Theatrical periodicals
Theatrical periodicals
The case of an extract from Vienna magazine "Allgemeine Theater-Zeitung"
Directorate of Imperial Theaters MFA.
Case on extract from Vienna magazine "Allgemeine Theater-Zeitung".
Case on extract from Vienna magazine "Allgemeine Theater-Zeitung".
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
The case of publication in newspapers about the departure of artists of imperial theaters abroad
Directorate of the Imperial Theaters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The case of publication in newspapers about the departure of artists of imperial theaters abroad.
The case of publication in newspapers about the departure of artists of imperial theaters abroad.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
Newspaper clippings "Exchange Gazette", "Day", "Night Time", "Russian Will", "New Life" and other newspapers of art and theater
CENTRAL COMMITTEE FOR SOCIAL AND POLITICAL EDUCATION.Newspaper clippings "Exchange Gazette", "Day", "Night Time", "Russian Will", "New Life" and other newspapers of art and theater.
Newspaper clippings "Exchange Gazette", "Day", "Night Time", "Russian Will", "New Life" and other newspapers of art and theater
CENTRAL COMMITTEE FOR SOCIAL AND POLITICAL EDUCATION.Newspaper clippings "Exchange Gazette", "Day", "Night Time", "Russian Will", "New Life" and other newspapers of art and theater.
Weekly academic theaters. 1922, No. 7 (October)
Weekly academic theaters. Leningrad: Department of State Academic Theaters in Leningrad, 1922-1924. Film 1922, No. 7 (October). Petrograd, 1922.
С-Петерб. гос. Театр. б-ка
- Annual publications issued by the Directorate of Imperial Theatres
- Zhar-Ptitsa (Firebird): monthly literary illustrated magazine (1921–1926)
- Works about theatrical periodicals
Theatrical magazine "Artist" in the literary process of 1880-1890-ies
Zhilina, Anastasia Vladimirovna. Theatrical magazine "Artist" in the literary process of 1880-1890-ies. Omsk, 2011.Theater Journal in Russia: Genesis and Typology
Shur, Julia Evgenievna (candidate of philological sciences).Theater Journal in Russia: Genesis and Typology.Moscow, 2014.
Жалоба на типографию Московского университета за публикацию в Ведомостях универстета об отъезде иностранных артистов за рубеж.