

Представлены журналы, посвящённые экономике или имеющие в своём составе экономические разделы.

  • Bulletin of the Local Lore Society at the Museum of Tobolsk North. Tobolsk, 1927–1930

    The magazine was edited by the Local Lore Society at the Museum of Tobolsk North. It was published in 1927-1930 in Tobolsk. Quarterly magazine. The pages of the bulletin featured works devoted to a comprehensive study of the Tobolsk North - history, ethnography, industry and social life, geography, archeology, literature, etc.

    Presented issues: 1927-1930.

  • Bulletin of the Russian APEC Study Center. Moscow, 2010-.

    Edition of the Russian APEC Study Center. The bulletin has been published since 2010 in Moscow. The publication is devoted to a wide range of issues discussed at the APEC forum. Main sections: News of Russian Chairmanship in APEC (2012); APEC Events Calendar; Key Topics discussed by APEC; Special Aspects of APEC Activities; APEC Final Documents.

    Presented issues: 2011, 2012.

  • Herald of the All-Russian Agricultural Chamber. Petrograd, 1913-1917.

    Publication of the All-Russian Agricultural Chamber. Issued in Saint-Petersburg / Petrograd in 1913-1917. Monthly magazine. Editor - Chamber's Executive V. P. Samofalov. The magazine published materials featuring the Chamber's activities - reports on the General Meetings of the Chamber, reports, and resolutions, information about the Chamber Council meetings, the work of commissions, lists of members, a chronicle and announcements. It also published materials were about agricultural activities of local organizations - agricultural societies and zemstvos, releases of Government activities in the agriculture sphere, new bills, the work of the Agricultural Commission of the State Duma, and others.

    Presented issues: 1913-1917.

  • Herald of Europe (Vestnik Evropy). Saint-Petersburg, 1866-1918.

    Historical, political, and literary magazine. It was published in 1866-1918. in Saint-Petersburg. It continued the tradition of the magazine of the same name, founded in 1802 by N .M. Karamzin. It was issued with a frequency of 4 volumes per year. Since 1868 it became a monthly magazine. Editors and publishers: M. M. Stasyulevich (1866-1908), since 1908 - editor K. K. Arseniev, publisher - M. M. Kovalevsky, from 1913 to March 1918 - editor and publisher D. N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky. The magazine published historical studies, monographs, biographies, and historical fiction; reviews of historical literature and the activities of scientific historical societies and academies; pedagogical literature and methods of teaching historical science; historical and political chronicle. The literary department contained literary and artistic works, letters, essays, memoirs, literary and critical articles. Among the authors were I. S. Turgenev, I. A. Goncharov, A. N. Ostrovsky, P. D. Boborykin, V. S. Soloviev, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. It also featured articles on financial and economic issues and journalism. Resumed in Moscow in 2001 with the same title (founders: Yegor Gaidar, Ekaterina Genieva, and Victor Yaroshenko).

    Presented issues: 1869-1917.

  • Herald of Karelo-Murmansk Krai. [Leningrad], 1924-1926.

    Popular science, local history, and illustrative magazine. The press organ of the Council of People's Commissars of the Autonomous Republic of Karelia and the Board of the Murmansk Railway. It was published in 1924-1926 in Leningrad. It was issued instead of the  "Herald of Murman" magazine (1923-1924). Since 1927 it has been published with the title "Karelo-Murmansk Krai". Weekly edition (from No. 8 of 1924). The magazine featured materials on the study of the economy of the Karelian-Murmansk Krai, colonization of new territories by back-settlers, the transport industry, information about the everyday life of the region, its institutions and organizations, correspondence from local places, answers to readers' questions, as well as artworks( poems, novels, stories).

    Presented issues: 1924, 1925.

  • Herald of Corporate Insurance. Novonikolaevsk, 1919.

    Edition of the Management Board of the Siberian Corporate Insurance Partnership. A single issue was released (October) in 1919 in Novonikolaevsk (now Novosibirsk). Sections of the magazine: Insurance business laws and regulations; Articles and notes about all kinds of insurance business in various forms of its conduct, as well as on all types of corporate insurance; Chronicle of insurance and firefighting in Siberia, Russia and abroad; In the Siberian Corporate Insurance Partnership (chronicle and reviews); Reviews of the general and special press about insurance; Correspondence; Bibliography; Reference information, announcements.

    Presented issues: 1919.

  • Herald of Omsk Railway. Omsk, 1925-1926.

    Edition of the Management Board of the Siberian Corporate Insurance Partnership. A single issue was released (October) in 1919 in Novonikolaevsk (now Novosibirsk). Sections of the magazine: Insurance business laws and regulations; Articles and notes about all kinds of insurance business in various forms of its conduct, as well as on all types of corporate insurance; Chronicle of insurance and firefighting in Siberia, Russia and abroad; In the Siberian Corporate Insurance Partnership (chronicle and reviews); Reviews of the general and special press about insurance; Correspondence; Bibliography; Reference information, announcements.

    Presented issues: 1919.

  • Herald of the Russian-Japanese Society in Petrograd. Petrograd, 1917.

    Economic, political, and scientific-literary magazine. It was published by the Russian-Japanese Society in Petrograd in 1917. Until 1917 it was issued with the title: "Herald of the Trade and Information Bureau at the Russian-Japanese Society in Petrograd." The publication frequency is not defined. From issue 4/6 the publication was discontinued. Texts were published in Russian and Japanese. Editor: I .E. Geishtor. The magazine's authors were: A. N. Weinstock, I. I. Vonsovich, I. E. Geishtor, Privat-Docents S. G. Eliseev, and E. D. Polivanov, Professor A. I. Ivanov, P. I. Nakayama, and others. It featured materials on Russian-Japanese relations: reviews of Russian and Japanese industry and trade, trade statistics, a chronicle of social and economic life, reports of the Russian-Japanese society in Petrograd, reference materials, bibliography, advertising.

    Presented issues: 1917.

  • 1939 All-Union Population Census: Bulletin / Omsk Regional Directorate of National Economic Accounting of the Central Statistical Administration of the State Planning Committee of the Soviet Union. Omsk, 1938.

    Bulletin of the Omsk Regional Directorate of National Economic Accounting of the Central Statistical Administration of the State Planning Committee of the Soviet Union. For professional use. It was published in 1938 in Omsk. Only 3 issues were published. The magazine documents of a regulatory nature (decrees, orders, directions, instructions, etc.) and informational materials on the census preparations in Omsk Region.

    Published issues: 1938.

  • Vyatka National Economy. Vyatka, 1918-1920.

    Edition of the Vyatka Provincial Food Committee and the Provincial National Economy Council. The magazine was published from 1918 to 1920 Vyatka. Publication frequency: 12 numbers (1918), 24 numbers (1919). The last issue No. 4/5 was printed in 1920. The magazine featured reports and statistical materials, analytical articles about the economy of Vyatka Province, and selected industries, materials on issues of economic development.

    Presented issues: 1918-1920.

  • Far Eastern Statistical Review. Khabarovsk; Blagoveshchensk, 1924-1930

    Edition of the Far Eastern Regional Statistical Office. It was published in 1924-1930 in Khabarovsk and Blagoveshchensk. In 1924-1927, the magazine was entitled "Statistical Bulletin". The publication frequency was not regular (single and double numbers). The magazine's material was divided into sections: General Economics, Foreign Trade, Agriculture, Industry, Trade, Market, Social Statistics, Labor, Exchange, Construction, Chronicle, Bibliography, etc.

    Presented issues: 1928-1930.

  • Yearbook of the Main Directorate for Land Arrangement and Agriculture of the Agriculture Department and the Forest Department. Saint-Petersburg, 1908-1916.

    Publication of the Main Directorate for Land Arrangement and Agriculture of the Agriculture Department and the Forest Department, published in Saint-Petersburg in 1908-1916. The yearbook included reports and reviews of the activities of each department, published materials on various issues of agriculture and related industries. The publication supplements featured statistical information, reference materials, and a bibliography. Each issue included a large illustrative material - photographs, drawings, maps, plans, diagrams, charts, etc.

    Presented issues: 1909-1912, 1915.


  • Forest Department Yearbook. St. Petersburg, 1911-1916.

    Edition of the Forest Department of the Main Directorate for Land Arrangement and Agriculture (later - the Ministry of Agriculture) was published in Saint Petersburg in 1911-1916. The yearbook featured reports on the State Forest Department (the property lists, organization, property and forest arrangement, experimental forestry review, forest charter violations, forest management activities, income and expenses, bibliography, etc.), forestry monographs.

    Presented issues: 1916.

  • Yearbook of the Tobolsk Provincial Museum. Tobolsk, 1893-1919.

    Periodical of local lore collection. It was published by the Executive Committee of the Tobolsk Provincial Museum in 1893-1919. The Yearbook was issued as releases of collected material. A total of 29 issues were published. Editorial Board was made up of Chairman, Secretary, and members of the Museum Committee (simultaneously): N. M. Bogdanovich, L. E. Lugovsky, L. M. Knyazev, V. A. Ivanovsky, A. A. Ternovsky, N. L. Skalozubov, G. Y. Malyarevsky, V. I. Kurkin, V. F. Kostyurin, V. N. Pignatti, B. S. Veltishchev, and others. The magazine was resumed in 2006 in Tyumen with the title "Yearbook of the Tobolsk Museum-Reserve" (publisher: Tobolsk State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve). The material was organized into sections: Reports and protocols of meetings; Museum chronicle; Description of the museum's collections. It featured works on issues of local archeology, ethnography, natural sciences, trade, industry, history, geography, statistics, etc.

    Presented issues: 1893-1895, 1897-1902, 1905-1907, 1909-1918.

  • Journal of manufactures and trade. St. Petersburg, 1825-1860, 1864-1867

    Monthly economic journal was published in St. Petersburg in 1825-1860 and 1864-1867. It was the official body of the Department of Manufactories and Internal Trade of the Ministry of Finance. In 1839-1857 the weekly “Gornozavodskiye and manufactornye news” was also published. In the 1850s the journal was edited by S. I. Lvovsky. In 1861-1863 the journal replaced the magazine "Promyshlennost", which was published twice a month under the editorship of V. I. Strubinsky. In 1864-1866 the journal was published under the same name edited by E. N. Andreeva. Since 1867, instead of the “Journal of Manufactories and Trade”, the “Notes of the Russian Technical Society” was released. The journal included articles of a legislative and regulatory nature on industry, domestic and foreign trade and finance, information on privileges for inventions and articles on technical topics. The journal also covered domestic and foreign industry and trade, a chronicle, published reviews of the state of industry in the provinces and by industry; descriptions of enterprises and agricultural exhibitions; notes on the development of crafts; information about prices, fairs, river navigation and other materials on the history of domestic industry and technology.

    Presented issues: 1836-1841.

  • Magazine of the Ministry of State Property. Saint-Petersburg, 1841-1864.

    The magazine was published by the Ministry of State Property in 1841-1864 in Saint-Petersburg. Since 1865, it was published with the title "Agriculture and Forestry". Monthly magazine. Editors: A. P. Zablotsky-Desyatovsky (since 1841), K. S. Veselovsky (1857), V. P. Bezobrazov (1858), F. A. Batalin (1860-1864). The magazine included the official part which released governmental acts and orders, and the second section, which featured materials on agricultural issues: statistics, the state and agriculture, a bibliography, a review of economic life abroad, an agricultural chronicle, etc.

    Presented issues: 1847, 1851, 1852, 1860-1862.

  • Notes of the Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. Saint-Petersburg - Irkutsk, 1856-1886.

    Edition of the Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. "Notes" were issued from 1856 to 1886 in Irkutsk. The publication frequency was not regular. In 1856-1858, it was edited in Saint-Petersburg. Vol. 12 (1886) was entitled "Notes of the East Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society". Editors (simultaneously): E. I. Lamansky, I. S. Selsky, N. A. Versilov, B. A. Milyutin, A. S. Sgibnev, M. V. Zagoskin, N. I. Kashin, M. Y. Pisarev. The magazine aimed at distributing information about Eastern Siberia and featured the scientific works of members of Society. Vol. 1-12 contained a lot of factual material on ethnography and archeology of region (articles by A. P. Shchapov, Brylkin, Argentov, N. I. Popov, etc.), scientific research in geology, geography, paleontology, and other natural history sciences (articles by N. A. Kostrov, I. D. Chersky, and others), materials on development and expanding and exploiting methods of the natural resources extraction in Siberia, industry, crafts, trade, communications, etc.

    Presented issues: 1874.

  • News of the East Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. Irkutsk, 1878-1917.

    Edition of the East Siberian Department of the Russian Geographical Society. The magazine was published in 1878-1917 in Irkutsk. Until 1878 it was entitled "Notes of the Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society". Publication frequency - 5 issues per year, since 1896 - without stated limit. Editors: M. Zagoskin, N. N. Agapitov, and others. It featured articles, reports, and notes on geography, geology, history, ethnography, statistics, economics, archeology, etc., materials of general meetings and sessions, reports.

    Presented issues: 1879, 1881-1882, 1884, 1885.

  • News of Imperial Tomsk University. Tomsk, 1889 - 1916.

    Edition of Imperial Tomsk University. "News" was published annually as separate editions (a total of 65 volumes), regularly, from 1889 to 1916 in Tomsk. From 1917 to 1929 it was entitled "News of Tomsk State University" (volumes 66-84), from 1932 to 1976 - "Proceedings of Tomsk State University" (volumes 85-265). In 1976-1998, the magazine was not published. It was resumed in 1998 from volume 266 with the title "Herald of Tomsk State University". The editor of the publication was the current rector of the University. Separate volumes were edited at different times under redaction of prof. A. I. Sudakov, prof. M. G. Kurlov, prof. F. K. Kruger, I. A. Bazanov, N. M. Maliev. The magazine was made up of two departments: the first highlighted the current life of the University, the second - scientific papers, studies, notes, reviews of new books, and dissertations. "News" published "Proceedings of the Law Department of Tomsk University. Statistics and Economics Section" and "Proceedings of the Medical and Chemical Laboratory of Tomsk University".

    Presented issues: 1897, 1900, 1902, 1904, 1907, 1909.

  • Karelo-Murmansk Region. Leningrad, 1926-1935.

    Illustrated magazine of local lore and socio-economic issues. It was published in 1926-1935 in Leningrad. Founder and publisher: Council of People's Commissars of the Autonomous Karelian SSR and the Board of the Murmansk Railway (1927-1930), Council of People's Commissars of the Autonomous Karelian SSR (1931-1935). In 1923-1924, it was entitled "Herald of Murman", in 1924-1926 - "Herald of Karelian-Murmansk Region". Monthly edition. The magazine highlighted the problems of studying and exploring natural resources, forestry, fisheries and fur trade, water forces, the economic and cultural development of Karelia and Murman, the problems of transport colonization, everyday life and folklore of Lapland and Murman, and historical and revolutionary life of the North.

    Presented issues: 1935.

  • World economy and World Politics. M., 1924-1947.

    A magazine was published by the Institute of World Economy and World Politics (until 1925 - the Section of International Politics of the Communist Academy) in 1924-1947 in Moscow. In 924-1925 it was entitled "International Chronicle". Monthly edition. The magazine issued the supplements: "Yearbook of World Economy and World Politics" (1928-1929) and "Сonjuncture Bulletin" (May 1936-1941, 1947). The magazine highlighted the problems of imperialism, the crisis of the colonial system, etc.

    Presented issues: 1941-1943, 1945.

  • Law and Life. Moscow, 1922-1928.

    The magazine was devoted to issues of law and economic development. It was published in 1922-1928 in Moscow, edited by prof. A. M. Vinaver, M. N. Gernet, and A. N. Trainin. The magazine published articles on the problems of jurisprudence, Soviet and foreign legislation, state system, administrative justice, civil code, etc., law chronicle and government orders.

    Presented issues: 1922-1927.

  • Russian Herald. Moscow, 1856-1906.

    Literary and political magazine. It was published in Moscow (1856-1887, 1896-1902) and Saint-Petersburg (1887-1896, 1902-1906). The magazine was founded by a publicist, literary critic, and publisher M. N. Katkov. Editors and Publishers: M. N. Katkov (1856-1887), S. P. Katkova (1887), writer F. N. Berg (1887-1894), lawyer M. M. Katkov (1896-1902), public figure and journalist V. V. Komarov (1902-1906). Monthly edition (12 issues per year, 2 issues in the volume). A total of 306 volumes were published (in the numbering of volumes, number 192 was omitted, number 247 was given twice). In 1858-1861, "Supplements to the Russian Herald" were published (6 volumes). From 1861, the "Modern Chronicle" section was published as an independent magazine of the same name. The magazine featured issues of Russian and foreign history, philology, economics, trade. It published travel notes, articles on agriculture, etc. Among the authors were Russian writers of the XIX century: L. N. Tolstoy, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, I. S. Turgenev, F. I. Tyutchev, A. A. Fet, F. M. Dostoevsky, A. N. Ostrovsky, N. S. Leskov. The magazine edited such works as "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina", "Crime and Punishment", and "The Brothers Karamazov".

    Presented issues: 1862, 1871, 1875, 1882, 1888-1890, 1900, 1901.

  • Collection of Laws and Orders of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Department One. Moscow, 1924-1937.

    The official bulletin published by the Directorate of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Council of Labour and Defenсe in 1924-1937 in Moscow. From March 1938 to March 1946 (No. 4) it was entitled "Collection of Decrees and Orders of the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics", No. 5 to 1949 - "Collection of Decrees and Orders of the Council of Ministers of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics". In 1950-1956 the bulletin was not published. From 1957, it has been entitled "Collection of Decrees of the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics". The publication frequency was not regular, it depended on collected material. The bulletin had 2 Departments: Department One and Department Two. From March 1938 to 1981 it was issued without dividing into departments. Since 1981 the division into departments was resumed. Issues of the Department One were published from September 13, 1924 (No. 1) to December 25, 1937 (No. 76), issues of the Department Two were published from December 10, 1924 (No. 1) to December 31, 1937 ( No. 38). The magazine published annual (in some cases semi-annual) indexes, which were issued separately for Department One and Two in 1924-1935. Issues of 1924-1929 also had chronological indexes. Department One featured decrees and resolutions of the Congress of Soviets, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the Council of Labour and Defence, the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, and the Presidium of Central Executive Committee of the USSR and other normative acts.

    Presented issues: 1931, 1932, 1936.

  • Soviet Karelia. Petrozavodsk, 1929-1935.

    Political and economic magazine. At different times, it was a press organ of the State Planning Commission of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the Council of People's Commissars of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and the Council of People's Commissars of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. It was published in 1929-1935 in Petrozavodsk. Until 1929 it was entitled "Economics and Statistics of Karelia". It was also edited in the Karelian language (1929-1931). Monthly edition. In 1935 it was discontinued (Issue 2/3). Editors: V. Fomin (1929-1930), S. M. Rafalovich (1931), and others. The journal published materials of a local lore character, statistical materials. The texts were printed in parallel in Russian and Finnish.

    Presented issues: 1929-1935.

  • Tobolsk Region. Tobolsk, 1924-1926.

    Local lore magazine. It was published by the Tobolsk Local Lore Society (1924-1925). Since 1926 the editor was the Tobolsk District Planning Commission, the North District Committee, and the Local Lore Society. In 1924-1925, it was entitled "Our Land". Monthly edition. The magazine featured works devoted to Tobolsk Region - its history, geography, ethnography, economics, and social life, archeology, literature, etc.

    Presented issues: 1925-1926.

  • Labour Assistance. Saint-Petersburg, 1897-1918.

    The magazine was published by the Guardianship of Workhouses and Orphanages (since No. 8, 1906 - the Guardianship of Labour Assistance). It was published in 1897-1918 in Saint-Petersburg. Monthly magazine (10 issues per year), tables of contents were issued in No. 5 and No. 10. Its editor was the famous lawyer and publicist V. F. Deryuzhinsky who also edited the "Magazine of the Ministry of Justice". The magazine was made up of two sections - official and unofficial. The tasks of the magazine included: approval of labour assistance; publication of information useful to labour assistance institutions; development of practical issues; development of labour assistance abroad. The magazine featured various forms of labour assistance (workhouses, training workshops, orphanages, etc.), reviews of legislation, administrative orders and activities of central and local government bodies in the field of public charity; reports of charitable institutions, essays on the history of charity and individual charitable organizations. Each issue included a bibliographic review.

    Presented issues: 1897-1899, 1908, 1914-1918.

  • Proceedings of the Imperial Free Economic Society. St. Petersburg, 1765-1915

    Publication of the Imperial Free Economic Society. It was published from 1765 to 1915 in St. Petersburg (with interruptions in publication). In 1779–1794 the "Proceedings" were released under the title "Continuation of the Proceedings ...", in 1795-1798 - "A new continuation of the Proceedings ...", from 1810 - "Proceedings...". In 1915, the publication was discontinued. It was resumed in 1994 as "Scientific Works of the International Union of Economists and the Free Economic Society of Russia". The editors of the "Proceedings" were, as a rule, the secretaries of the Society. The periodicity is different: from 1 to 12 books per year. Materials on agriculture, issues of farming, soil science, zemstvo movement, education and other topics related to the activities of the Society were published. Numerous appendices were included in the publication. They were sent out in sheets and attached to the issues of the journal (for example, V. F. Karavaev Bibliographic review of Zemstvo statistical and evaluation literature since the establishment of Zemstvos; Bulletin of the Committee for Assistance to the Starving at the Free Economic Society; etc.). In addition, the "Appendices" contained the annual reports of the Society, estimates of income and expenses, lists of members of the Society, systematic lists of receipts in the library, reviews of popular publications on agriculture. Additions and appendices were also published: “Economic Notes”, “Russian Beekeeping Leaf”, “News of the Free Economic Society”, etc. There are content indexes: S. N. Livotov. Table of contents of the works, consisting in 63 books under the title: Proceedings of the Free Economic Society (St. Petersburg, 1812); V. I. Vsevolodov Alphabetical index of articles published in Proceedings and other periodicals of the Free Economic Society (St. Petersburg, 1849); F. I. Groman Alphabetical and systematic index of articles published in the Proceedings of the Free Economic Society for 1855 (St. Petersburg, 1856); A. N. Neustroev Bibliographic description of the first 54 parts of the "Proceedings" of the Free Economic Society (St. Petersburg, 1874); A. I. Teodorovich Index of articles published in the "Proceedings" of the Free Economic Society from 1855 to 1875 inclusive (St. Petersburg, 1876); A. V. Belevich Index of articles published in the "Proceedings" of the Free Economic Society for 1876-1888. (St. Petersburg, 1889); V. I. Shary Proceedings of the Free Economic Society for the last 15 years of publication (1889-1903) (St. Petersburg, 1904).

    Presented issues: 1785, 1787, 1819, 1820, 1845, 1846, 1850-1852, 1871, 1882, 1888, 1896, 1898, 1900, 1902, 1907

  • Proceedings of the Institute of Conjuncture of Petrovskaya-Rozumovskaya Agricultural Academy. Vologda, 1922-.

    The publication of the Institute of Conjuncture of Petrovskaya-Rozumovskaya Agricultural Academy (since 1923 at the People's Commissariat of Finance of the USSR). The magazine was issued from 1922 with no regular frequency. The general editorship was conducted by the outstanding Russian economist N. D. Kondratiev. Each issue of "Proceedings" contained separate monographs on the theoretical study of conjuncture problems.

    Presented issues: 1922.

  • Proceedings of Industrial Research Institutes. Moscow-Leningrad, 1923-1932.

    The publication of the Scientific and Technical Directorate of the Supreme Board of the National Economy of the USSR, which united large research institutions conducting research work in all industries (textile, sugar, construction, chemical, electrical, heating, etc.). The magazine was published in Moscow and Leningrad from 1923 to 1932. The frequency was not regular. A total of 805 numbers were issued. Each issue of the "Proceedings" contained separate monographs or publications of various institutes from the network of institutions supervised by the Scientific and Technical Directorate of the Supreme Board of the National Economy of the USSR.

    Presented issues: 1926, 1927, 1929, 1931.

  • Tulsky Kray (Tula Region). Tula, 1926-1930.

    Local lore magazine published by the Society for the Study of the Tula Region along with the Tula Provincial Planning Commission and the Tula Provincial Department of the Association for the Study of Productive Forces of the Central Industrial Region. It was edited in 1926-1930 in Tula. Monthly magazine (1926-1928), in 1929-1930 - 6 numbers per year (actually - 3 numbers). Executive Editor: A. M. Rassadnev. The magazine published the scientific works of local researchers about nature, history, economics, and other types of productive forces in Tula Region. It spotlighted the activities of the Planning Commission, questions of school regional studies, regional museum and excursion activities. The magazine also released lists of literature about Tula Region.

    Presented issues: 1926-1930.

  • Ural (The Urals) Orenburg, 1912.

    The commercial, literary and sports biweekly magazine, published in Orenburg in 1912. Publisher: T. I. Nekipelov, editor: P. Y. Galitsinsky. The magazine had three sections: Commerce and Industry section, which contained reviews and news items on manufacturing and bread markets, harvests in Orenburg Region; Literary, that presented poems and short stories; and a Sports section, which included sports games, crosswords, rebuses, and riddles.

    The 1912 issues are available.

  • Economics and Statistics of Karelia. Petrozavodsk, 1925-1928.

    Edition of the Planning Commission and the Statistical Directorate of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. It was published in 1925-1928 in Petrozavodsk. The publication frequency was not regular. It was also edited in the Karelian language. Since 1929 it was entitled "Soviet Karelia". Editorial Board: E. A. Gulling, B. A. Potapov, V. I. Krylov, and others. The magazine featured materials of local history (including the Society for the Study of Karelia) and statistical materials. The texts were printed in parallel in Russian and Finnish.

    Presented issues: 1925-1928.