The writing of Kilburber on the Russian trade in the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich

Kurtz, Boris G. (1885-).
The writing of Kilburber on the Russian trade in the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich: [research and adj. text] / G. B. Kurtz. - Kiev: Printing house I. I. Chokolova, 1915. - [4], VIII, 607 p., [1] l. tab. ; 23 cm. - (Collection of the Student's Historical and Ethnographic Circle at the University of St. Vladimir Subsite by the guidance of Prof. M. Dovnar-Zapolsky; issue 6). -
s. 85-212: Brief news about the Russian trade, as it was produced in 1674 by export goods throughout Russia / Op. Johann Philip Kilburger. - A copy of the GPIB: stamp of the Chertkovsky library.
I. Chertkov .1. Kilburger, Johann (? - 1721). "A brief news about the Russian trade, as it was produced in 1674 by export and import goods throughout Russia." 2. The development of Russian foreign trade: history and current state (collection). 3. Power (collection). 4. The people (collection). 5. Russian state and economy (collection). 6. Rossica (collection). 7. Trade - History - Russia.
BBK 63.3 (2) 45-201
BBK 65.42 (2) -03
Source of electronic copy: PB
Original storage: GPIB
Publisher Типография И. И. Чоколова
Catalogue object