World Economy. Role of Russia in the World Economy
World Economy. Role of Russia in the World Economy
The role of transnational corporations in the economic development of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region
Lukonin, Sergey Alexandrovich. The role of transnational corporations in the economic development of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Moscow, 2008.
Prospects for reform of the International Monetary Fund in modern conditions
Klebnikov, Daria V..Prospects for reform of the International Monetary Fund today.Moscow 2015.
World experience in the risk insurance of natural disasters
Tokarev, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna.World experience in the risk insurance of natural disasters.Moscow, 2016.
- International economic cooperation of Russia
Political motivation of Russia's foreign economic activity
Novikova, Veronika Sergeevna (candidate of political sciences). Political motivation of Russia's foreign economic activity. Saratov, 2007.Forestry complex of Russia: problems and prospects of participation in international economic relations
Prytkov, Andrei Trifonovich. Timber industry complex of Russia: problems and prospects of participation in international economic relations. Moscow, 2007.Problems of deepening integration cooperation in the post-Soviet space: the example of foreign economic interaction of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan
Ryabinin, Anton Leonidovich. Problems of deepening integration cooperation in the post-Soviet space: the example of foreign economic interaction between Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Moscow, 2007.The Media Market in the World Economy: Russian Prospects
Titov, Alexey Viktorovich. The Media Market in the World Economy: Russian Prospects. Moscow, 2007.The history of economic cooperation of the Russian Federation with the countries of near and far abroad in 1991-1999
Zhirnov, Sergey Viktorovich. The history of economic cooperation of the Russian Federation with the countries of near and far abroad in 1991-1999. Moscow, 2010.Conditions for the formation of the innovative potential of the Russian economy as the basis for its effective integration into the system of global economic relations
Ehrwald, Irina Ernestovna. Conditions for the formation of the innovative potential of the Russian economy as the basis for its effective integration into the system of world economic relations. Moscow, 2010.Foreign Economic Factors of Influence on Price Dynamics and Inflation Processes in the Economy of the Russian Federation
Dunaeva, Elena Viktorovna (candidate of economic sciences). Foreign economic factors impact on price dynamics and inflation processes in the economy of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2011.Russian legal policy in the sphere of foreign economic activity
Golub, Konstantin Yuryevich (Candidate of Juridical Sciences). Russian legal policy in the field of foreign economic activity. Saratov, 2012.Scenarios of Russia's foreign trade relations in the context of globalization
Morozenkova, Olga Vladimirovna (candidate of economic sciences). Scenarios of foreign trade relations of Russia in the conditions of globalization. Moscow, 2012.Development of state financial regulation of foreign investments in the Russian system
Koposova, S. Anastasia.Development of state financial regulation of foreign investments in the Russian system.Moscow 2014.Institutional framework of Russia's external debt
Institutional basis of Russia's external debt. 2015.Trends in the development of economic cooperation between Russia and the Western Balkans
Maksakova, Maria Andreevna. Trends in the development of economic cooperation between Russia and the Western Balkans. Moscow, 2015.Influence of cross-border capital flows on the monetary and credit policy of the Russian Federation
Bogatova, Irina Eduardovna (candidate of economic sciences). Influence of cross-border capital flows on the monetary policy of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2016.Single euro area payment space: implementation issues and opportunities for integration with Russia
Single euro area payment space: implementation issues and opportunities for integration with Russia. 2016Integration into the world economy as a function of the Russian state
Tsarev, Pavel Alekseevich. Integration into the world economy as a function of the Russian state. Moscow, 2016.International sea ports-hubs as a factor in the development of the Baltic Sea region NO BOT
International sea ports-hubs as a factor in the development of the Baltic Sea region NO BW. 2017.Russia's foreign economic interests in the global civilian shipbuilding market
Zudinova, Ksenia Yuryevna (Candidate of Economic Sciences).The foreign economic interests of Russia in the global market of civil shipbuilding.St. Petersburg, 2018.Russian
Porzel, Alexander Konstantinovich.Socio-economic activity of the USSR/Russia on Spitsbergen in its conditions of its special international status (1920-2010).Moscow, 2020.- International cooperation of Russia in petroleum industry
Foreign Economic Aspects of Pipeline Transportation of Oil from the Russian Federation
Vlasov, Vladimir Ivanovich (Candidate of Economic Sciences). Foreign economic aspects of pipeline oil transportation from the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2007.Trends in the institutional development of the world oil market and prospects for Russian exports
Shestov, Ilya Nikolayevich. Trends in institutional development of the world oil market and prospects for Russian exports. Moscow, 2007.Opportunities and prospects for the export of Russian energy resources (oil) to China
Morozov, Artem Ivanovich. Opportunities and prospects for the export of Russian energy resources (oil) to China. Moscow, 2008.Problems of cooperation of the Caspian countries in the oil and gas sector: the geo-economic aspect
Stepanov, Dmitry Yurievich. Problems of cooperation of the Caspian countries in the oil and gas industry: the geo-economic aspect. Moscow, 2008.The problems of increasing the efficiency of oil exports by Russian companies
Markov, Victor Valerevich. Problems of increasing the efficiency of oil exports by Russian companies. Moscow, 2010.Export of Russian natural gas to European countries: prospects, challenges, risks
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- Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
Forum Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation at the Turn of the 20th and 21st Centuries: the Factor of Russia
Zamaliev, Alfat Jaudatovich (candidate of historical sciences). Forum Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries: the factor of Russia. Kazan, 2011. - Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Prospects for Russia's participation in the integration processes in South-East Asia: the example of the experience of creating a free trade zone China-ASEAN
Sergun, Igor Petrovich (candidate of economic sciences). Prospects for Russia's participation in the integration processes in South-East Asia: the example of the experience of creating a free trade zone China-ASEAN. Saratov, 2013.Financial Integration in Southeast Asia by the Example of the ASEAN Countries: Mechanisms and Development Policy
Le Van Ha (candidate of economic sciences). Financial Integration in Southeast Asia by the Example of ASEAN Countries: Mechanisms and Development Policy. Moscow, 2017. - Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS)С)
Trends in the development of trade and economic cooperation between the BRICS countries
Pelevina, Ksenia Aleksandrovna (candidate of economic sciences). Trends in the development of trade and economic cooperation of the BRICS countries. Moscow, 2013.Economic Aspects of Energy Safety of BRICS Countries
Ryazanov, Marina Olegovna.Economic aspects of the energy security of the BRICS countries.Moscow, 2017.Trade and investment cooperation of the BRICS countries as a factor in the development of their economies
Gusarova, Svetlana Anatolyevna.Trade and investment cooperation of the BRICS countries as a factor in the development of their economies.Moscow, 2018.Problems and prospects of economic cooperation of the BRICS countries in the system of world economic ties
Procadova, Anastasia Alexandrovna (candidate of economic sciences).Problems and prospects of economic cooperation between the BRICS countries in the system of world economic ties.Moscow, 2019. - Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC)
Methodological and institutional bases of economic integration of EurAsEC countries
Mansurov, Tair Aimukhametovich (Doctor of Economics, 1948-). Methodological and institutional bases of economic integration of the EurAsEC countries. Moscow, 2012.Formation of a single economic space within the framework of the Unified Energy System
Ratushnyak, Elena Sergeevna. Formation of a single economic space within the framework of the Unified Energy System. Moscow, 2014.International Legal Regulation of the Establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Method of Settlement of Disputes
Myslivsky, Pavel Petrovich. International legal regulation of creation of the Eurasian economic union and a way of the resolution of disputes. Moscow, 2015.Development of trade and economic integration of the Eurasian Economic Union in the conditions of joining the World Trade Organization
Petrova, Anna Andreevna.The development of trade and economic integration of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in the context of joining the World Trade Organization.St. Petersburg, 2018.Forms and directions of integration cooperation of the EAEU countries in conditions
Zhang Vantin (candidate of economic sciences).Forms and directions of integration cooperation of the EAEU countries in the context of hypercarrence.St. Petersburg, 2018.The economic effect of Russia's participation in integration processes with far countries (for example, the possible consequences of creating a free trade zone between the EAEU and Egypt)
Scriabin, Valentina Yuryevna (candidate of economic sciences).The economic effect of Russia's participation in integration processes with far countries (for example, the possible consequences of creating a free trade zone between the EAEU and Egypt).Moscow, 2019. - European Union and European Economic Community
Conditions and factors of the formation and development of economic cooperation between Russia and the EU
Emelyanova, Natalia Nikolaevna. Conditions and factors of the formation and development of economic cooperation between Russia and the EU. Moscow, 2008.Problems of formation of the economic mechanism of strategic partnership between Russia and the European Union
Illusion, Ekaterina Anatolievna. Problems of formation of the economic mechanism of strategic partnership between Russia and the European Union. Moscow, 2011.Geopolitical and geo-economic factors of cooperation between Russia and the EU in the field of energy
Han Haolai. Geopolitical and geo-economic factors of cooperation between Russia and the EU in the energy sector. St. Petersburg, 2015.Harmonization of national tax legislation in integration associations (on the example of the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union)
Golovchenko, Oksana Nikolaevna.Harmonization of national tax legislation in integration associations (on the example of the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union).Moscow, 2020. - Southern Common Market (Mercosur)
MERCOSUR - Russia: Development of Relations in the Geopolitical and Economic Dimension
Patrippany, Rafael Alberto. MERCOSUR - Russia: development of relations in the geopolitical and economic dimension. Moscow, 2007. - Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
Features of the economic development of the CIS countries in the context of their resistance to external shocks
Pylin, Artem Gennadievich (candidate of economic sciences). Features of economic development of the CIS countries in the context of their resistance to external shocks. Moscow, 2012.Тенденции и перспективы двустороннего инвестиционного сотрудничества стран Персидского залива и СНГ
Нагимова, Альмира Загировна (кандидат экономических наук). Тенденции и перспективы двустороннего инвестиционного сотрудничества стран Персидского залива и СНГ. Москва, 2016. - Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
Modern trade and economic relations of the PRC with the Central Asian countries-members of the SCO
Frolenkov, Vitaly Sergeevich Modern trade and economic relations of the PRC with the Central Asian member countries of the SCO.
Moscow, 2008.Current state and prospects for the development of economic cooperation of the SCO member states
Fadeeva, Inna Avenirovna (candidate of economic sciences). The current state and prospects for the development of economic cooperation among the SCO member states. Moscow, 2013.