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Zhang Vantin (candidate of economic sciences).Forms and directions of integration cooperation of the EAEU countries in the context of hypercarrence: abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of economic sciences: specialty 08.00.14 / Zhang Vantin;[St. Petersburg State Economic University of Aerospace Instrumentation].-St. Petersburg, 2018. -21 p.: silt.;21 cm .. -Place of protection: S.-Peterb.state.Econ.un-t.- List of works Auth.: P.21 (10 names).- Bibliogr.In the tuning.Note..1. The Eurasian Economic Union - Economic Relations - the People's Republic of China - Author of dissertations.2. Power (collection).3. Russia and countries of the world (collection).4. Russian state and economics (collection).5. The world economy.6. International organizations - integration policy.7. The Chinese People’s Republic - foreign policy - 21th century.- Abstracts of dissertations.BBK 65.9 (051) I031BBK 65.9 (5kit) I031BBK 65.54y031Source of electronic copy: SPbGEU.Website
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