The essence and methods of presentation of physicality in the modern plastic theater

Berezhnaya, Elena Alekseevna (Candidate of Art Criticism).Essence and ways of presenting physicality in a modern plastic theater: dissertation abstract for the degree of candidate of art history: specialty 24.00.01 / Berezhnaya Elena Alekseevna;[S.-Petersburghumanitarianun-t trade unions].- St. Petersburg: [b.and.], 2017. -22 p.;21 cm. -Place of protection: Ros.stateped.un-t them.A.I. Herzen.- Authors list of works: p.20-22 (22 titles).- As a manuscript..-100 copies.I. Russian State Institute of Performing Arts (St. Petersburg) .1.The people (collection).2. Year of theater in Russia (collection).3. Theory and history of culture.4. Plastic Theater - Abstracts of dissertations.5. Physicality (filos.) - Abstracts of dissertations.6. Body consciousness - Abstracts of dissertations.BBK 85.336ya031BBK 87.524.3я031Source of electronic copy: RGPU.Site
Publisher [б. и.]
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