penza province for the actions of the partnership of the Sergeyevskaya manufactory, which causes them to build the structures on
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 154. Magazines, provisions, report and notes on the production of hydraulic and hydrogeological surveys, on the use of water and on the release of funds for irrigation in the Turkestan region for 1897-1912
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 155. Reports, notes and correspondence on the production of irrigation work in the south of Russia and the Caucasus
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 156. Report of the irrigation expedition in the south of Russia for 1897
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 157. Correspondence at the petitions of private individuals and institutions for the production of surveys in their estates for irrigation purposes
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 158. Correspondence at the request of individuals on the issuance of loans from reclamation loan
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 159. Reports and correspondence with the head of the development of state -owned peat bogs on research and work in 1898 and on various issues on the provinces of European Russia
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 160. 1874
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 161. Estimates [for 1899]
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 162. Russian
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 163. Reports, notes and correspondence with the resettlement and agricultural department on hydraulic surveys and work in the Siberian Railway area
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 164. Report, representations, petitions of landowners and correspondence about the use of waters for irrigation of land in Transcaucasia
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 165. Correspondence of the allocation at the disposal of the expedition to irrigation in the south of Russia areas of the Saranovsky RAMSy article of the Kamyshinsky district of the Saratov province on the application of the article plan
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 166. Note, reports and correspondence on the allocation of an irrigation expedition in the south of Russia and the Caucasus of Kochetkovsky and Shcherbakovsky irrigated sections of the Samara province, with the application of plans
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 167. [Report and correspondence] on research on the Sulak ditch of the Dagestan region in 1895
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 168. Correspondence on the extension of the Balashinsky Manufactory of the Rent of the Torfyan Swamp in the Dachynaya Island Dachas of the Moscow province, with the application of the plan
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 169. Correspondence of the submission to the merchant Menoshchikov peat bogs in the Kurgan district [Tobolsk province], with the application of the plan and the journals of the probe and leveling of the deposits
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 170. Correspondence of extension of the merchant F.I.Smolin of the term of renting a peat swamp in the dining room forestry of the Tambov province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 171. Correspondence of the return to the peat swamp in the cottage "Patriarchal Bor" of the Vladimir province, with the application of the plan
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 172. Correspondence at the petitions of the Dnieper, Evpatoria and Theodosia Zemstvo on strengthening flying sands, expanding work in state forests and arranging reservoirs
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 173. Extracts according to the notes of the Minister of Agriculture and State Property on a trip in the summer in 1898 in Russia [on drainage and flooding work in the Voronezh, Penza, Tomsk, Samara, Ryazan provinces and in the Peter and Paul County of Akmola
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 174. Information about drilling wells at state -owned wine warehouses in the Warsaw, Sedletskaya, Poltava, Podolsk and other provinces
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 175. Russian
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 176. Correspondence at the petition of the landlord Kolyubakina on the production of irrigation in her estates of the "sapronovo" Vitebsk province and "Shipulino" Pskov province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 177. Correspondence at the request of the landowner Krainsky about the production of surveys in order to arrange an artesian well in his estate under the village of Bolshaya Aleksandrovka of the Chernihiv province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 178. Correspondence of the establishment of a nursery of the Ukrainian cattle breeding in the Sagaidak orphanage of the Kherson province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 179. Correspondence at the request of the chairman of the Elizabethpol Society of Agriculture Antushevich on granting him the right to withdraw water from Lake Gokcha
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 180. Projects of irrigation work in the south of Russia.Estimates, plans, technical descriptions, notes about the device of irrigated areas
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 181. A technical description of the work on the installation of water supply on the Tomsk agricultural farm, produced in 1898 and on the alleged in 1899, with the application of the plan
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 182. Reports, reports, petitions of peasants and correspondence on the production of irrigation work in the south of Russia and the Caucasus in 1899
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 183. Expedition reports on irrigation in the south of Russia for 1898-1899
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 184. Correspondence at the petitions of private individuals and institutions for the production of surveys in their estates for irrigation purposes
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 185. Correspondence at the request of private individuals for the issuance of loans from reclamation loan [and on the organization and conduct of irrigation in the south of Russia for reclamation loans]
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 186. Reports, reports, petitions of private individuals and correspondence on the upcoming studies of peat bogs in 1898 on the provinces of Russia, and on other issues
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 187. A report note by the head of the agricultural and state property department in the Turkestan Territory, estimates and correspondence of the irrigation of land in the hungry steppe
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 188. Papers for note, correspondence with private individuals and institutions on various issues
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 189. Extracts on the preparation of estimates for 1900
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 190. Report, reports, notes, reports, draft provisions and correspondence on the irrigation of land in the Turkestan Territory
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 191. Reports, reports and correspondence with resettlement management and other institutions on hydraulic surveys and work in the Siberian Railway area
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 192. Reports, a journal of a meeting of the congress of ghradliks (1899) and correspondence on the use of waters for irrigation of land in Transcaucasia
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 193. Reports and correspondence on the organization of the commission and on its work on the consideration of projects of irrigation facilities in the Turkestan Territory, with the application of magazines of meetings
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 194. Service and correspondence on the production of surveys in order to irrigate in the estate E.P.Kovalevsky "Utanovka" Voronezh province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 195. Certificate at the request of the chairman of the Kagul Zemstvo Assembly on the regulation of the flow of the Pruta River
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 196. Correspondence on the establishment of the procedure for the control reporting on irrigation and drainage work
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 197. Correspondence of the appropriation of funds for the repair of hydraulic structures in the Kalmyk steppe and information on the alleged work in the Ungun-Tariga tract
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 198. Correspondence and explanations on the "highest" mark on the "all -quinent" report of the Erivan governor regarding the regulation of the course of the Araks and Arpachi rivers
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 199. RGIA
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 200. Correspondence at the request of landowners S.A.Persi-frane on the production of research in its estate Srebitsky farm of the Samara province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 201. Correspondence at the request of the merchant Mashadi Jafar Ogla about the allocation of the earth from the Sardrabatsky steppe
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 202. Correspondence at the request of the landowner Dmitriev on the issuance of a loan and the production of surveys for the construction of an artesian well on his estate on the suburbs of Mr. Bender of the Bessarabian province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 203. Correspondence on the petition of the Luders manufacturer for renting a peat in the Klinsky district of the Moscow province to develop a new type of cattle feed
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 204. Reports, a journal of the Special Provincial Trade Presence and the correspondence on the rental of three sections of the peat swamp in the first part of the Rizadeevsky cottage [Nizhny Novgorod province], with the application of the plan and the lining of the residence of the deposit
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 205. A report on the commanding of the Provincial Secretary of Usov abroad to study the peat case
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 206. Correspondence at the petition of the landlord Liemenfeld on the production of research in her estate under the village of Evlashev Saransky district of the Penza province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 207. Correspondence at the request of the peasants of the village of Svetny Yara Khodyrev, Mantzurov and others about the addition of arrears from them on the rental of land at the Tingut tract of the Astrakhan province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 208. Correspondence for the consideration of the draft charter of "Russian society for irrigation and drainage of land", with the application of the project
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 209. Correspondence at the petition of the landowner Falz-Fayne on the resolution of the construction of dams under the Peninsula of the Croilus of the Tauride province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 210. Correspondence of the Gaulle project (HALL) about land irrigation in Transcaucasia
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 211. Report, report and correspondence on a business trip of the senior clerk of the department of land improvements to Vaskovsky to Siberia to transfer hydraulic structures in the area of ​​the Siberian Railway in the Tobolsk, Tomsk provinces and Akmola region in the lead
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 212. Correspondence at the petition of zemstvos about the construction of a bridge over the salted Cuba River under the village of Cano on the Astrakhan Skotoprogonno tract
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 213. [Correspondence and explanation] according to the highest marks on the most all -neighborly report for 1897 on the state of the Samara province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 214. Correspondence at the request of the attorney of the Society of the village of Argzhi of the Surmala district of the Erivan province on permission to use water from the Hanagovsky ditch to irrigation of allotment land [and on the construction of hydraulic structures]
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 215. Petitions of the Lokhvitsky Zemstvo council on the appointment of a commission in the Lokhvitsky district of the Poltava province to consider issues about improving rivers and drainage of swamps
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 216. [Correspondence] at the request of the landowner Kefeli on a loan for irrigation and other works in his estate near the city of Bakhchisaray Tauride province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 217. Correspondence at the request of the Bessarabian governor about the production of surveys in order to irrigate Akkerman vineyards
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 218. Correspondence [on the appropriation of funds for] the commanding of the court adviser to Prince Masalsky in Turkestan
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 219. [Correspondence at the request of the cloth factory of Ragoz] on the rental of peat bogs in the Tambov dacha
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 220. [Report and correspondence] on the study and delivery of a peat bog in the Morshanskoye Cottage [Tambov province], [with the application of the plan and the losing magazine of the deposit]
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 221. [Correspondence] according to the "all -depth" request of the assistant manager of the department of land improvements to the Khainovsky to find measures to combat crop failures and the establishment of a geological institute in Sevastopol
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 222. The case at the request of the authorized peasants of the farm of Usatov, Novouzensky district of the Samara province, Nikifor Bakalov and Ivan Belousov and correspondence on the arrangement of the dam to the state account
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 223. [Correspondence] at the request of the asylum management for the poor and orphans in the Gnadantau parish of the Samara province about the allocation of the Earth from the Valuysk section, in order to conduct agriculture
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 224. RGIA
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 225. Report on the Valuyan irrigated section of the Novouzensky district of the Samara province for 1898
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 226. Report on the Kamensky irrigated section of the Bakhmut district of the Yekaterinoslav province for 1898
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 227. Report on Korostinsky irrigated section of the Kamyshinsky district of the Saratov province for 1898 provinces
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 228. Report on the Sagaidak irrigated section of the Elizavetgrad district of the Kherson province for 1898
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 229. Correspondence of research and dedication to the peat bog in the Pokrovsko-Kunin cottage of the Moscow province at the request of the peasant Shcheptev, [with the application of the plan and the losing magazine of the residence of the deposit]
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 230. 52 l.
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 231. [Correspondence with the head of the development of official peat bogs, with the Mining Department on the upcoming development of the swamps of the Kemmerne Mineral Waters]
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 232. Report of the conditions and correspondence on the rental of the Mitenino peat swamp, located in the official Marfina Dacha [Vladimir province]
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 233. Report and correspondence on the study and lease of peat bogs in the Tambov province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 234. Correspondence with the Office of Agriculture and State Property in the Turkestan Territory and with the Main Engineering Administration and other research institutions in order to drain the swamps and settle the flowing waters near the village of Kushn Tskaspian
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 235. Correspondence at the request of the director of the Old Russian Mineral Water on the study of swamps for the development of peat to use it for fuel
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 236. The petition of the entrusted company of the village of the Setabad of the Aresh district of the Elizabethpol province and the correspondence on the provision of the right to use water from the ditch of the Turunchai River
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 237. [Calculation of the cost] of the irrigation device on state -owned gating articles: Agayman Melitopol district of the Tauride province and the Yunashevskaya Odessa district of the Kherson province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 238. [Reports, notes, certificates and other materials] on the education and activities of the meeting to discuss measures to develop peat production in Russia
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 239. Reports, notes, notes of the Minister of Agriculture and State Property, Assumptions and correspondence on the production of irrigation and flooding in European Russia in 1899-1900
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 240. RGIA
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 241. [Reports, notes, reports and correspondence] about the use of water for irrigation of land and on hydraulic operations in Transcaucasia
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 242. A preliminary report by the head of the development of peat bogs on work in 1899 and assumptions about work for 1900
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 243. [Reports, certificates and correspondence] on the irrigation of land in the hungry steppe of the Samarkand region
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 244. Correspondence with private individuals and institutions on various issues (on the extension of the rental period of Terek fishing water Tushmanov; proposal of the Oggers mechanics for irrigation in lean areas and on other issues)
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 245. A copy of the "all -depth" report, extracts and certificates for drawing up an estimate for 1901
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 246. Report, draft provisions, reports, notes, reports and correspondence of land irrigation in Turkestan
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 247. Reports, reports and correspondence on the production of hydraulic surveys and work in the Siberian Railway area, with the application of estimates, shifts and acts of survey of work
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 248. Performances, reports, the conclusion of the State Council and correspondence on hydraulic surveys and work in the Siberian Railway area
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 249. Reports, certificates and correspondence on the education, organization and activities of the commission for consideration of the Rules of accounting and reporting on the conduct of farming in specialized state irrigated areas, spending loans to drainage and orphan
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 250. Correspondence at the petition of the landowner V.O.Brahams on the issuance of a reclamation loan for irrigation of the fruit garden in the Simferopol district of the Tauride province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 251. Report, certificates and correspondence on the Tingutinsky state irrigated area.(About the degree of arrears from the peasants, about measures to protect the reservoir and so on)
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 252. Reports, reports and correspondence on the Tingutinsky official irrigated section of the Astrakhan province, with the application of the reservoir plan
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 253. The case at the request (petition) of the state adviser of Meshchersky and the correspondence on the inspection of cultural plots in the Gelendzhik Cape, near the city of Novorossiysk, with the aim of water supply
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 254. [Report, estimate and] Correspondence according to the Valuyan irrigated area [Samara province (on economic device, about the alleged hydraulic operations and about other things)]]
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 255. [Correspondence] on the economic device on the Kamensky irrigated section of the Bakhmut district of the Yekaterinoslav province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 256. Correspondence on the rental of a peat swamp in the Amazeri Dach of the Moscow province to the Moscow dyeing factory partnership, with the application of plans and journals of the residence of the deposit
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 257. Correspondence at the request of the banker house "Adelsen and K?"On the introduction of peat processing in Russia according to the method of engineer Stauber
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 258. The petition of the peasants of the village of Eperel of the Livonia province and correspondence on resolving the development of state -owned peat
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 259. [Plans and journals of the sank of the deposit (Ll. 9,16,17)]]
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 260. Correspondence on the establishment of the size of the contributions due to the state treasury from the income from the official irrigated plots: the Valuysky Samara province, the Serebryansky Yekaterinoslav province, the Sagaidak Kherson province, with the application
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 261. Correspondence at the request of the Vurcinger and Steiner trading house on testing machines for processing peat for briquettes
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 262. Service at the request of the Savva Morozov Nicholas Manufactory and Correspondence for Renting a Torfyannik "Zanoz" by the Vladimir province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 263. Correspondence at the request of the Poltava provincial council on the production of hydraulic studies in the Valley of the River Privaya River
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 264. Correspondence at the request of the peasants of the village of the Repishchal County of the Kostroma province on the issuance of a loan to work on changing the channel of the Kera River for irrigation of their fields and on the commanding of the technique for the production of surveys with the aim of irrigation
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 265. A petition at the request of Baron A.A.Fitivkofa on the study of swamps in the Porech and Rambolovsky dachas of the St. Petersburg province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 266. The case on the letter of the owner of the Snow -Country Saving and the Snowan peat of Voronovich (Klintsy) and the correspondence on the organization of peat production and fruiting in her estate and at the request for the issuance of a loan for her peat proportions
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 267. Notes, certificates, estimates and correspondence on the production of hydraulic surveys and work in the country of Sergeyevsky mineral waters of the Samara province, with the application of plans and drawings of structures
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 268. Sproves at the request of the Nikolskoye Manufactory "Savva Morozov" and a correspondence for renting peat bogs in the dacha of the Prokudino-Aleksinsky Bor of the Pokrovsky district of the Vladimir province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 269. A memorandum of the leader of the nobility of Kislovsky and correspondence on the study of his peat bogs in the Kashinsky district of the Tver province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 270. Correspondence at the request of the merchant Luders for the lease of Torfyannik near the village of Fastov of the Kyiv province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 271. Correspondence at the request of state control on the reasons for the closure of the fingertips of the Karachevsky district of the Oryol province and the restoration of the supply of peat irrigation of the Rigo-Orlovsky railway
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 272. Correspondence at the request of the Buinsky district zemstvo council of the Siberian province on the commanding of the peatister in Buinsky district
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 273. Correspondence at the request of the landowner of the Tauride province of Krikunov about the loan for reclamation work
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 274. Correspondence at the request of the Pskov City Council on the reporting of the conditions for the development of peat bogs
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 275. Report and correspondence on education [of the meeting] to discuss the project of legalizations on the production of land improvements in European Russia
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 276. The petition of the Baron Grottgus and the correspondence on the acceptance of the peat bogs belonging to him [located on the estate of Sarnen Courland province]
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 277. Correspondence at the request of the first Tobolsk department of the Imperial Moscow Society of Agriculture on the continuation of the state -owned development of peat in the Kurgan district of the Tobolsk province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 278. The case of the petition of the landowner Cherkasov and correspondence on the study of his peat bog in the Nizhny Novgorod province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 279. 49 l.
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 280. Reports and correspondence on the study and delivery of a peat bog in the Kosyaginsky dacha of the Bogorodsky district of the Moscow province, [with the application of the plan, the probe magazine and the conditions for the lease of the swamp]
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 281. Spenneman's petition and correspondence on resolving the study of state peat bogs along the Nikolaev railway line
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 282. [The statement of the owner of the estate] in the Kursk province at the application of Samborsky about the reporting of him explanations on issues relating to the peat case, and the message [the head of the development of state peat bogs on the conditions for corpoisting for the pettay
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 283. The case at the request of the landowners of the Korchevsky district of the Tver province of Glazunov, Lopatin, Tereshina and Sadikov and correspondence on the study of the peat bogs belonging to them
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 284. [Report, certificate and correspondence] on the study and lease of peat bogs in the second part of the official Rizadeevsky cottage of the Nizhny Novgorod province to the Society of the Kolomensky Machine -Building Plant, [plan, a journal of probe and lease of peat halls
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 285. The case at the request of the peasants of Erofeev, Smirnov and Klyukvin and correspondence on the study of their peat people in the Tver province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 286. Correspondence at the request of the Pskov Provincial Zemstvo Council on the company’s business trip to the Pskov province to study the swamps with the application of research results
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 287. The case at the petition of Politovsky and the correspondence of resolving him from the study of the boss "Bityugovsky moss" Korchevsky district of the Tver province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 288. The City of the State Council of Azanchevsky and the correspondence on the issuance of the Torfyanik in the Myshkinsky district of the Yaroslavl province with the application of the plan and the lining of the placement of the deposit of the deposit
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 289. Reports, assumptions and correspondence of the Kamensky, Salaidak, Valuysky and Tingutinsky irrigated sections
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 290. Action at the request of the Riga Peat Plant "Progress" and a correspondence for leasing of the Schlok peat bog
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 291. The petition at the request of the Khotensky patrimonial management of Countess Stroganova and the correspondence of the commanding of specialists in her estate for consultation in the peat case
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 292. Correspondence at the request of the Chernihiv Provincial Zemstvo Assembly about the business trip to the Chernihiv province technique for the production of research in order to water and irrigate the nursery in the estate under the village of Dovzhik and the village of Slobodka
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 293. Correspondence of permission to the lessee of the cape of Freudenberg of the Livonian province Mr. Tunchesh to extract peat
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 294. RGIA
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 295. The petition [the owner of the Strelkovitsa estate of the Podlesnaya] Radom province Dvoles of Perelova on the assistance in the development of her peat bogs
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 296. [Speaking of the owner of the distilled plants in the Vilnius province] Mr. Khominsky about the addition of duties from the border of peat cars.
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 297. [The petition of the landowner of the Tver province] at the request of Lykoshina about the study of her peat people
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 298. The petition of the landowner [Chernihiv province] Voronovich about the return to her for renting a fingertips of the fingertips
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 299. At the request of the Provincial Secretary of Kurakin on the issuance of a loan for peat deeds [in the Perm province]
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 300. [Correspondence with the head of the development of state -owned peat bogs and with other institutions on the study] of peat bogs in the Korsunsky district of the Simbirsk province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 301. The case on the petition of the board of the partnership of the production of porcelain and earthenware products M.S.Kuznetsov about the return to him for rent of a Schlok peat bog
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 302. Report, petition and correspondence on the commanding of the head of the development of official peat bogs Sytin abroad
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 303. Correspondence on approval of the draft Charter of the "First Russian Joint -Stock Company for Torf processing [on Cox and other products"], [with the application of copies of the protocols of the first collection of the Company and the examination of coking peat at the plant at the Redkin station
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 304. Correspondence at the request of the Society of the Ryazan-Ural Railway about the report of information about peat bogs, [with the application of information]
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 305. RGIA
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 306. [Presentation of the director] of the St. Petersburg Forest Institute and correspondence on the study of groundwater with the aim of water supply to the St. Petersburg Forest Institute
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 307. Correspondence of a geological study in the Pesochinsky estate of the Ryazan province with the aim of arranging an artesian well with the application of a plan for describing the estate
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 308. Correspondence of the recovery of lands from tenants in the Sagaidak irrigated plot of the Kherson province of arrears for 1898 and 1899 [and on the examination of hydraulic structures]
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 310. Report and correspondence at the request of the Kherson Provincial Zemstvo Assembly on the establishment of a specialist in water economy and strengthening of ravines under the agricultural unit in the Kherson province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 311. Correspondence of the business trip to the village of Novo-Vasilyevka Berdyansk district of the Tauride province of a specialist for the production of hydraulic surveys, with the application of the Raffa technique on the results of the study in 1902
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 312. Correspondence at the request of Baron P.L.Korfa on the production of hydraulic surveys on the estate of the Alekseevsky Kherson province of the Elizavetgrad district
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 313. Correspondence of a hydraulic technique for finding measures to improve the location of the Astrakhan school of gardening and gardening
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 314. The petition of the inhabitants of the Ayupovs farm of the Saltovsky volost of the Novouzensky district of the Samara province and the correspondence on the commanding of the specialist to determine the cost of the device of the dam in the Nogai site
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 315. 1900
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 316. Report and correspondence on the study and dedication of the Torfyannik "Chadleevsky Topuccious Swamp" of the Yegoryevsky district of the Ryazan province, [with the application of the plan, a journal of sounding and the terms of the removal of peat deposits]
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 317. Information of state-owned peat bogs leased by the Warsaw Vladimir Nizhny Novgorod Tambov province and the Moscow-Trious Department of State Property
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 318. Report, petitions of private individuals and correspondence on the rental of a Paltsovsky peat swamp of the Oryol province with the application of the plan, description, probe journal and rental conditions for peat deposits
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 319. Correspondence with the Office of Agriculture and State Property in the Turkestan Territory and with the main headquarters on the participation in the Commission on the settlement of the issue of water use of the Central Asian Railway [and the native population]
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 320. The petition of the heppener and correspondence on the study of peat and soil samples in the agricultural laboratory [on the estate of the Podolsk province]
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 321. Correspondence at the request of the authorized landowner Torletsky about the study of his peat swamps at the Osechenka station of the Nikolaev railway
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 322. Representation at the request of the Commissioner for the Agricultural Part in the Pskov province on the study of the samples of peat from the Olgino estates delivered by him and could
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 323. Ditmar's petition for the return to him for rent to the Schlok peat peat located along the line of the Rigo-Tukumsky railway
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 324. [Reports, notes, magazines of the hydrological committee (1910), certificates and correspondence] on the settlement of water and draining the swamps of the Merv oasis to eliminate the incidence and mortality from malaria among the population and troops, as well as to expand the crops of HL
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 325. Correspondence at the request of the trusted society of the peasants of the village of Pustovalovka Tugolukovsky volost of the Borisoglebsky district of the Tambov province Fedor Grachev about the company's commanding [for the construction of the vaulting project of the village]
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 326. The case of the request of the nobleman Krishtofovich about the allocation of a plot of land in the Caucasus [for the production of experiments] culture of fruits and vegetables
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 327. Report, certificates and correspondence at the request of landowners Isar near the city of Yalta, Veniaminov, Shtenger and Tomashevsky on the granting the right to use water from the source of high -profile
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 328. Service of the Trusted Vorobevsky rural society of the Zadonsky district of the Voronezh province Savely Larin and correspondence on the commanding of a specialist for the production of sub -sedentary intelligence
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 329. [Report and correspondence] on the provision of the estate of the Grand Dukes of George and Alexander Mikhailovich for the perpetual use of the estate of the Gaspra, the source of the "Count" of the Tauride province of the Southern Berezhnaya Forestry
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 330. [A memo at the petition of the landowner S.F.Glinka] and correspondence on improving the watering of the village of Salmanovka of the Burundukovsky volost of the Buinsky district of the Simbirsk province
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 331. Correspondence of a message [at the request] of the landowner of the Tim district of the Kursk province of Veselsky technical instructions in the irrigation he undertaken and on the assistance
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 332. Correspondence at the request of the peasants of Gusselsky and Kraishevsky about the studies of the possibility of resettlement sections of the expanding articles of the pharmaceutical district of the Saratov province to supply them with drinking water
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 333. Report, certificates and correspondence at the request of the landowner of the Tauride province of Kuzmin on the resolution of water from Aibar drilling well
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 334. Correspondence at the request of Katkova (former Princess Shcherbatova) about the specialist’s commanding to clarify the issue of irrigation on the fields of the Borisovka estate under the village of Yelshanka of the Saratov province and county, with the application of the estate plan
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 335. Correspondence on the verdict of peasants of the village of Novotroitsky, Novouzensky district of the Samara province on a specialist’s commanding to study the possibility of building a dam on the River Malo-Uzen
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 336. [Report, meetings of meetings, certificates and correspondence] on the water supply of the Nikitsky Garden (Crimea), [with the application of the plan]
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 337. A note by the engineer Kozyrev on hydraulic operations in the Ural, Akmola and Semipalatinsk regions in 1910 (copy), with the application of information about soil and rivers.Printing acts of examination and inventories of hydraulic structures on resettlement
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 338. Reports, estimated assumptions of correspondence on the production of irrigation work in European Russia in 1901
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 339. Expedition reports on irrigation in the south of Russia for 1900, with the application of two cards
РГИА. 341 / 1 / 340. Reports, meetings and correspondence on the use of waters for irrigation of land and irrigation work in Transcaucasia
РГИА. 426 / 1 / 1058. Correspondence at the request of the Aseev Brothers Trading House on the rental of peat deposits in the South Morshansko-Kninsky dacha of the Sokolnikovsky forestry of the Tambov province
РГИА. 426 / 1 / 17. RGIA
РГИА. 426 / 1 / 309. Project, report and correspondence on the device of water supply of the nursery in the Jectensky section of the Berdyansk Forestry of the Tauride province, [with the application of the estimate]
РГИА. 426 / 1 / 409. Correspondence of research and renting to the Morshansky manufacturers Dmitriev and Belousov and the Trading House "Br. Aseev" peat bogs in the South-Morshanskoye and Ramensky state dachas, [with the application of plans, sounding magazines and rental conditions for leases
РГИА. 426 / 1 / 473. [Presentation of the overseer behind the state lands] at the request of the German-Selian Germans about the structure of the artesian well in the Starobelsky district of the Kharkov province
РГИА. 426 / 1 / 808. Reports and correspondence with explanations on the "highest" mark on the most comprehensive report for 1909 on the state of the Trans -Caspian region (on the water supply of the city of Askhabad, on the establishment of the rights of the local population to own the crias, wells and water
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 341. Reports, assumptions and correspondence on the study of peat bogs in 1901 and on various issues of peat
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 342. Reports, certificates and correspondence on the organization of work on irrigation of land in the hungry steppe of the Samarkand region
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 343. Correspondence with private individuals and institutions on various issues (on measures to combat ravines; on the detention of snow in the fields to moisturize the soil; extracts from the notes of the Minister of Agriculture and state property on a trip in Russia in 1901 and on other
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 344. Estimates for the arrangement of wells of wells in the Elizabeth County of the Kherson province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 345. [Explanations of the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property according to the estimate for 1902 and the application to the state painting of income and expenses for 1901], on the preparation of estimates for 1902
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 346. [Reports, certificates and correspondence] about the irrigation of land in Turkestan
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 347. Reports, presentations and correspondence on hydraulic surveys and work in the Siberian Railway area
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 348. Correspondence at the request of the Bryansk rail -rental plant to explore the peat bogs in the Varlamov and fingertips of the Oryol province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 349. Correspondence at the request of the French citizen Tanyon and other persons on the lease of the engineers of the Berendeevsky Swamp of the Vladimir province that he had been investigated by him.
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 350. Correspondence at the request of the landowner Shevchenko on the issuance of a loan for the device and irrigation of the fruit garden in the Chekurchi estate on the Maly Salgir Tauride Province River
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 351. RGIA
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 352. Service at the request of the landowner V.P.Kochubey and correspondence on the study of peat bogs in the estate "Zgurovka" of the Poltava province, with the application of the results of the inspection
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 353. The case of the request of the trusted noblemen of the Zolotnitsky merchant Smirnov and the correspondence on the issuance of a loan for the development of peat in their estate in the Akhtyrsky district of the Kharkov province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 354. Correspondence of the merchant Balakshin about the rental of the Tobolsk province to the peat bog, [with the appendix]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 355. The case at the request of the landowner Chuykevich and the correspondence of the examination of his peat bogs in the Zolotonoshsky district of the Poltava province, [with the application of information about deposits]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 356. RGIA
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 357. Correspondence at the request of the Verkhne-Kushum Society of the Novouzensky district of the Samara province on the issuance of a manual for the device of the dam
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 358. Correspondence at the proposal of Dingelstedt on the translation of the Levy-Yalvador engineer under the title "Hydrauligue Agricole"
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 359. Correspondence at the request of the guardian administration of the property of Prince Vorontsov, Count Shuvalov on the production of surveys and hydraulic work in the estate of the wardrobe of the Penza province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 360. Correspondence at the request of the peasants of Nikolsky and Kozlovka of the Novouzensky district of the Samara province on the issuance of a loan for the device of the dam
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 361. Correspondence at the request of the Society of the village of Kendek of the Aresh district of the Elizabethpol province about the removal of water from the Kura River, [Sunbling village]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 362. The case of the request of the Astrakhan governor on the transfer of the case to water on the Astrakhan cattle -car tracts from the Department of State Land property to the Land Improvement Department
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 363. RGIA
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 364. Correspondence at the request of the director of the Kucherovsky agricultural school of the Kursk province on the issuance of benefits to the courses of lower agricultural technicians
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 365. Correspondence at the request of the Tsaritsyn district zemstvo council on the production of surveys in the Tsaritsyn district, in order to irrigate the steppe areas
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 366. Correspondence at the request of the peasant Yegor Pshenichichnika to give him a long -term rental of quitral articles in the Novouzensky district [Samara province]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 367. Statement of the Cossack Spizhevsky [Poltava province] about the dangers of duging wells
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 368. The petition of the landowner Suvorin on the production of surveys in the estate under the village of Kaibichiv of the Simbirsk province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 369. Note and [correspondence] at the suggestion of the engineer Morduhai-Boltovsky on the rise in land performance in Russia [and the draft letter-answer of the department of land improvements]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 370. Correspondence on the complaint of the peasant sat down by Malykh Chapurnikov of the Astrakhan province of Yambaev to capture his potatoes and the actions of the head
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 371. Assumptions for irrigation work in the Astrakhan and Saratov provinces for 1902, with the application of work maps
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 372. [Correspondence with the economic department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and with other institutions] on the formation of commissions for the inspection of hydraulic structures, built by techniques of the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property in the south of Russia
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 373. Reports, instructions, information and correspondence on the production of surveys in the Terek River Delta, in order to resolve its course
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 374. Correspondence at the request of the landowner Ushakov on production in order to irrigate the garden in the estate of Ekaterinino Tambov province, [with the application of the estimate]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 375. Correspondence with the management of state property of the Tauride and Yekaterinoslav provinces on the permission of the Gurzuf joint-stock company to use water from the source of Ladi Kishma, with the application of drawings
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 376. Correspondence on the complaint of trusted residents of the village of Egvart of the Erivan province to the Decree of the Council of the Elected Abaransky Water District, on the opening of the Haratinsky Danger, [with the application of the peasants and a copy of the Decree of the Electoral Council]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 377. Correspondence at the request of the Samara Department of State Property on the correction of the breakthrough of the dam on the Nogai expert article
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 378. Journals of meetings of the Caucasian Society of Agriculture, Inquiries and correspondence on the design and production of irrigation work in the [Mugan steppe, with the application of the map and drawings]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 379. The case at the request of the Society of Peasants of the Village of Radonova of the Yekaterinoslav Province on the return to the long -term lease of a part of the Kamensky irrigated plot, on the departure of the payment for the land they rented out, as well as at the request of the peasant Zhlichenko about the warning
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 380. Technical note and correspondence on the production of surveys in order to strengthen the banks of the Sviyagi River in the estate of the Golovinsky Simbirsk province, with the application of the estimate
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 381. Correspondence at the request of the landowner DOKS on the issuance of a reclamation loan to strengthen the ravines in the estates of Molog and Saria of the Bessarabian province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 382. Correspondence at the request of the peasant village of King Astrakhan province Leonty Razuvaev for renting 50 acres from the Kalmyk land near the Tsaritsyn Lake
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 383. The proceedings at the request of the attorney of the Society of the peasants of the village of the Erivan province of permission to draw a ditch from the Alindia-Chai River
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 384. Inquiries and correspondence on the recovery of arrears from the peasants of tenants of the Tengutinsky irrigated site of the Astrakhan province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 385. The case at the request of the engineer Polovtsov and the correspondence on the approval of the Charter of the Taihin-Chiri partnership with the aim of irrigating land in the estates of the Katsaves of the Tauride province with water of the Tynin-CHIR water supply [and on the lease of the land for the construction of water
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 386. 386
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 387. The case at the request of the Savva Morozov and Vikul Morozov partnerships and correspondence on the rental of quarters 50, 51 and 52 dachas and peat bogs "Prokudino-Aleksinsky Bor" of the Vladimir province, with the application of plans, probe magazines and the conditions of returns in the air
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 388. The petition of the peasant Kirin and the correspondence on the study and return to the peat swamp in the Dobrinsk-Voznesensky cottage, Lebedyansky forestry [Tambov province]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 389. Police Department of the Executive Ministry.The case of facilitating the fate of political criminals in Western Siberia.
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 390. The case at the request of Prince Meshchersky and correspondence on the study of peat bogs in the estate of Lotoshino in the [Tver province], [with the application of information about deposits]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 391. Correspondence at the request of the landowner N.V.Schwartz on the study of peat bogs in the Markhotkino estate [in the Smolensk province]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 392. The case at the request of the peasant Shevelkin and the correspondence on the rental of the peat section in the Kozlovo-Yurkinsky cottage of the Moscow province, [with the application of the plan, the probe journal and the conditions for the lease of the swamp]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 393. A letter from the Turkestan Governor General about the production of hydraulic operations in the Zeravshan River basin, with the application of a note by the Petrovsky engineer on the study of the Zarafshan River and its tributaries, in order to clarify the possibility of arranging reservoirs
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 394. [Correspondence] on the establishment of the Joint -Stock Company "Fege" for the production of carbonized peat [and the conclusion by the paragraph of the draft charter of the Company on the prevention of Jews for positions]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 395. [The case of the request of the Partnership of the Kuchkurinsky Pussy Factory] and the correspondence of permitting the reckoning of peat tires to mountain crafts
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 396. Correspondence of the transfer to the Committee of the Siberian Railway of Assembly on Hydrotechnical Studies in the Turkestan Territory and the Semirechensk region
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 397. Correspondence on the permission of the Bryansk plant for the preliminary study of the peat deposits of the Swamp "Polts" in the Oryol province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 398. Service at the petition of the factory warehouse of Mrs. Davydovskaya for the lease of peasants in the vests of the Tara and Shaitanka rivers [Tobolsk province] and correspondence.
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 399. The petition of the Baron of the Fitivkof and the correspondence of the resolution of the study of the Swamp "Landscaping Forest" near the station Chudovo
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 400. Information and correspondence on the study of peat bogs in the sovereign cottage of the Kozlovsky forestry of the Tambov province, [with the application of plans and the conditions of return to the development of swamps]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 401. Correspondence of a business trip of the college adviser Vaskovsky to Siberia for the delivery of hydraulic structures
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 402. Russian
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 403. The case at the petition of the landowner Bogdanovich and correspondence on the analysis of the peat of her peat bog [in the estate of the Samuilovo Mogilev province, with the application of the results of the analysis]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 404. The petition of the landowner Euler on the production of the study of his peat bog on the estate of the Fedorovsky Moscow province, [with the application of the results of the analysis]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 405. 1901
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 406. Correspondence, request and response at the petition of the Zapolskaya landowner on the study of peat bogs in the estate of the Sergach district of the Nizhny Novgorod province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 407. Correspondence at the request of the landowners of the Kravtsovs about the production of surveys in order to irrigate their estate Nikanovka Voronezh province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 408. Help and [correspondence] at the request of the college adviser Medvedev about the permission of the production of stone in the Kamensky official irrigated section of the Yekaterinoslav province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 410. The memorandum of the former level of Efimov and the correspondence on the issuance of rancules to him
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 411. A report note and statement of the college secretary Myshkin about the new tool for the fight against drought, with the application of the project of the device
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 412. Report, a journal of a meeting of ghradlik engineers and correspondence at the request of attorney society of the villages of the Kutaissky district and the province on the permission of the water removal from the Tskenis-Tskali River
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 413. The petition at the request of the landowner Stal on the production of research for the irrigation goal in the Alcadar estate in Crimea
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 414. The case of the petition of the property manager of the Voeikova Oryol province S.F.Korzhevina on the production of studies of peat deposits, [with the application of research results]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 415. Service at the request of the German citizen Melller and a correspondence of resolving the development of peat in the official forest cottage of the Vladimir province for agricultural purposes
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 416. [Report and correspondence] on the management of the farm in the Considak irrigated site [Kherson province, with the application of the site plan]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 417. Correspondence of peat selection on a site allocated by the Pskov City Duma under the secondary agricultural school in the Pskov province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 418. Report, a petition at the request of the peasant Zhankipin and the correspondence for renting a peat bog of the Kozlovo-Yurkinsky cottage of the Moscow province, [with the application of plans, a probe magazine and the conditions for leasing the deposits]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 419. Report, a petition at the request of the peasant Silantyev and the correspondence for renting a peat bog in the United Malino-Zaponor dacha of the Moscow province, [with the application of plans, a journal of probe and the conditions of returns for rental of the deposit]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 420. Correspondence at the request of the landowner of the Bessarabian province D.D.Inglesi on the issuance of a loan for the device and irrigation of the garden in the estate of Tatareste
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 421. Correspondence on the complaint of the inhabitants of the village of Mollavtla Elizabethpol Province and the county for the actions of the water administration in the Caucasus on the closure of the ditch "Mollalatovatlu-cobus"
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 422. Help, extracts from the magazines of meetings of the Technical Committee and correspondence on the installation of hydraulic structures in the official estate of Salkirk Tauride province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 423. Correspondence on the commanding of the technique for the construction of spilling on the ground of peasants of the Kurkinsky rural society of the Tula province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 424. [Reporting and correspondence with the Department of Agriculture and other institutions] on the construction of an artesian well in the Kokorozensky agricultural school of the Bessarabian province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 425. Journal of the Special Advisory Commission and Correspondence on the Organization of Walls of Wallows at the Kazakh Trading Articles of the Kupyansky, Starobelsky and Zmievsky districts of the Kharkov province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 426. Correspondence at the request of the Kherson Provincial Zemstvo Assembly on the water supply of the Yamchitsky agricultural school
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 427. Reports and correspondence on the installation of a reservoir in the village of Yandovka Efremovsky district of the Tula province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 428. Correspondence at the request of the Yelets-Lazovsky rural society of the Voronezh province about the construction of water supply, with the application of drawings of wells and information about the studies
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 429. The case of the petition of the land surveyor Safarov and the correspondence on reimbursement of expenses and the payment of personal money spent in the study of the Araksa River River
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 430. Correspondence at the request of the Feodosia district zemstvo council on permission to take a plot of land with the right to use water from a source located in the Sudak treasury dacha of the Tauride province and information [on research.
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 431. Certificate of experiments for the development of peat in Germany according to the Tsigler method
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 432. The petition of the landowner O.V.Aleksinskaya on the expulsion of her description of the studies of peat, made at her estate Pokrovsky (piles) of the Vladimir province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 433. Assumptions and correspondence on the production of irrigation work in the southern and eastern regions of European Russia in 1902
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 434. Reports, certificates and correspondence on the work of the Torfmaster part in 1901
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 435. Correspondence with private individuals and institutions on various issues (on the procedure for the transfer of all -pasted petitions, on the petition of the commission to supplement the law on the use of waters, information on employees, etc.
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 436. The case of compiling estimates of expenses for 1903
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 437. Report, certificates and correspondence on the production of irrigation work in the Turkestan Territory
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 438. Help, presentation and correspondence on the project of the connection of Mugan spills with the obstetric river associated with a change in the border with the Persia
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 439. Correspondence on the provision of reports on the movement of capital in irrigated areas and the report of the Sagaidatsky state irrigated section of the Kherson province for 1899, information on the alleged income and expenses for the Valuy, Kamensky and Sagaidak household
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 440. The petition of the gardener Ludwig Pasinsky about his cash satisfaction for the service of the gardener at the Tingutinsky irrigated section of the Astrakhan province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 441. Correspondence on approval of the draft charter of the trade and industrial partnership "Iskander"
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 442. Correspondence with an inspector of water in the Caucasus and the Department of Agriculture on the connection of Lake Adjikabulsky with rivers Kura and Kara-Su
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 443. The case at the request of the peasants of the village of Malykh-Chapurniks of the Astrakhan province Yusup Zabirov, Ali Sharipov and others and the correspondence about the addition of the arrears of the rental of the Tingutinsky official irrigated area from them, [with the application of the testimony of peasants, in connection with
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 444. Help and correspondence at the request of the Bogucharsky district leader of the nobility of the Voronezh province on the commanding of the ranks of the Ministry of Agriculture to manage public hydraulic work in the Bogucharsky district of the Voronezh province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 445. Correspondence at the request of the actual state adviser I.A.Stebuta about the attribution of the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property of the General Higher Technical Supervision and the leadership of the installation of ponds under the village of Krotkom and the village of Kamenka E
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 446. Correspondence at the request of the Committee of Houses of Houses of Housing of Housing about Serving Technology in the Minusinsky district of the Yenisei province to draw up a plan of irrigation work and their leadership, in connection with the droughts often repeated in the county
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 447. Notes, certificates, petitions of peasants and correspondence on the drainage of Lubansky Lake in the Livonia, Vitebsk and Pskov provinces, [with the application of drawings of the Lake basin and the drainage channel]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 448. The proceedings of the attorney of the owners of the faience and porcelain factory A.F.Zusman and Sh. Bark about indicating him improved machines for the development of peat and methods of proper operation of peat swamps
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 449. The proceedings of the attorney of the owners of the faience and porcelain factory A.F.Zusman and Sh. Bark about indicating him improved machines for the development of peat and methods of proper operation of peat swamps
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 450. Correspondence at the request of the Zmievsky Zemstvo of the Kharkov province for permission to fix in the dacha of the Aseevsky agricultural school the ravine "Hook No. 2"
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 451. Correspondence at the request of the director of the Samara Agricultural School on the construction of an artesian well
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 452. The case of the petition of the peasants of the village of the Tsatsa of the Chernoyarsky district of the Astrakhan province, a certificate and correspondence on the deferment of money from them for renting state lands in the Tingutinsky irrigated plot
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 453. Correspondence, request and response to the claim of the peasant Vorokalov, presented by the head of the Korostinsky irrigated site
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 454. [Correspondence] with an inspector of water in the Caucasus on the permission of the Tevsky City Public Administration to carry out water from the Orchevi stream
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 455. Reporting of peasants of the Novomayory rural society of the Yekaterinoslav province and correspondence on the lease of the Shaitan irrigated site and to transfer it to the Tauride-Yekaterinoslav government of state property.Vedomosti
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 456. Correspondence at the request of the Nizhny Novgorod Provincial Zemstvo Council for resolving the development of peat, [with the application of information about deposits]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 457. A certificate on the complaint of landowners Hasan Bek Adizugalov and his brother to dispose of the inspector of the water in the Caucasus, to refuse him the right to use water in their estates
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 458. Correspondence of hydraulic work in the Voronezh Physological Seeder and on the Horses-Colode Host Article, [with the application of the description and the act of survey of work]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 459. Correspondence at the request of the Romanovsky rural society of the Stavropol province about the reclamation loan for the construction of an artesian well
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 460. Correspondence at the request of the Kamyshinsky district zemstvo of the Saratov province on the transfer of the Korostinsky irrigated plot to its use and on its transfer to the Saratov Office of Agriculture and State Property
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 461. The case at the request of the trusted Tunduovsky rural society of the Astrakhan province about the construction of a hydraulic structure in the irrigation dam on the Kalmyk land of the Ungun-Terechinsky Society of the Maloderbetevsky ulus, [with the application of the verdict
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 462. Correspondence at the request of the penalty chieftain of the Orenburg Cossack army about the indication of a specialist for the production of the study of military lands for the purpose of irrigation
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 463. Report and correspondence on the complaint of the attorney of the landlord of the Baku province of de-burg to the disposal of the water inspector in the Caucasus on the prohibition of the Yasad village to use the water of the Khan-Arh channel, [with the application of the complaint, extracts from the court decision and other documents]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 464. Reports and correspondence at the petitions of rural societies of the Tula province on the production of hydraulic surveys and work on their lands
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 465. The case in relation to the third branch of his own imperial majesty of the office about the former nobleman Mikhail Lazykovo, who was sent in 1871 in 1871
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 466. Information and correspondence on the study of the peat deposits in the 59th quarter of the Tambov cottage of suburban forestry of the Tambov province [with the application of the deposit plan]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 467. Correspondence at the request of the Director of the Bogoroditsky Agricultural School in the Tula province on the commanding of the technique for the production of irrigation and drainage works
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 468. Reports and correspondence at the request of the Orenburg governor on the production of research on the construction of an artesian well in the village of Novy Ivanovka [in order to prevent the relocation of peasants to Siberia]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 469. A petition at the request of the owner of the estate at the village of Book Pronsky County of the Ryazan province of the Globlian province on the study of the peat deposits in the village
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 470. Help at the request of the landowners of the Khasav-Yurt district of the Terek region on the provision of material assistance for irrigation of the "Kumyk plane"
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 471. The petitions of the provincial secretary Zakharov and the peasants of Maslennikov and Katyunin and correspondence on the allocation of lands for the dilution of valuable plants
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 472. Correspondence on the allocation of funds and the appropriation of a loan for the construction of water circles on two ponds in the Horse-colode of the lowest agricultural school and on the state-owned extension article under the farm of Shaykin Zadonsky district of the Voronezh province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 474. 1902
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 475. The case on the lists presented by the actual state adviser Sytin about the studied state peat bogs intended for rental for the development of peat and correspondence on the education of their expanded articles
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 476. Correspondence on the "highest" marks and extracts from the "all -quinent" report of the Saratov governor for 1901 on the fight against drought
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 477. Correspondence at the petitions: the landowner of the Tauride province of the nobleman E.L.Martino on the loan on the construction of an artesian well on the Kara-Kob estate of the Tauride province and the estates of the Baron of Ginzburg about the desalination of salt water
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 478. The case of the petition of the peasants of the village of Staraya Poltavka of the Novouzensky district of the Samara province of rats, a certificate and correspondence on the addition of arrears on land lease in the Valuy treasury plot
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 479. Correspondence at the request of the peasants of the village of Morshi, Novouzensky district [Samara province] about the commanding at their expense, the technique for the device of the dam on the Solyanka River
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 480. The case of the request of the peasant in the village of New Poltavka of the Novouzensky district of the Samara province Ivan Kravchenko and the correspondence about the losses incurred by him due to untimely water descent for the state land leased by him
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 481. Vasily Gorbuzov’s proposal for windmills for irrigation
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 482. Correspondence at the request for the issuance of a loan to the landowner of the Volyn province Member of the Military Council, General of Cavalry N.D.Novitsky on the device in his estate of the fruit garden and pond
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 483. Information and correspondence on the study of the Kataysky and Pyshilinsky swamps of the Perm province in order to develop peat at the request of the Perm provincial zemstvo council
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 484. Information and correspondence on the study of the Kataysky and Pyshilinsky swamps of the Perm province in order to develop peat at the request of the Perm provincial zemstvo council
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 485. Reporting data, reports, notes and correspondence on the study of peat bogs in 1903 and for the expenses associated with it [in the St. Petersburg, Moscow, Vladimir, Tambov, Livonia, Courland and other provinces]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 486. [Reports, instructions, reports and correspondence on the work of work] for irrigation of 45,000 acres in the hungry steppe of the Samarkand region
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 487. Correspondence with private individuals and institutions on various issues.(Brochure of Lieutenant Colonel of the Engineering Forces of Rulesov on river regulation
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 488. Assumptions, meetings of agriculture and state property and certificates of irrigation, flooding and drainage work in European Russia and correspondence of estimates of estimates
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 489. Correspondence of expenses for the irrigation of land in Turkestan
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 490. Information and correspondence on hydraulic surveys and work in the Siberian Railway area
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 491. Correspondence of the production of the alleged hydraulic operations in the Semirechensk region in the current year
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 492. Correspondence at the request of the Tauride Governor on the construction of the Sudak reservoir
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 493. Correspondence at the request of Moscow, Donetsk and other agricultural societies and others about the organization of flinkering the Don River basin
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 494. The case of a peasant Martyn Aleksandrov about the payment of money for work in the Sagaidak irrigated site of the Kherson province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 495. 1903
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 496. Correspondence at the request of the peasant of the Novouzensky district of the Samara province of the Novouzensky district of Pshenichnika about the provision of irrigation work he had begun for the lease use of the state -owned articles of the Novouzensky district of Samara
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 497. Report at the request of the Ostrogozh district Zemstvo council and correspondence on measures to fight ravines [Voronezh province]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 498. Journal of the meeting of the Congress of Hydrauliks, Help and correspondence at the request of the Baku city public administration on the resolution of surveys for water supply to the city of Baku
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 499. Correspondence at the request of the Akhtyrsky district zemstvo council of the Kharkov province on the study of river valleys and swamps located in the county
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 500. [Information] and correspondence on the profitability of peat drops for 1901 and 1902 according to [Vladimir, Tambov, Nizhny Novgorod, Warsaw, Kalish, Plotskaya and other provinces]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 501. Correspondence at the request of the Perekop district Zemstvo Assembly of the Tauride province about the arrangement of the artesian well near the lakes of the old and red
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 502. Police Department of the Executive Ministry.The matter in relation to the state secretary of the acceptance of petitions, to the highest tsarist name of the brought, about the removal of the college assessor of Marya Cherkashenova, imposed on her by the court of suspicion.
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 503. 1903
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 504. Journal of the meeting of the Congress of Hydrauls Congress and correspondence at the request for the resolution and withdrawal of water from the Kura River for irrigation of gardens and lands of Navtlug gardeners of Warshamov, Gurbenbekov and others
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 505. Correspondence at the request and project of the candidate of agriculture and forestry, retired by the outbuilding adviser Pavel Yankovsky to combat the droughts and ensure good yields of bread and herbs, through simple work, on the issuance of subsidies for the publication of the EG
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 506. A memo with a petition of Saburova’s landlord and a correspondence on the command of the estate of her husband under the village of Borovoy-Polyanshchina Cervoro district of the Saratov province Technique for compiling an estimate for clearing and drainage work of the estate
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 507. Correspondence at the request of the Society of the village of Darskaya Yalta district of the Tauride province on the provision of the right to use water "Demiara" with the application of copies of the sentence of society and the contract
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 508. Application of an honorary citizen (petition) A.Ya.Khrapunov-New and correspondence on the return to him for renting a peat bog in the Kozlovo-Yurkinsky state dacha of the Moscow province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 509. Correspondence on the preparation of projects and estimates for irrigation of the Milsk steppe and a note by the titular adviser to Maximov on the establishment of the Land irrigation Society
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 510. Correspondence at the request of the landowner of Oryol to issue a loan for the end of irrigation work on the estate of Alexandrovka Tauride province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 511. RGIA
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 512. A note with the request of the chairman of the Alexander Gai Agricultural Society of the Samara province and correspondence on the irrigation of land with the waters of the River of the Small Uzen
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 513. Correspondence at the request with the petition of the attorney peasants of the Tataramaghagi Society of the Dzhevat district of the Baku province on the issuance of a loan for the construction of a steam water pump for irrigation of their lands
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 514. The case at the request of the peasants of the Serebryansky, Novo-Marievsky and Grigoryevsky rural societies of the Yekaterinoslav province on renting and extending the period of use of the Serebryanskoye-Kamena Road Article
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 515. Correspondence at the request of the Samara-Ural Office of Agriculture and State Property on the permission of the device at the Nogai Rights Article of the Samara province of the meteorological station
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 516. Correspondence at the request of the Voronezh district zemstvo council on a business trip to the county of a specialist-brown holder [to find water in two settlements of the county]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 517. Correspondence [at the request of the Samara-Ural Office of Agriculture and State Property on the Enforcement of Information] on Experiments made by an irrigation expedition in the south of Russia, on the ground of the daughter of Major General Pravpova
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 518. The petition with the petition of the landowner of the Novgorod province of Kryukovsky and the correspondence on the study of peat in the estate in the village of Verigovshchina, the Novgorod province [with the application of information about the results of the examination]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 519. Correspondence at the request of the landowner, the actual secret adviser to Gerard on the study of swamps in his estates of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 520. Service with the petition of the authorized Novo-Marievsky rural society of the Yekaterinoslav province and correspondence on the extension of the lease of the site No. 5 of the Serebryanskaya Road Article
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 521. Correspondence at the request of the Penza Provincial Zemstvo Directorate on the Service of Hydrotechnics [to draw up a draft work to strengthen ravines] in Paliban and other state estates
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 522. A petition at the request of a retired ordinary Kameshkertsev on the issuance of a salary for him for the performance of the guard's duties on the Rostosh ravine
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 523. A petition at the request of the authorized society of the peasants of the village of Valuiki of the Samara province for leasing land from the Valuy irrigated site
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 524. Correspondence at the request of the landowner of the Skopnik engineer on the issuance of a reclamation loan for the water supply of the estate in the village of Sudak Tauride province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 525. Correspondence at the petition of the landowner Byalynitskaya-Biruli on the issuance of a reclamation loan for the construction of wells on the estate of Uchkui Tauride province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 526. The case [on the consideration of the report and decisions of the Khvalynsky district Zemstvo Assembly (copy)] and correspondence on the artificial irrigation of the Khvalyn district of the Saratov province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 527. Journal of the meeting of the Congress of Hydraulics (Copy) and correspondence on permission of the Pitoev and K trading house?water output from Mugan spills [into the Okush River]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 528. Information on income from the development of peat on official peat bogs for 1903 [according to Vladimir, Tambov and Nizhny Novgorod provinces]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 529. Correspondence at the request of the landowner of the Tauride province of Shagibov about the reclamation loan on the arrangement of the garden on the Kintogai estate
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 530. [Information and correspondence with the inspector of water in the Caucasus and the Forest Department] on the production of surveys in the Jaglganese treasury forest cottage, near the city of Derbent
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 531. Service at the request of the college assessor of Vasilevsky and other private individuals and correspondence on permission to use the water of the SUUK-Su source, [with the application of information on the study of the source]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 532. Explanatory and technical notes for the project regulation project Terek
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 533. Lists of petitions of private individuals, institutions and rural societies on the production of surveys in order to irrigate their lands for 1893-1902 (incomplete?).Journal of a meeting of the Commission on the Organization of Water Facilities for July 24, 1917 (Chernova) and a report on land
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 534. Reporting local departments of state property about swamps that have earned a priority study with the aim of leasing them in the Vilenskaya, Kovenskaya, Kostroma, Minsk and Yaroslavl provinces
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 535. Reports, certificates and correspondence on the production of irrigation work in the south of Russia and the Caucasus
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 536. Correspondence on the production of hydraulic operations in Transcaucasia, with the application of the report of the inspector of water in the Caucasus for 1903
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 537. Russian
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 538. Reports, magazines of meetings at the Turkestan Department of Agriculture and State Property on the production of work on irrigation of 45,000 acres in the hungry steppe of the Samarkand region
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 539. Correspondence with private individuals and institutions on various issues.Information about the study of peat bogs in the estate of Prince Golitsyn under the village of Nikolsky;According to the labor review of the engineer Oppokov "River flow regime in the Upper Dnieper basin" On Assistance Sem
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 540. Correspondence of hydraulic operations and expenses in the area of ​​the Siberian Railway.Hydrotechnical work in Akmolinsky, Semipalatinsk and Turgai regions and the Barabinsky steppe of the Tomsk province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 541. Extracts from all -depth reports and magazines of the Committee of Ministers, certificates and correspondence on the production of irrigation work in Turkestan
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 542. Correspondence at the request of the Novouzensky district zemstvo council on the instructions of herbs to strengthen the slopes of the dam [and the message of the knot engineer about the plants used for this purpose]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 543. Information on petitions received in the management of agriculture and state property for the production of hydraulic surveys in the provinces: Saratov, Poltava and Kharkov
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 544. Correspondence at the request of the Mariupol district zemstvo council of the Yekaterinoslav province on the commanding of hydraulic engineering for drinking water in the village of Epiphany
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 545. [Correspondence with the Moscow-Tire Department of Agriculture and State Property on the need to develop a new plan] of hydraulic operations at the Penza School of Horticulture, with an appendix [extracts from notes from the Minister of Agriculture and State Imm
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 546. Correspondence at the request of the St. Petersburg District Court on the instructions of the reducing persons for hydraulics, hydraulic engineering and production for giving an imprisonment as experts
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 547. Correspondence at the request of the Tauride Provincial Zemstvo on the commanding of hydraulic engineering for studying water supply sources in the villages of the Yevpatoria and Yalta counties and on resolving the engineer of the acts of surveys with the aim of irrigation of the Kharaca estate
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 548. Application at the request of the Novgorod governor for a specialist’s commanding to familiarize the peasants with manual development of peat
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 549. Correspondence for providing water to the Magarach school in Crimea
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 550. The statement of the Kaluga Provincial Zemstvo Assembly and the correspondence of the commanding of a hydraulic technique for research to drain the swamps in the Mosalsky and Zhizdrinsky districts
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 551. Statement of peasant Oreshin and correspondence on the payment of the Vyatka Gazeta 27 rubles for printing an announcement of the invented [Method of irrigation of land]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 552. Correspondence of fish breeding in ponds in irrigated areas in Astrakhan, Samara, Saratov, Yekaterinoslav and Kherson provinces
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 553. The petition at the request of the attorney of Prince Golitsyn - Count Osterman and correspondence on the command of the Peatister to the estate of Oburalovka of the Moscow province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 554. Correspondence with the Forest Department and the Moscow-Aviation Department of Agriculture and State Property Medication of Hydroducts to the Voronezh Province to study the plot in the Stone Steppe for the purpose of flooding
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 555. Correspondence on the re -re -re -setting the project of the Maleeva quagmire on the ground of the Kharkov agricultural farm
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 556. The case on the projects of a hereditary honorary citizen, former coachman Novikov, certificates and correspondence on the prohibition of the alienation of peasant allotments containing peat deposits, on the introduction of peat fuels into peasant farms and on the construction of public
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 557. Estimated assumptions about agricultural work in 1904 in specialized irrigated areas [in the Yekaterinoslav, Samara and Kherson provinces]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 558. S.A.Pisareva about the business of the Charleton city for familiarization with the processing of peat to electric peat coal, with the application of the translation of the brochure "Coal of the Future"
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 559. Correspondence at the petitions of the Society of Peasants of the village of Klothi of the Samara province on the issuance of a loan for the arrangement of the dam and the village of Aleksandrovka - on the attraction of tenants to repair the dam
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 560. Correspondence at the request of the Society of Peasants of the Villages of the New Petreeca of the Samara Province on the issuance of a loan for the construction of an artesian well
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 561. Service at the request of Lieutenant Colonel Zhukov and correspondence on resolution of research production to find water in the ravine of the Taraktash state dacha Tauride province, [with the application of the drawing of part of the cottage]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 562. Correspondence on the hydraulic works of the Commission on the improvement of the southern coast of Crimea and at the petitions of this commission and landowners about the use of water source
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 563. Application at the request of the Zemstvo chief of the state adviser Arsenyev about the commanding of the Koltsovo of the Tula province to the hydraulic engineering for research and the draft of the work of work
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 564. Correspondence at the request of the Novomaryinsky rural society on the extension of the rental period of the fifth section of the Serebryanskaya Host Article by the Yekaterinoslav province, [with the application of the petition]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 565. Service at the request of the Society of the village of Lac Tauride province and a correspondence of water supply
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 566. [Correspondence of the expulsion for] the Novouzensky agricultural exhibition in the Samara province of materials on hydraulic work in the south of Russia
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 567. A petition at the request of the peasant Kerimov on the return of an incorrectly recovered amount of 210 rubles, overpaid for renting land in the Tingutinsky irrigated section of the Astrakhan province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 568. A statement on the affirmation of the landowner of the state adviser Telegin about the business trip to his estate under the village of Arseniev of the Efimovsky district of the Tula province for surveys [for the purpose of watering]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 569. Correspondence at the request of the Main Directorate of Trade Shipment and Porta Ports on the Commission of Representatives to the Commission for Considering issues on the establishment of the Kuban River Committee
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 570. The project of the landowner of the Yekaterinoslav province of Burlakov about measures against drought
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 571. RGIA
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 572. Correspondence at the request of the landowner Silkovnikov for permission to conduct water through the Turinachi forest cottage in his estate Geok-Tap Elizabethpol province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 573. [Correspondence] with a mountain department of the arrangement of an artesian well near the Baskunchak Salt Lake in order to supply drinking water in salt fishing
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 574. The complaint of the peasant of the Samara province of the Novouzensky district of the Staropoltavian volost and the village of Fedor Sotnikov for the wrong actions of the head of the Valuysk site when recovering the rent
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 575. Correspondence with water inspectors in the Caucasus about changing the boundaries and the formation of water districts, on the use of waters and on hydraulic operations in the Transcaucasia and on the expenses related to them, with the application of estimates for 1905-1906
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 576. Protocol of the meeting at the Turkestan Department of Agriculture and State Property and correspondence on the production of work on irrigation of land in the hungry steppe of the Samara region
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 577. Correspondence with private individuals and institutions on various issues.The petition of the defendant peasant Saratov province Oreshin on the permission of the submission to the congress of the hydraulic engineers of his invention by irrigation of the land;on the transfer of state irrigated plots in the head
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 578. Correspondence about the irrigation of land in the Turkestan Territory
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 579. Reports, certificates and correspondence on hydraulic surveys and work in the Siberian Railway area.Demanding statements for the payment of hydraulic engineers for April the month of 1905
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 580. Report, reports and correspondence on hydraulic surveys and work in the Siberian Railway area
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 581. Reports and correspondence on the settlement of the Tereki River
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 582. The case on the complaint of the peasant Gulyaev about the actions of the head of the Kolomensky irrigated plot in the Voronezh province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 583. Service at the request of von Dittmar on the vacation from special funds of the former Ministry of Agriculture of 25,000 rubles to build an exemplary plant for the extraction of peat coke
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 584. Information on income from the development of peat on official peat swamps for 1904 in the Vladimir province and on the Radom-Lublin Directorate of State Property
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 585. Reports, reports and correspondence on the revision of state control of the reports of the Kochetkovsky and Shcherbakovsky irrigated plots and on their transfer to the Samara-Ural Directorate of Agriculture and State Property, [with the appendix of acts and inventories of Gidrrot
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 586. Correspondence at the request of state control on the delivery of reports of the Shaitan irrigated site for revision, with the application of information on the operation of it
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 587. Correspondence on the commanding of hydraulic engineering to the estate of the real secret adviser Saburov Tambov province for research to drain the fruit garden
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 588. The proceedings at the request of the retired fireworker Andrei Bukaev and correspondence of his reward for losses upon dismissal from the service in the Valuyx irrigated section of the Samara province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 589. Correspondence at the request of the owner of the reserved estate "Riga wasteland" of the Shlisselburg district of Rennenkampf on the rental of two plots for the development of peat to the Russian society for renting to the Russian society
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 590. Service at the request of the Moscow tradesman Morin to provide him with support in the device of presses invented by him for briquetting and carbonization of peat
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 591. Correspondence of the transfer of land to the treasury of local residents for the irrigation of the Uch-Kurgan steppe in the Turkestan Territory [with the application of a copy of the sentence of residents of the Uch-Kurgan Society]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 592. Reports, statements from reports and reports, estimated assumptions, certificates and correspondence on the farm on the Valuysky irrigated section of the Samara province, with the application of drawings and the historical description of the site
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 593. The meeting magazine and correspondence for the consideration of the irrigation project of the Sardrabad steppe in the Erivan province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 594. Help and correspondence on the commanding of the titular adviser to Sinelnikov to the North American United States to study reclamation and resettlement affairs
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 595. The case of the request of the Society of the Peasants of the Village of Untilovka of the Kherson province and correspondence on the construction of a well due to the treasury
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 596. Correspondence at the request of the Voronezh Provincial Zemstvo on a sentence in the Voronezh province of hydraulic engineering [for finding water sources]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 597. Correspondence about the ways invented by Italian subjects of the way to raise water
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 598. Application at the request of the college assessor N.I.Kurcha about sending him Voskresensky brochure on the arrangement of furnaces heated by peat, for distribution among peasants
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 599. Correspondence at the request of the landowner, the actual state adviser of Kotlubitsky about the loan to restore the buildings destroyed by him to irrigate the meadows and prevent the formation of ravines in the Nizhny Novgorod estate belonging to him
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 600. Correspondence at the request of the landowner M.S.Balabanova about the installation of irrigation of fruit gardens and nurseries in his estate under the farm of the Nikolsky Kursk province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 601. Programs, instructions and correspondence on the organization of irrigation public works in the Tula province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 602. The case at the request (petition) of the Board of the Factory and Trade Partnership of the Krestovnikov brothers and correspondence on the extension of the lease of the Sharapovo-Morozovsky peat swamp in the country of the Black Moscow province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 603. The case at the petition (correspondence) of the city of Korotoyak on the sale of Korotoyak treasury forest cottage or the drainage of the marsh in the named dacha, [which is the source of the distribution of malaria]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 604. Correspondence with local agricultural and state property administrations on permission to issue amounts for compensation for losses caused by the flood
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 605. Reports, statements, correspondence on the appropriation of funds to the inspector of the Caucasus Water, with information on the production of surveys and performed in 1904-1905, and alleged, hydraulic work in the Caucasus.Estimates for earthquake work on the renewal of the ancient
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 606. Report, reports, certificates, information and correspondence on the study and rental of state -owned peat bogs in the Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Pskov, Vladimir, Tambov, Suvalki, Lomzhinsky provinces and Western Siberia.Sytin report on
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 607. Reports, meetings of meetings in the department of land improvements and the Turkestan department of agriculture and state property on the production of work on irrigation of land in the hungry steppe of the Samarkand region, [with the application of estimates, explanatory notes and scheme
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 608. Correspondence with private individuals and institutions on various issues (information about the number of convenient and uncomfortable lands with irrigated farms in the Astrakhan, Yekaterinoslav, Samara, Saratov and Kherson provinces; opinion
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 609. The case of compiling estimates (estimated assumptions) for 1907)
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 610. RGIA
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 611. Reports and [correspondence] on the production of hydraulic operations and expenses in the Semirechensk region
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 612. A memo at the request of the International Bureau of Yakovlev and correspondence on the rental of the Dolgovsky swamp of the Luga district of the St. Petersburg province, Verkhovsitsky in the Pskov province and swamps along the lines of the Moscow-Yaroslavl-Arkhangelsk and Moskoy
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 613. Correspondence and conclusion on the project of irrigation of the Martynov estate in the Oryol province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 614. Correspondence at the request of the Rostov-on-Don Committee of Trade and the manufactories on the deepening of the Northern Donets River and on connecting the Volga River with the Don River Channel
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 615. Correspondence at the request of the peasants of the village of Bolshoi-Talinka of the Tambov province and Sukhorukov’s County on the development of peat on the land leased by him in Gorelsky forestry
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 616. A petition at the request of the landowner, titular adviser A.F.Levshina and correspondence on the commanding of hydraulic engineering in his estate on the banks of the River of the Beautiful Swords of the Tula Province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 617. Correspondence with the head of the irrigation expedition in the south of Russia and the Caucasus and the Samara-Ural Directorate of Agriculture and State Property on the recovery of the head of the Kochetkovsky and Shcherbakovsky irrigated sections of the F. Renovin
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 618. Correspondence at the request of the attorney of the widow of the peasant Roman Ushakov on the issuance of 3600 rubles from the funds of the Valuysky section of the allowance in favor of the widow for the death of her husband, who died through the fault of the administration in the performance of work in the Valuy irrigated site of Samara
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 619. Correspondence at the request of the Insur district Zemstvo council of the Penza province on the commanding of hydraulic engineering in the Insarsky district of the Penza province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 620. Correspondence at the request of the Irbit district Zemstvo Council of the Perm province on the appeal of the Irbitsky Lake in Kamyshlovsky district and the construction of a reservoir in order to obtain motor force for an iron plant and peasant mills
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 621. The case at the request (petition) of the board of the partnership of the Moscow dyeing factory and the correspondence on the lease of the peat swamp "Galitsky moss"
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 622. Correspondence at the request of the Novorzhevsk district zemstvo council on the business of a specialist in the study of peat deposits
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 623. The petition at the request and the correspondence of the trusted society of the peasants of the village of Korshunovka of the Morshansky district of the Tambov province on the strengthening of the Korshunsky coast of the Tsny River
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 624. 1906
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 625. Projects, reports, notes, certificates and correspondence on the production of irrigation in 1907 in European Russia
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 626. Reports of the Moscow-Tauric and Tauride-Yekaterinoslav Department of Agriculture and State Property in European Russia on hydraulic research and irrigation work for 1906
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 627. Correspondence about the use of water and on the release of funds for hydraulic surveys and about irrigation work in Transcaucasia and information about the work done
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 628. Reports, certificates, reports and correspondence on the irrigation of land in the hungry steppe of the Samarkand region
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 629. Circulars, orders and other papers for information and leadership of the Main Directorate of Land Management and Agriculture and the Department of Land Improvements
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 630. Assumptions about hydraulic operations and expenses in European Russia in 1908
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 631. Case
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 632. Report and correspondence on the production of hydraulic operations in the basins of the Chi River and or in the Semirechensk region
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 633. Reports, journals of meetings of the commission, certificates and correspondence on the production of hydraulic work in the lower reaches of the Terek River in the Terek region, [with the application of the estimate]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 634. Reports, certificates and correspondence on the work of irrigation of the Mugan steppe
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 635. Reports, estimated assumptions and household correspondence in the official irrigated areas of the Yekaterinoslav, Samara and Kherson provinces, with the application of the plan of the Sagaidak section of the Kherson province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 636. Correspondence at the request of the Department of Agriculture about the arrangement of ponds under the Don Medium Agricultural School
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 637. The conclusion of an engineer Sparro on the project "Partnership of the Water School" in the city of Moscow about the device of cheap drilling wells
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 638. Action at the request of the authorized company of peasants of the village of Ozerok of the Shugurovsky volost of the Gorodishchensky district of the Penza province on the release of the loan to the water supply system [with the application of the certificate and the verdict of the rural gathering]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 639. A note at the request of the Belebeyevskaya district Zemstvo council of the Ufa province on the installation of a water supply in the village of Novy-Uzes
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 640. Speaking at the request of A.A.Kirillov on the printing of his project on land management in the journal "Agriculture and Forestry" with the application of the project "A new method of strengthening ravines for irrigation purposes"
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 641. The case of the publication of the report of the Ostrovsky engineer on his trip to India in 1906, in order to study irrigation systems, with the application of the report on this
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 642. Service at the request of the Society of Peasants of the village of Shakhovki Tambov district and the province and correspondence on the adoption of the cost of repairing the pond to the account
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 643. Correspondence at the request of the Voronezh agriculture and state property about the business trip to the Borisov state -owned extension article Hydrotechnics for research, with the aim of arranging farm and bran farms
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 644. The report of the Russian Consulate in Trieste on the question of streamlining irrigation in the field of Friul
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 645. Correspondence at the request of the Tambov governor about strengthening the banks of the TsNS River near the village of Princess Shatsky Uyezd, according to the petition of local peasants
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 646. Correspondence at the request of the Oilman of the Tauride province of Neff on the reclamation loan for drainage and irrigation work
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 647. Correspondence at the request of the rector of the Armenian monastery of the Holy Cross in the Crimea, Vikar Archimandrite Muradyan, about the allocation of a loan for experiments on irrigation [through the Karizov built by him near Sevastopol]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 648. Notes, magazines of meetings of the hydrological committee, the commission’s conclusion, petition at the request of the candidate of Sazonov’s rights and correspondence on the irrigation of the southern part of the Trans-Caspian [region by the waters of the Amu-Darya River according to the method approved by prominent Russian scientists]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 649. Note, petition at the request of engineer Gaber and K?, Journals of meetings of the cotton committee and correspondence for renting land in a hungry steppe for irrigation by artesian water, with the application of the draft agreement and information about brown work in Turkestan
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 650. Service at the request of Colonel Voeikov, copies of magazines of meetings of the hydrological and cotton committees and correspondence on the return to him and its assemblies for long -term lease for irrigation and operation [land plots in the Hunger and Dalverzinsky step
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 651. Activities at the request of the military engineer Colonel Ermolaev, magazines of meetings of the hydrological committee and correspondence on permission to irrigate the empty lands of the Merv-Tedzhensky oasis with the right to operate them on a lease and permit
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 652. Report and correspondence on the production of hydraulic operations in the Samara region
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 653. Reporting engineers for irrigation work in European Russia for 1907 [in the Voronezh, Moscow, Saratov, Tauride, Tver and Tula provinces for 1907 (with two cards)]]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 654. Certificates, extract from the law and correspondence on the release of funds for hydraulic work in the Caucasus
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 655. Report on the activities of water management in the Caucasus for 1907
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 656. Explanatory note by engineer Elistratov to the project to settle flowing waters and drain the swamps in the Merv oasis
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 657. Reports, magazines of meetings, certificates and correspondence on the irrigation project of 45,000 acres in the hungry steppe of the Samarkand region
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 658. Magazines of meetings of the hydrological committee and correspondence on the irrigation project of 45,000 acres in the hungry steppe of the Samarkand region
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 659. The common cause with circulars, different correspondence and the like
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 660. Meetings of meetings, certificates, estimates and correspondence on hydraulic operations and expenses in European Russia in 1908-1909
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 661. Reports, notes, minutes of meetings and correspondence on work and expenses for irrigation of land in the Turkestan Territory
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 662. Performance, meetings and correspondence about hydraulic work in the Semirechensk region
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 663. Project, magazines of meetings, certificates and correspondence on hydraulic work in the Mugansk steppe
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 664. Correspondence at the request of the Saratov Provincial Zemstvo Council on the benefit of the end of the soil and hydrogeological surveys
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 665. Service at the request of the Romanovsky agricultural society of the Saratov province and correspondence on the acquisition of land improvements to the village of Romanovka of a manual pump
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 666. 1908
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 667. [Excurs from the report to the Romanian Minister of Agriculture, a copy of the letter of the Russian-Imperial envoy in Romania and correspondence] about the works undertaken by the Royal Government on the Romanian bank of the Danube River
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 668. Journal of the meeting of the Commission on large hydraulic structures and correspondence [on the project of engineer Elistratov] on the irrigation of the lower reaches of the Aryk Boss-Su in the Tashkenst County of the Syr-Darya region
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 669. The project of the engineer of Kortazzi on the connection of Lake Zhebrian with the Danube River
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 670. The case at the request of the Kaluga Governor on the commanding of hydraulic engineering for the preparation of projects, certificates and correspondence on strengthening the coast of the Ugra and Oka rivers
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 671. Correspondence with the Forest Department for the Project of the water supply in the Nikitsky treasury cottage Tauride province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 672. Reports, decree and correspondence on the rental of a peat swamp "Sazhen" in the General Dach of the Vladimir province, [with the application of plans, probe magazines and the rental conditions for the rental of peat deposits]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 673. A petition at the request of the agronomist M.M.Prishvina and correspondence on the publication department of land improvements of his labor "peat"
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 674. Correspondence at the request of the Adjutant General Prince S.I.Vasilchikov on the command of the peat binger to his estate Jurburg of the Coven province, [with the application of information about peat deposits]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 675. Correspondence at the request of the Krasninsky Zemstvo Council of the Smolensk province about the business trip to Krasninsky district of the Peatister, [with the application of the results of the study of peat works]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 676. The petition of the trusted prince Golitsyn on the commanding of the Kuzminka of the Moscow province of hydraulic engineering to drain the peat bog, [with the application of the results of the study of it]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 677. Correspondence at the request of the Mogilev Society of Agriculture on the study of peat bogs in the Mogilev province and on the commanding of a peatister to familiarize the population with the methods of preparing peat
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 678. Report, conditions and correspondence for renting peat bogs of the Tambov dacha of the Tambov province, [with the application of plans and results of the study of swamps]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 679. Correspondence at the petition of the Lyakhovskoye Horticulture School of the Ufa province on the command of the peatister [for study of swamps]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 680. The statement of the Partnership of the Melenkovsky flax manufactory and correspondence on the study and delivery of a filthy swamp in the Zverev-Konakovsky cottage of the Melenkovsky district of the Vladimir province, with the application of plans, probes and descriptions of the swamps and condition
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 681. Correspondence at the request and petition of the director of the joint -stock company of the Molgrabenic Chemical Plants, Gephlinger Engineer to Dive for the Development of the Schlok peat, for the transfer of factories to peat heating, with the application of work plans
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 682. Correspondence on the study and submission to the joint -stock company of the Sormovskiye Plants of the Torfyanniki in the Chernoretskaya dacha of the Nizhny Novgorod province, with the application of plans, research results and the conditions of removal for leasing swamps
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 683. Correspondence on the transfer of the Lapino Manufactory of Rent of the Rusiness of the Peat Bollet to the Minor-Losen Island Herzensberg
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 684. Correspondence at the request of the Pskov district zemstvo council on the assistance of zemstvo in the development of a peat bog
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 685. Service at the request of the priest M. Rakitsky and correspondence on the study of peat bogs in the Nevel district of the Vitebsk province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 686. Representation of the Kamyshlovsky zemstvo of the Perm province and correspondence on the development of state -owned peat bogs, with the application of a report on measures to forest conservation in the southern part of the Kamyshlovsky district
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 687. The results of the study of the swamps in the first Zmeskiy national team of the Vishersky forestry of the Novgorod province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 688. The petition of a foreign subject of the Abegg and the correspondence on giving out on the preferential conditions of peat bogs in the area of ​​the Nikolaev railway and in the Suvalka province for the development of the method invented by him, with the application of the description of the processing method
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 689. Survey of the Partnership of the Nikolskaya manufactory of Savva Morozov and correspondence on the rental of peat bogs in the dacha "Prokudino-Aleksinsky Bor" [Vladimir province, with the application of the plans of the deposit and the conditions for removing it for rent]
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 690. The petition of the Handel engineer and the correspondence on granting him the right to study land in the coastal strip of the Amu-Darya River, in order to draw up a project of irrigation
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 691. Correspondence at the request of engineer A.A.Afiana about the reclamation loan for irrigation of a section of state land in the Trans -Caspian region
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 692. Correspondence at the request of the military economic government of the Ural Cossack army about the report of information on the settlement of the Terek River, with the application of the information about the landslide work
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 693. [The petition of the peasants] about the construction of the dam on the Smal-Uzen river near the village of Alexandria of the Novouzensky district of the Samara province
РГИА. 695 / 1 / 694. [Correspondence] with the Department of Agriculture about the upcoming work on the water supply of the Uman School of Horticulture and Agriculture
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 695. Information notes, certificates, acts and correspondence on the transfer to the treasury of the Karayaz estate of the Tiflis province, belonging to the society restoration of Christianity in the Caucasus
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 696. Reports, notes, information and correspondence about work, irrigation costs and economic structure in the Karayaz estate of the Tiflis province
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 697. Performances, certificates and correspondence on issues relating to the Karayaz estate [Tiflis province (on the addition of arrears from the heirs of the Magawale estate, about the costs of irrigation and so on)]]
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 698. Report, notes, minutes of meetings, correspondence and materials on changing some paragraphs of the Charter of the Mariinsky irrigation partnership in the Caucasus and on the operation of the Karayaz estate
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 699. Report and correspondence at the request of the Kaluga district zemstvo council on strengthening the banks of the Oka River, [with the appendix]
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 700. Correspondence on the project of drainage of the Priazovsky floods of the Kuban region
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 701. Information and correspondence on hydraulic and irrigation work of European Russia, with the application of reports on the estates in the estates of the Nizhny Novgorod province for 1908
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 702. Report on the activities of the water inspection in the Caucasus for 1908
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 703. Correspondence with water inspector in the Caucasus on the use of waters for irrigation of land, about irrigation work and expenses for hydraulic work in Transcaucasia
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 704. Report and correspondence of irrigation of 45,000 acres in the hungry steppe of the Samarkand region.Demanding statements for the payment of hydraulic engineers for January-March months of 1909
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 705. Correspondence with the Office of Agriculture and State Property in the Turkestan Territory on the irrigation of 45,000 acres in the hungry steppe of the Samarkand region
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 706. Dimo soil scholars, notes and correspondence on research in the hungry and Dalverzinsky steppes
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 707. The common cause with [circulars, orders and orders for the main management of agriculture and the department of land improvements and correspondence with private individuals and institutions on various issues (list and movement of bills submitted to the legislative institutions
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 708. 1909
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 709. Reports, presentations, journal of the meeting of the hydrological committee and correspondence on the alleged reclamation work and expenses in the Caspian dacha of the Bessarabian province, on the construction of the channel between the Danube River and Lake China, on the command of the engineer of the Cor
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 710. Estimates for hydraulic work in Voronezh, Penza and Simbirsk provinces
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 711. Report, reports and correspondence on the irrigation of land in the Turkestan Territory, [with the application of estimates and minutes of meetings of the hydrological and technical committees and others]
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 712. Performances, meetings of meetings and correspondence on irrigation work in the Semirechensk region
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 713. The petition at Mubaijan’s request and the correspondence for the vacation of 108,000 acres of land in the Sardrabat of the Erivan province
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 714. Correspondence at the request of the hereditary honorary citizen Levitov on granting him the right to form a partnership for the study and operation of land in Turkestan
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 715. Переписка по ходатайству крестьян села Кочкурова Нижегородской губернии о сооружении для ручья Прудок искусственного русла
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 716. Correspondence at the request of the Lipetsk City Council on a business trip to Lipetsk hydraulic engineering, to put in order the keys of drinking water
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 717. Report of the Sagaidak meteorological station for 1907-1908
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 718. Correspondence at the petitions of the Imperial Dino-Kubano of Terek and Poltava agricultural societies on the appropriation of loans to strengthen ravines in experimental fields
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 719. Correspondence with the Ministry of Trade and Industry on the provision of a conclusion on the draft Charter of the Ferghano-Zakaspian joint-stock company, for irrigation and crop culture in Central Asia
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 720. Correspondence at the petition of the Department of Agriculture about the construction of the Winel of the Artesian well in the Bessarabian School of Winema
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 721. RGIA
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 722. Extracts from magazines of meetings of the Technical Committee and correspondence for the construction of irrigation in the resettlement sections of Balykchi and Baytyk of the Chimkent district of the Syr-Darya region
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 723. Correspondence at the request of the Elisavetgrad district zemstvo council [Kherson province] on the arrangement of the irrigation of the vineyard in the southern part of the Elisavetgrad district
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 724. Application at the request of Princess E.I.Kudasheva and correspondence on the sentence of hydraulic engineering in her estate "Zavidovskaya-economy" by the Yekaterinoslav province
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 725. The petition at the request of the landowner of the Service County of the Saratov province V.P.Yumatova and correspondence about the commanding of the Hydotechnical estate
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 726. A petition at the request of the attorney of the manufacturer S.A.Koptsova, Bukhman engineer for renting 30,000 acres of land for irrigation, with the aim of breeding cotton, cereals and other crops in the Ulugnar-Aryk region, to the principal.
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 727. Correspondence at the request of the Moscow Exchange Committee on permission to familiarize themselves with the results of government surveys in Central Asia
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 728. The petition at the petition of the landowner Georgy Aglintsev and General Demidov and the correspondence on the lease and irrigation of the state -owned wrapping sections of the Vsevolozhsk and Shandryukovsky Kizlyar department in the Terek region, with the application for research in the lower
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 729. An application at the request of the chairman of the Moscow Exchange Committee Krestovnikov and correspondence on the assistance of engineer Kuznetsov, sent to Turkestan, in order to familiarize themselves with the existing land irrigation projects
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 730. The journal of the meeting and correspondence at the request of the group of French capitalists (banker Zoste and others) in order to irrigate lands along the designed line of the Turkestan-Siberian Railway
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 731. Прошение по ходатайству полковника Л.Л. Иессена и переписка об орошении 8700 десятин земли путем механического подъема воды из реки Нарына Ферганской области
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 732. [Correspondence of the Technical Committee (draft technical conditions and instructions for techniques for the construction of resettlement roads; extracts from the committee’s magazines on the construction of artesian and other wells in the Bessarabian and Yekaterinoslav provinces, according to the stationist
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 733. The petition at the request of the actual state adviser Putilov and engineer S.E.Palashkovsky about permission to organize an irrigation enterprise along the alleged Arys-Vernensky railway
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 734. Application at the request of the technical office Panioti in the new Bukhara and the correspondence of the provision of 500 tints of land in the aulieat district of the Syr-Darya region for artesian irrigation
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 735. Report and correspondence on the commanding of engineer A.M.Valuev in Turkestan, to familiarize yourself with hydraulic structures in the hungry steppe, with the application of information about the work performed
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 736. Correspondence at the request of the Board of the Partnership "Nikanor Derbenev Sons" On the rental of state -owned lands in Turkestan for irrigation and breeding of cotton culture
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 737. An application at the request of the company formed in Moscow to irrigate land in Central Asia on the temporary abstinence of the treasury from concluding contracts with other enterprises
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 738. Bulletin of observations at hydraulic regulations of agriculture and state property in the Turkestan Territory for November 1909
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 739. Correspondence of the drilling of exploration wells at the Khilkovo station in the hungry steppe produced by the drill office of the engineer of Kotorsky
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 740. RGIA
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 741. Reports, estimated assumptions, reports and correspondence on the project of the reconstruction of the channel of Emperor Nicholas I, with the application of the head of the head part and drawings
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 742. [Excurs from the magazines of meetings of the Technical Committee and correspondence with the Forest Department] on the installation of a water supply in a trade official nursery under the Tellermanian forestry of the Voronezh province
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 743. Estimated assumptions about hydraulic operations in 1910 in Yekaterinoslav, Kazan, Tauride, Poltava, Kharkov, Samara, Voronezh and Astrakhan provinces
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 744. Projects: Instructions for the study of peat bogs and the conditions for renting peat bogs
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 745. A brief report by the engineer of the hydraulic engineer of the knot on a business trip for the inspection of hydraulic operations in the Tver region and the Stavropol and Black Sea provinces
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 746. Fedorov, Maxim Vasilievich.A conflict of interests and its objectification in the Russian legal system.Belgorod, 2021.
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 747. The preliminary report of the engineer Matisse on a business trip to the districts of Dzhana and the Kuvan Darya of the Turkestan Territory in 1909
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 748. Extracts from the magazines of meetings of the Technical Committee, certificates and correspondence on the arrangement of wells in the Voronezh, Tauride, Tula and Ufa provinces and the petition of peasants and zemstvos on the issuance of loans
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 749. [Reports, certificates, estimates and correspondence] on hydraulic operations and on the project of the organization of the hydrometric part in the Caucasus, [with the appliances of excavation and the table of the calculation of the capacity of the channel]
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 750. Reports, magazines of meetings of congresses of ghradliks (1903-1919), certificates and correspondence on hydraulic operations in the Mugansk steppe, with the application of drawings: the regulator gateway on the New Araks and Upper Golitsynsky Canal
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 751. The common cause with circulars, orders and instructions of the land improvement department, correspondence with administrations and other office work on the presentation of various information and so on
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 752. Correspondence on the consumption of funds for hydraulic engineering work on the estimate of 1910, on the preparation of estimates and estimated assumptions for 1911
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 753. Reports, projects, extracts from the magazines of the Technical Committee, correspondence for the preparation of estimates and estimated assumptions about hydraulic and other works in European Russia in 1911
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 754. Reports, notes, copies of the protocols of the interdepartmental meeting and estimated assumptions about irrigation work and the organization of the hydrometric part in Turkestan
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 755. Extracts from the magazines of the Council of the Turkestan Governor General, estimated assumptions and correspondence about the organization and content of the hydrometric part in the Turkestan Territory
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 756. Reports, projects, certificates, meetings of meetings and correspondence on the organization of research and work in the Semirechensk region with the application of estimates for 1910
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 757. Extracts from the magazine of the Ufa district Zemstvo meeting, a report of the council and correspondence at the request of the peasants of the village of Verkhne-Nikolskaya Ufa province on the arrangement of the dam in protection against floods from the Ufa River
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 758. Correspondence at the request of the landowner Balashov about the reclamation loan for the arrangement of ponds in his estate, under the village of Rzhavensky district of the Tula province
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 759. Russian
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 760. Correspondence with Russian embassies about sending information about hydraulic work abroad
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 761. Correspondence at the request of the Astrakhan Cossack Army on the commanding of the hydraulic engineering on Torgun Plot for observations for the construction
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 762. Correspondence at the request of the residents of the city of Kokand Lutskiy, Goyira and Gara for the return to them for 99 years of state land in the Kokand district of the Ferghana region, in order to cultivate it
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 763. Speaking at the request of the peasants of the village of Nikolaevka of the Saratov province and correspondence about the device, deepening and expanding their pond for watering
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 764. Extracts and magazines of meetings of the technical committee on approval of projects of artificial reservoirs in resettlement areas: 1) Chandak-Kul, 2) Kire-Kidak, 3) Kire-Ketogan, 4) Itemen and 5) Kyzyl cover of the Akmola region
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 765. Extracts from the report on the inspection of the Sagaidatsky irrigated site and correspondence on the commanding of the hydraulic engineering section for the correction of hydraulic structures
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 766. Extracts from the journal of the Technical Committee on the project of the irrigation of the garden and the garden of the lower Gnedine agricultural school of the Yekaterinoslav province
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 767. Cutting from newspapers about irrigation events in the Turkestan Territory
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 768. The petition of a citizen of the North American United States William Eduard Smith about permission to familiarize himself with the materials available in the department on a hungry steppe
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 769. [Excurs from the magazine of a meeting of the Technical Committee, the petition of trusted peasants] on the project of the construction of the irrigation channel on the site of the Novo-Pokrovsky Society of the Pishpek district of the Semirechensk region from the Aryk "Karago" and correspondence
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 770. Report and correspondence on the "highest" mark on the "all -budget" report of the Baku governor [for 1908] (on measures to combat floods in the Prikurinsky lowland)
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 771. An extract from the journal of a meeting of the Technical Committee and correspondence at the request of the landowners of the Mikhailovs on the reclamation loan for the construction of a dam with a spillway in their estate of the Saratov province
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 772. Instructions for drilling and surveys for the installation of reservoirs
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 773. Extract from the magazine of a meeting of the Technical Committee and correspondence on the project of the water supply device in the official estate "Batishchevo" Dorogobuzhsky district of the Smolensk province
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 774. Correspondence at the request of the Novouzensky City Public Administration to leave the city of Novouzensk into a loan of 115,000 rubles for an irrigation of 3085 tinters of the city land and an extract from the journal of a meeting of the Technical Committee on the project of its irrigation
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 775. [Extract from the journal of meetings of the Technical Committee and Correspondence] at the request of the Kyrgyzes of the first and second auls of the Karakuchinsky volost of the Turgai district and the region about a loan of 3000 rubles for the device of the dam on the Kabyrga River
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 776. Journal of the meeting of the Technical Committee for the Consideration of the Project and the estimate for the construction of the water supply in the village of Nikolaev Baku province
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 777. Correspondence at the request of the senior instructor in the agricultural part in the Orenburg province on the commanding of a specialist for irrigation of the Shmurlo estate in the Orenburg province
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 778. Reports and correspondence on the activities of the survey party in Turkestan in 1909-1910 and assumptions about work for 1911
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 779. Correspondence at the request of Baroness O.A.Bode on the issuance of a reclamation loan for the device of a water supply for watering on the berry and fruit nursery in the Tula province
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 780. Reports, notes, reports and correspondence on reconnaissance surveys on the Amu-Darya River, with the aim of irrigation and development of cotton breeding
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 781. [Reports, explanatory notes for estimates and correspondence] on hydraulic surveys on the Amu-Darya River, with the application of the estimates for 1912-1913
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 782. Speaking (request and response) at the request of the scientist-agronomist V.A.Martynova about the allocation of 500 acres of land in Transcaucasia for Cotton Culture
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 783. A reporting note, correspondence and materials of the candidate of agriculture and forestry, retired court adviser Yankovsky and correspondence on the organization of the correct struggle with ravines in low -water and arid areas
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 784. The case of the request of representatives of the cotton industry of the Moscow region and the correspondence on the granting of them the right to irrigate land in the Ferghana region for the development of cotton breeding
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 785. A petition at the request of Prince M.M.Andronikova and S.F.Sharapova, correspondence on resolving research in order to irrigate under cotton in the Karshinsky steppe of the Bukhara Khanate, [with the appendix of the project]
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 786. A petition at the request of Prince D.A.Bagration-Davidov on the issuance of 10,000 acres of unborn land in Turkestan for the culture of cotton
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 787. An extract from the magazine of a meeting of the Technical Committee on the Water Supply Project Sad Landwriter Yu.A.Bekman on the estate of the Tauride province and the attitude of the department of agriculture and agricultural statistics at the request of it to issue a loan for irrigation
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 788. Reports, extracts from the magazines of meetings of the Technical Committee, estimated assumptions and correspondence on hydraulic work in European Russia in 1911
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 789. A memo, information, certificates and correspondence on work and loans for peat production and use of peat
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 790. An explanatory note to the project to improve the shipping conditions of the Narva River and a historical certificate of water meters established in 1902 by a party for the study of the Pskovo-Yuryevo-Narvsky waterway and related draft notes and calculations.Gra
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 791. Magazines of drilling wells on the exposure articles of the Astrakhan province
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 792. Report on the activities of the water inspection in the Caucasus for 1909
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 793. Cash Report of the Tingutinsky state irrigated section of the Astrakhan province for 1910
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 794. Correspondence of work on irrigation of the northeastern part of the hungry steppe and on the allocation of loans on them, [with the application of drawings].On the appointment of a traffic engineer Tolmachev as the head of work in the hungry steppe
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 795. Correspondence on the irrigation of the north-eastern part of the hungry steppe and the appropriation of loans on them
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 796. The common cause, circulars, orders and instructions of the land improvement department and print publications of the general code of state painting of income and expenses for 1911, magazines of the Special Committee at the Department of Land Additions to Considering the estimates of 1912 and the
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 797. The estimate of the hydrometric part in Turkestan for 1912
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 798. Reporting statements of public works in the Simbirsk province for agricultural water supply for 1911-1912
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 799. Information on strengthening ravines in European Russia for 1909, 1910, 1911 (draft tables)
РГИА. 801 / 1 / 800. Reports, minutes of meetings, loan distribution projects and correspondence on surveys and irrigation work in the Turkestan Territory
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