Theater Virtualization

Krivospitskaya, Yana Vadimovna (Candidate of Cultural Studies).
Theater virtualization: thesis dissertation for the degree of candidate of cultural science: specialty 24.00.01 / Yana Krivospitskaya; [Chelyab. state Acad. culture and arts]. - Kemerovo, 2013. -20 p. : tab. ; 21 cm. -
Location: Kemer. state University of Culture and Arts. - Bibliogr .: p. 19-20 (10 titles). - As a manuscript.
. -100 copies .
1. The people (collection). 2. Year of theater in Russia (collection). 3. Theory and history of culture. 4. Virtual reality - Abstracts of dissertations. 5. Theatrical productions - The use of computers - Abstracts of dissertations.
BBK 85.330-3031
BBK 87.152.42я031
Source of electronic copy: KemGIK. Site
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