Kochkurova, Elena Vitalievna (candidate of economic sciences).
Structural changes in the economy of modern Russia: (political and economic aspects): the dissertation author's abstract on the competition of the scientific degree of the candidate of economic sciences: specialty 08.00.01 / Kochkurova Elena Vitalevna; [Intern. Institute of Management "LINK"]. - Moscow, 2012. -26 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. - Place of protection: Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - List of works avt .: p. 25-26 (12 names). - Bibliograf. in a substring. - As a manuscript. . -100 copies.
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1. Power (collection). 2. Economic theory. 3. Russian Federation - Economic development - Abstracts of dissertations. |
BKK 65.050.11y031
Source of the electronic copy: Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences. Website |