Российское государство в XVII в.
Материалы по теме
What you need to know about Ukraine
Makarov, Yu. What you need to know about Ukraine.Buenos Aires: ed.gas."Russian in Argentina", 1939.
Petitioned Tyumen son of boyar Osip Chucharin on the division of hay mowing
Tyumen Province Chancellery. The petitioned Tyumen son of Boyar Osip Chucharin about the disengagement of haymaking. 1698. |
The petition "world" to the Moscow Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich June 10, 1648
Shakhomatov, M.V. Mira "Mira" to the Moscow Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich June 10, 1648 Praga: Nakladem Kralovske Ceske Spolecnosti Nauk, 1934.
Church-historical monuments and contributions of the House of Romanovs of the Moscow period. Issue. 7th
Church-historical monuments and contributions of the House of Romanovs of the Moscow period. Moscow: publication of the Imperial Stroganov School, [1915]. Вып. 7: [Vol. 8]. [1915]. |
Church-historical monuments and contributions of the House of Romanovs of the Moscow period. Issue. 5
Church-historical monuments and contributions of the House of Romanovs of the Moscow period. Moscow: publication of the Imperial Stroganov School, [1915]. Вып. 5: [Vol. 6]. [1915]. |
Church-historical monuments and contributions of the House of Romanovs of the Moscow period. Issue. 3
Church-historical monuments and contributions of the House of Romanovs of the Moscow period. Moscow: publication of the Imperial Stroganov School, [1915]. Вып. 3: [Issue. 4]. [1915]. |
Church-historical monuments and contributions of the House of Romanovs of the Moscow period. Issue. 1
Church-historical monuments and contributions of the House of Romanovs of the Moscow period. Moscow: publication of the Imperial Stroganov School, [1915]. Вып. 1: Vol. 1. [1915]. |
Central public administration in Russia in the second half of the XVII century.
Central public administration in Russia in the second half of the XVII V.2008.
Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich
Kostomarov, Nikolai Ivanovich (1817-1885).Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich.Berlin: Keynets, 1921.
Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich the great sovereign of all Russia, the ancestor of our princes from the now reigning house of the Romanovs
Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich the great sovereign of all Russia, the ancestor of our princes from the now reigning Romanov dynasty. Moscow: N.M. Kicheev and A.K. Zavadsky-Krasnopolsky, 1871. |