Российское государство в XVII в.
Материалы по теме
Photocopy of the diplomas of King Mikhail Feodorovich V. G. Potylov 1618 (Tambov city)
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.Piece of diplomas of Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich V. G. Potylov 1618 (Tambov city).
The formation of the socio-legal status of service Tatars in the Russian state (XVI-mid-XVII centuries)
The formation of the socio-legal status of service Tatars in the Russian state (XVI-middle of the XVII centuries).2020.
Formation of the monastery ensembles of the XVII century of the Southeast Ladoga
Pyatnitskaya, Tatyana Nikolaevna.The formation of the monastery ensembles of the XVII century of the Southeast Ladoga.St. Petersburg, 2014.
Formation of institutions of representative power of the people in Russia XVI-XVII centuries.
Dvornichenko, Andrei Yurievich (1957-). Formation of institutions of representative power of the people in Russia XVI-XVII centuries. St. Petersburg: Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2012. |
The formation and development of statehood of the peoples of Western Siberia on the eve of and during the initial period of Russian colonization
Chernyshov, Sergei Andreyevich.The formation and development of statehood of the peoples of Western Siberia on the eve of and during the initial period of Russian colonization.Tomsk, 2017.
Filaret Nikitich Romanov: social and individual in the biography of a politician
Isaev, Dmitry Pavlovich
Filaret Nikitich Romanov: social and individual in the biography of a politician. Rostov on the Don, 2011. |
The approved charter on the election to the Moscow State of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov
Approved diploma on the election of the Moscow State Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov. Film Moscow: Synod. type., 1904. |
The approved charter on the election to the Moscow State of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov
Approved letter on the election of Mikhail F. Romanov to the Moscow State. Moscow: The Society of Russian History and Antiquities at Moscow University, 1906. |
The code by which the court and the rosprava in all matters in the Russian state are produced, composed and printed under the possession of His Majesty the sovereign of the Tsar and Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich, all Russia of the autocrat, in the summer
The code by which the court and the rosprava in all matters in the Russian state are produced, composed and printed in the possession of His Majesty the sovereign of the tsar and Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich, of all Russia an autocrat, in the summer of the creation of the world 7156. [St. Petersburg]: under the Imperial Academy Sciences, 1776. |
The code by which the court and the rosprava in all matters in the Russian state are produced, composed and printed under the possession of His Majesty the sovereign of the Tsar and Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich, all Russia of the autocrat, in the summer
The code according to which the court and the rosprava in all matters in the Russian state are produced, composed and printed in the possession of His Majesty the sovereign of the Tsar and Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich, of all Russia the autocrat, in the summer of the creation of the world 7156. [Moscow]: published under the Governing Senate, 1779 year. |