Second Eurasian Women's Forum, September 20, 2018, 13:50

Russian Federation.President (2018-; V. V. Putin).Second Eurasian Female Forum, September 20, 2018, 13:50 / President of Russia, official website.- St. Petersburg, 2018. -4 sheet + video recording (8 min 12 s): Second Eurasian Women's Forum, September 20, 2018.-Vladimir Putin took part in the Second Eurasian Women's Forum: The head of state spoke at the plenary session.I. Eurasian Women's Forum (2; St. Petersburg; 2018).II.President of Russia, official website.1.Putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich (1952) - speech, speeches, etc. 2. Eurasian female forum (2; St. Petersburg, city; 2018) - speeches, speeches, etc. 3. Power (collection).4. People (collection).5. Russia and the countries of the world (collection).6. Woman - legal status - speech, speeches, etc. 7. Women - participation in social and political life - speech, speeches, etc. 8. Women - Social Protection - Speech, performances, etc.BBK 66.3 (2rds), 4th04BBK 66.4 (2 Run), 6H04BBK 60.542.21Y04.Electronic source: President of Russia.Official sitePlace of storage of the original: Russian president.Official site
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