Transformation Processes in Russian Economy
Transformation Processes in Russian Economy
Features and contradictions of the formation of the information economy in Russia
Vakhitova, Lidia Rustamovna (candidate of economic sciences). Features and contradictions of the formation of the information economy in. St. Petersburg, 2008.
Functional features of the new economic terminology in the journalistic text
Fazylova, Naila Amirovna (candidate of philological sciences). Functional features of the new economic terminology in the journalistic text. Kazan, 2008.
Reigning national economic policy of the State in the context of globalization
Kozlova, Galina Vasilyevna (Dr. Econ Sciences, International Economics). Reigning national economic policy of the State in the context of globalization. Tambov, 2009.
State economic policy in the new economy
Akerman, Elena Nikolaevna. State economic policy in the new economy. Tomsk, 2011.
Features of the institutional mechanism in the transformable economy of Russia
Istomin, Stepan Vladimirovich. Features of the institutional mechanism in the transformed economy of Russia. Chelyabinsk, 2011.
The role of state corporations in modernizing the Russian economy
Mochalnikov, Sergey Victorovich (candidate of economic sciences). The role of state corporations in modernizing the Russian economy. Moscow, 2011.
Payment systems in the sphere of money circulation of information economy
Popova, Ekaterina Igorevna. Payment systems in the sphere of money circulation of the information economy. Chelyabinsk, 2011.
The concept of innovative development of the economy in Russia: practice-oriented approach
Chekulina, Tatyana Aleksandrovna. The concept of innovative development of the economy in Russia: practice-oriented approach. Tambov, 2011.
Structural changes in the economy of modern Russia
Kochkurova, Elena Vitalievna (candidate of economic sciences). Structural changes in the economy of modern Russia. Moscow, 2012.
Neo-industrial-oriented transformation of the Russian economy
Zhironkin, Sergey.Neo-industrial-oriented transformation of the Russian economy.Tomsk, 2014.