Российское государство в XVII в.
Материалы по теме
Yuri Krizhanich: projects of state and legal reforms and model of government for Russia
Aliyev, Ilham Helmi Kyzy (Candidate of Legal Sciences). Yuri Krizhanich: projects of state legal reforms and model of government for Russia. Nizhny Novgorod, 2012. |
Yuri Krizhanich and modern reality
Georgievsky, Alexander Petrovich (1888-).
Yuri Krizhanich and modern reality. Kazan: The Center. type., 1914. |
Yuri Krizhanich in Russia
Belokurov, SA Yury Krizhanich in Russia. [B. m.]: [b. and.], [approx. 1900]. |
Yuri Krizhanich
Krizhanich, Yuri (about 1618-1683). Yuri Krizhanich. St. Petersburg: the book of type-lit. "Energy", 1914. |
The legal and canonical significance of a religious element in a schismatic marriage
Zaozersky, Nikolai Alexandrovich (1851-1919). The legal and canonical significance of a religious element in a schismatic marriage. Cources Moscow: Pecs. A. Snegireva, qualification. 1896. |
South Russian customary hut as an institution of local government in the second half of the XVII century
Kamarauli, Elena Vladimirovna. South Russian tailing hut as an institution of local government in the second half of the XVII century. Voronezh, 2006. |
Elements of the Basic Laws in the Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich
Taranovsky, F.V. Elements of the Basic Laws in the Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.Harbin: Printing.L.M.Abramovich, 1928.
The evolution of the forms of the trial in the Moscow state at the end of the XV - the first half of the XVII centuries.There is no bo
The evolution of the forms of the trial in the Moscow state at the end of the XV - the first half of the XVII centuries.There is no bo.2018.
Evolution of caste-representative power in Russia from the middle of the XVI to the middle of the XVII centuries.
Sokolova, Elvira Vladimirovna (candidate of historical sciences). Evolution of the caste-representative power in Russia from the middle of the XVI to the middle of the XVII centuries. Ivanovo, 2007. |
Evolution of caste-representative power in Russia from the middle of the XVI to the middle of the XVII centuries.
Sokolova, Elvira Vladimirovna Evolution of the caste-representative power in Russia from the middle of the XVI to the middle of the XVII centuries .. Ivanovo, 2007. |