Theatrical periodicals

Theatrical periodicals

The case of publication in newspapers about the departure of artists of imperial theaters abroad

Directorate of the Imperial Theaters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The case of publication in newspapers about the departure of artists of imperial theaters abroad.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)

Жалоба на типографию Московского университета за публикацию в Ведомостях универстета об отъезде иностранных артистов за рубеж.

  • Annual publications issued by the Directorate of Imperial Theatres

    • Yearbook of the Imperial Theatres. St. Petersburg, 1892-1920

      Publication of the Direction of Imperial Theatres. The magazine was issued in St. Petersburg in 1892-1920. In 1915, the publication of the magazine was temporarily discontinued. It was renewed in 1920 (season 1918/1919) under the title Yearbook of Petrograd State Theatres. Publication frequency: one issue per year (continuous numbering). In 1909, the Yearbook turned into a theatrical and literary magazine, and its frequency increased to 7-8 issues per year. Editors (at different times): A. E. Molchanov (from issue II for 1891/92), S. P. Diaghilev (since issue IX for 1898/99), L. A. Gelmersen (since issue XI for 1900/01), L. A. Gelmersen and P. P. Gnedich (issue XIII for 1902/03), P. P. Gnedich (since issue XIV for 1903/04), N. V. Drisen (since 1909). The magazine published information about the repertoire of the imperial theatres in St. Petersburg and Moscow, starting from the season of 1890/91; lists of artists of all theatrical companies, carpenters and administrators; reviews of theatre seasons and theatre school activities; biographical essays; obituaries; articles on the history of theatre; the plots and history of theatrical productions, etc. It also released theatre plans with prices for seats. The Yearbook had Supplements, issued from the 1893/94 season to the 1905/06 season (from 1 to 6 books per year). They featured articles, studies and other historical and literary publications.

      Presented issues: 1891-1896

    • Yearbook of the Imperial Theatres. Supplements. St. Petersburg, 1894-1906

      Publication of the Direction of Imperial Theatres. The magazine was published in St. Petersburg in 1894-1906 as a supplement to the Yearbook of the Imperial Theatres from the 1893/94 season to the 1905/06 season. Editor: A. E. Molchanov. Publication frequency: 3 books per year, in 1902 - 6 books. Supplements featured articles, studies and other historical and literary publications.

      Presented issues: 1893-1898

  • Zhar-Ptitsa (Firebird): monthly literary illustrated magazine (1921–1926)

    • Firebird. Paris; Berlin, 1921-1926

      Literary and art illustrated magazine of the Russian emigration. It was published in 1921-1926 in Berlin and Paris (in 1926). Chief editor: Alexander Eduardovich Kogan. Monthly edition. A total of 14 issues were published. Each issue included about 40 large-format pages, with numerous illustrations by artists L. Bakst, A. Benois, I. Bilibin, M. Vrubel, B. Grigoriev, B. Kustodiev, G. Lukomsky, N. Goncharova, N. Roerich, K. Somov, S. Sudeikin, A. Yakovlev, V. Shukhaev. Magazine circulation - about 300 copies. It featured stories, essays, poems, critical articles; illustrated reviews of Russian art life abroad, materials about the Russian theater abroad.

      Presented issues: 1921-1923, 1925, 1926.