Chelyabinsk State Puppet Theater named afterV. Volkhovsky.Behind the scenes.Rooster doll for the performance for an adult audience "Analogy"
Mulliev, Marat Mansurovich (1961-).Chelyabinsk State Puppet Theater named afterV. Volkhovsky.Behind the scenes.The Rooster Doll for the play for an adult audience "Analogy".Chelyabinsk, [2018?].
Chelyabinsk State Puppet Theater named after V. Volkhovsky. Scenography for the performance for the adult audience "Analogy" (artist Irina Khmaruk)
Mulliev, Marat Mansurovich (1961-). Chelyabinsk State Puppet Theater named after V. Volkhovsky. Scenography for the play for the adult audience "Analogy" (artist Irina Khmaruk). Chelyabinsk, [2018?].
Tinned artist of the Russian Federation Natalya Baldina in the makeup of the Black Chicken for the performance for the adult audience "Analogy" of the Chelyabinsk Puppet Theater
Mulliev, Marat Mansurovich (1961-).Tinned artist of the Russian Federation Natalya Baldina in the makeup of the Black Chicken for the performance for the adult audience "Analogy" of the Chelyabinsk Puppet Theater.Chelyabinsk, [2018?].
Actress of the Chelyabinsk Puppet Theater Marianna Tarasova in make-up and costume of the Red Chicken for the performance for the adult audience "Analogy"
Mulliev, Marat Mansurovich (1961-).Actress of the Chelyabinsk Puppet Theater Marianna Tarasova in make-up and costume of the Red Chicken for the play for the adult audience "Analogy".Chelyabinsk, [2018?].
The tinned artist of the Russian Federation Andrei Drygin on the makeup of the Rooster for the performance for the adult audience "Analogy" of the Chelyabinsk Puppet Theater
Mulliev, Marat Mansurovich (1961-).Tinned artist of the Russian Federation Andrei Drygin on the makeup of the Rooster for the performance for the adult audience "Analogy" of the Chelyabinsk Puppet Theater.Chelyabinsk, [2018?].
The tinned artist of the Russian Federation Alexander Borok in make-up and a suit of the Fox philosopher for the performance for the adult audience "Analogy" of the Chelyabinsk Puppet Theater
Mulliev, Marat Mansurovich (1961-).The tinned artist of the Russian Federation Alexander Borok in make-up and a suit of the Fox philosopher for the performance for the adult audience "Analogy" of the Chelyabinsk Puppet Theater.Chelyabinsk, [2018?].
Artist of the Chelyabinsk Puppet Theater Alexander Malyshev in make-up and headdress Fox to the play for the adult audience "Analogy"
Mulliev, Marat Mansurovich (1961-). Artist of the Chelyabinsk Puppet Theater Alexander Malyshev in make-up and headdress of Fox for the performance for the adult audience "Analogy". Chelyabinsk, [2018?].