Lazovskaya Agniya (1907–2000)
Lazovskaya Agniya (1907–2000)
A. A. Lazovskaya. Honored Artist of the RSFSR, winner of the Stalin Prize
A. A. Lazovskaya. Honored Artist of the RSFSR, winner of the Stalin Prize.
Балаченкова, Н. В., частное собрание
A. A. Lazovskaya. Deserved art. RSFSR, winner of the Stalin Prize. J. Meyerbeer "Huguenoty", Margarita
A. A. Lazovskaya. Deserved art. RSFSR, winner of the Stalin Prize. J. Meyerbeer "Huguenoty", Margarita.
Балаченкова, Н. В., частное собрание
A. A. Lazovskaya, Hon. art. RSFSR, as Violetta from the opera "La Traviata". Opera and Ballet Theater. S.M. Kirov
A. A. Lazovskaya, Hon. art. RSFSR, as Violetta from the opera "La Traviata". Opera and Ballet Theater. S.M. Kirov.
Балаченкова, Н. В., частное собрание
A. A. Lazovskaya, Hon. art. RSFSR, in the role of Tamara from the opera "The Demon". Opera and Ballet Theater. S.M. Kirov
A. A. Lazovskaya, Hon. art. RSFSR, in the role of Tamara from the opera "The Demon". Opera and Ballet Theater. S.M. Kirov.
Балаченкова, Н. В., частное собрание