Modern theatre. Theory of theatre
Modern theatre. Theory of theatre
- General works on theatre
Corporate culture of theaters: conflict and agreement as the basis, current status and types of representation
Tsukerman, Grigory Vladimirovich (Candidate of Cultural Studies; 1972 -).Corporate culture of theaters: conflict and agreement as the basis, current status and types of representation.Chelyabinsk, 2018.Socio-cultural characteristics of the audience of a modern provincial theater
Chepelenko, Ksenia Olegovna.Socio-cultural characteristics of the audience of a modern provincial theater.Saratov, 2008. - Types and forms of modern theatre
Theater Virtualization
Krivospitskaya, Yana Vadimovna (Candidate of Cultural Studies).Theater Virtualization.Kemerovo, 2013.The culture of postmodernism in the space of drama of theatrical forms of modern times
Bubenkova, Maria Viktorovna (Candidate of Cultural Studies). The culture of postmodernism in the space of drama of theatrical forms of modern times. Chelyabinsk, 2017.Socio-cultural conditions of modern theatrical communication
Shmatova, Galina Andreevna (Candidate of Cultural Studies). Socio-cultural conditions of modern theatrical communication. Moscow: [b. and.], 2018.Theater as an edge of the city: chronotop, poetics, festival space
Bokuradze, Denis Sergeevich.Theater as an edge of the city: chronotop, poetics, festival space.Saransk, 2015.Theatrical environment of the modern city: theoretical and methodological approaches and sociocultural practices
Tochilkina, Alla Sergeevna (Candidate of Cultural Studies).Theatrical environment of the modern city: theoretical and methodological approaches and sociocultural practices.Chelyabinsk, 2016.Theater of one actor in Russia in the last quarter of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century: background, practice, genre specificity
Kolosov, Roman Viktorovich (Ph.D.). Theater of one actor in Russia in the last quarter of the 20th-beginning of the 21st century: background, practice, genre specificity. St. Petersburg, 2010.The essence and methods of presentation of physicality in the modern plastic theater
Berezhnaya, Elena Alekseevna (Candidate of Art Criticism).The essence and methods of presentation of physicality in the modern plastic theater.St. Petersburg: [b.and.], 2017.Author's metatext as an orienting system in the communicative space of theatrical discourse
Borbotko, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna (Candidate of Philological Sciences). Author metatext as an orienting system in the communicative space of theatrical discourse. Moscow, 2015.Study of dramatic texts by methods of quantitative cultural studies
Daraganova, Julia Sergeevna (candidate of cultural studies).The study of dramatic texts by the methods of quantitative cultural studies.Saratov, 2013. - Theatre’s economics and marketing
Organizational and economic conditions for the improvement of theatrical activities
Shulgina, Tatyana Mikhailovna (PhD in Economics). Organizational and economic conditions for the improvement of theatrical activities. Moscow, 2016.Producer project and problems of its promotion in the modern theater process in Russia
Knyazeva, Alexandra Evgenievna (Candidate of Art Criticism; 1989 -).Producer project and the problems of its progress in the modern theatrical process in Russia.Moscow: [b.and.], 2018.Advertising and theater in the communicative space of modern culture
Krasnoyarova, Darya Konstantinovna. Advertising and theater in the communicative space of modern culture. Omsk, 2009.