On a single platform for creating and managing information resources of cultural institutions

Loginov, Boris Rodionovich (Candidate of Technical Sciences; 1946-).
On a single platform for creating and managing information resources of cultural institutions: [video recording at the scientific-practical conference "Russian Archives and the Presidential Library: 10 years of cooperation", 03/26/2019, Presidential Library / Boris R. Loginov, Director General of the National Scientific-Information Library Center "Libnet", Cand. tech. sciences. - St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2019. -Electronic data (1 video file). -
The title of the accompanying document.
Duration: 18 minutes 11 seconds. Sound, color.
Speech by Boris Rodionovich Loginov, Director General of the National Libinet Library and Information Center, tells about the prospects for the integration of library resources, archives and museums through the integration of metadata .
I. "Russian Archives and Presidential Library", scientific-practical conference (St. Petersburg; 2019). Ii. Presidential Library (St. Petersburg) .1. Presidential Library (St. Petersburg, city) - Events - 2019 - Multimedia publications. 2. Presidential Library. B. N. Yeltsin (St. Petersburg, city) - Cooperation - Multimedia publications. 3. The people (collection). 4. Presidential Library: yesterday, today, tomorrow (collection). 5. Archival documents - Digitization - Multimedia publications. 6. Libraries - Funds - Digitization - Multimedia publications. 7. Cultural values ​​- Digitization - Multimedia publications.
BBK 78.347.1 (2Ros) ББЯ04
BBK 78.359.1я04
BBK 79.36.6я04
Source of electronic copy: PB
Original storage: PB
Publisher Президентская библиотека
Catalogue object