Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Government of the Portuguese Republic on economic and technical cooperation

The Russian Federation.Government.Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Government of the Portuguese Republic on economic and technical cooperation: (entered into force on March 19, 2018).- Kazan, 2017. -5 sheets.-At the end of the signature: for the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Portuguese Republic.Place and date of signing: Kazan, September 20, 2017.Electronic version of a legal act (5 files, JPEG: 5,1 MB)..I. Portugal.Pravitelstvo.1.Power (collection).2. Russia and countries of the world (the collection).3. The area (collection).4. Russia - Portugal: from the history of the relationship (the collection).5. Portugal - Economic relations - the Russian Federation - International treaties.6. Russian Federation - Economic relations - Portugal - International treaties.BBK 63.3 (2Ros) 64-64k1BBK 63.3 (4Por) 6-64k1electronic copy Source: PB
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