Chelyabinsk State Puppet Theater named afterV. Volkhovsky.Behind the scenes.Rooster doll for the performance for an adult audien...

Mulliev, Marat Mansurovich (1961-).Chelyabinsk State Puppet Theater named afterV. Volkhovsky.Behind the scenes.The Rooster Doll for the play for an adult audience "Analogy": [photo] / photo M. M. Mullieva.- Electronic graphic data (1 file, JPEG: 0.1 Mb).Chelyabinsk, [2018?].-Access mode: Internet portal of the Presidential Library.Title from the accompanying document.Information about the photo was provided by the Chelyabinsk State Puppet Theater named after V. Volkhovsky.Copying by users is not permitted..1. Chelyabinsk State Puppet Theater.V. Volkhovsky - Photos.2. Territory (collection).3. Territory of Russia: Chelyabinsk region (collection).4. The people (collection).5. Year of the theater in Russia (collection).6. Documentary photographs.BBK 63.3 (2Ros-4Man) 64-7y611BBK 85.334.3 (2 = 411.2) 64я611Source of electronic copy: Chelyabinsk State Puppet Theater named afterV. Volkhovsky
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