Organizational and economic conditions for the improvement of theatrical activities

Shulgina, Tatyana Mikhailovna (PhD in Economics).
Organizational and economic conditions for the improvement of theatrical activity: dissertation for the degree of candidate of economic sciences: specialty 08.00.05 / Shulgina Tatyana Mikhailovna; [Mosk. state un-t them. Mv Lomonosov]. - Moscow, 2016. -29 p. : diag., tab. ; 21 cm. -
Location: Mosk. state un-t them. Mv Lomonosov. - Authors list of works: p. 28-29 (8 titles.). - As a manuscript.
1. Power (collection). 2. Year of theater in Russia (collection). 3. Economics and management of the national economy. 4. Theater Russian - Organization of work - Abstracts of dissertations. 5. Theaters - Economy - Russian Federation - Abstracts of dissertations.
BBK 65.498.533я031
BBK 85.333 (2) 64-3031
Source of electronic copy: MSU. Site
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