Russia - Portugal: the history of relationship
Russia - Portugal: the history of relationship

The collection contains scientific studies, official documents, archival and illustrative materials featuring the history and territory of Portugal, diplomatic, economic and cultural relationships between Russia and Portugal from the XVIII century to the present.
- Portugal
Earth and people. T. 1. Greece. European Turkey. Bulgarian lands. Romania. Serbia Montenegro Italy. Spain and Portugal
Reclus. Jean-Jacques Elise 1830-1905. Earth and people. St. Petersburg: Printing House of the Partnership "Public Benefit", 1892.
T. 1: Greece; European Turkey; Bulgarian lands; Romania; Serbia Montenegro Italy; Spain and Portugal. 1892.The latest narrative description of all four parts of the world ,. Part 3. About Sweden, Denmark, Prussia, Poland, European Turkey, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Holland, England, France, Ispania and Portugalia
The latest narrative description of all four parts of the world ,. In St. Petersburg: Under the Imperial Academy of Sciences, in 1795.
Part 3: About Sweden, Denmark, Prussia, Poland, European Turkey, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Holland, England, France, Ispania and Portugal. 1795.Португалия (сканы 300–305)
Journey into the interior of China and Tartary, perpetrated in the 1792m 1793m 1794m Makartneem Lord's messenger anglinskago King when the Chinese emperor ,.Part 4
Staunton.George Leonard.1737-1801.Journey into the interior of China and Tartary, perpetrated in the 1792m 1793m 1794m Makartneem Lord's messenger anglinskago King when the Chinese emperor ,.Moscow: the printing house of Christopher Claudia, 1804-1805.Part 4. 1805.Макао, португальская колония в период с 1557 по 1999 гг. (сканы 134–146)
Pilotage North Atlantic.Ch 5. West coast of the Iberian Peninsula
Pilotage North Atlantic.[Leningrad]: Publisher noo, [1947].Part 5: The West coast of the Iberian Peninsula.1947.Implementation of the EU regional policy in the countries of the Iberian peninsula in the late.XX - beg.XXI century.
Muslimov, Catherine O..Implementation of the EU regional policy in the countries of the Iberian peninsula in the late.XX - beg.XXI v.Tyumen, 2019. - Russia – Portugal
Overview of external relations of Russia (for 1800). Part 3. (Courland, Livonia, Estland, Finland, Poland and Portugal)
Bantysh-Kamensky, Nikolai Nikolayevich (1737-1814). Overview of external relations of Russia (for 1800). (Courland, Livonia, Estland, Finland, Poland and Portugal).
Moscow: Komis. printing state. certificates and contracts with Moscow. Ch. arch. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Affairs, 1894-1902.1897.Переписка с португальским двором (сканы 306–321, 333)
[The contract concluded between the All-Russian empress and queen of Portugal "On mutual friendship and trade"
Russia.Contracts.[The contract concluded between the All-Russian empress and queen of Portugal "On mutual friendship and trade."[St. Petersburg: Imperial Printing House, 1788].The Allied defense treaty between their Majesties, the Emperor of All-Russian and the Queen of Portugal, concluded on September 7/18, 1799
Russia. Contracts The allied defensive treatise between their Majesties, the emperor of the All-Russian and the Queen of the Portuguese prisoners of September 7/18, 1799.
A St. Petersburg Petersbourg: De l'Imprimerie imperiale, 1800.The case of a new trade agreement with the Portuguese government
Department of State Economy of the State Council.
The case of a new trade agreement with the Portuguese government.The case for the draft of a new trade agreement with the Portuguese court
Department of State Economy of the State Council.
Case on the draft of a new trade agreement with the Portuguese court.The telegram of the attorney in affairs from Lisbon about the coming to power in Portugal of the government of Sidonio Pais
The Tauride Palace (St. Petersburg). The Chancery (1918, January - March). The telegram of the attorney in affairs from Lisbon about the coming to power in Portugal of the government of Sidonio Pais. 19 -.The Great War in Russia, France, England, Belgium, Serbia, Montenegro, Italy, Japan and Portugal with Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria
Shvetsov Gordei M. (1838-).The Great War in Russia, France, England, Belgium, Serbia, Montenegro, Italy, Japan and Portugal with Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria.Petrograd [typography ZL Sokolinsky] 1916.Collection of laws and regulations of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, published by the Office of Affairs of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Council of Labor and Defense. December 29, 1931 № 21. Otd. 2
Collection of laws and regulations of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, published by the Office of Affairs of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Council of Labor and Defense. Moscow: [Type. "Soviet legislation"].
December 29, 1931 № 21. Otd. 2. 1931.272. Соглашение относительно морских сигналов, заключенное в г. Лиссабоне 23 октября 1930 г.
Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Portuguese Republic on simplified rules of entry, stay and departure of crew members of aircraft of the airlines of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Portugal
The Russian Federation.Government.Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Portuguese Republic on simplified rules of entry, stay and departure of aircraft crew members of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Portugal airlines.Moscow 2014.On signing the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Government of the Portuguese Republic on economic and technical cooperation
The Russian Federation.Government.On signing the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Government of the Portuguese Republic on economic and technical cooperation.Moscow, 2017.Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Government of the Portuguese Republic on economic and technical cooperation
The Russian Federation.Government.Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Government of the Portuguese Republic on economic and technical cooperation.Kazan, 2017.On the appointment of O. Bilous Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Portugal
The Russian Federation.President (2012-2018, Vladimir Putin).On the appointment of O. Bilous Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation Ambassador to the Portuguese Republic.Moscow 2013.About the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Portugal
The Russian Federation.President (2012-2018, Vladimir Putin).About the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Portugal.Moscow, 2018.- Economy
About brings to Russian Portuguese salt with a reduced duty.Regarding the petition of Countess E. Apraksina concerning cases of illegal assign to her estate
Indispensable (State) Board.About brings to Russian Portuguese salt with a reduced duty.Regarding the petition of Countess E. Apraksina concerning cases of illegal assign to her estate.A report of the Commerce Collegium Russian consuls in Anatolia and the Portuguese Kingdom Trade port of Sinop (1786) and Portugal (1810) with other countries, notes unidentified authors of the Foreign Trade Ragusa and Smyrna
Commission to formulate laws of the State Council.A report of the Commerce Collegium Russian consuls in Anatolia and the Portuguese Kingdom Trade port of Sinop (1786) and Portugal (1810) with other countries, notes unidentified authors of the Foreign Trade Ragusa and Smyrna.The case against the Department of Foreign Trade who should issue a set Portuguese government certificates of origin of goods sent to the Portuguese ports
Police Department executive MIA.The case against the Department of Foreign Trade who should issue a set Portuguese government certificates of origin of goods sent to the Portuguese ports.On the equation of Portuguese vessels in Russian ports with national ones, concerning the payment of ship and customs duties
Russia. Caucasian Committee. On the equation of the Portuguese vessels in the Russian ports with the national, with respect to the payment of ship and customs duties. 1849. - Russians in Portugal and Portuguese in Russia
Note (unsigned) about staying in Moscow Portuguese Prince Emmanuel
Benkendorf.Alopeus.Shuvalov.Benkendorf Alexander K., Count, ambassador to Denmark, England.18 ?? - 1916.Benkendorf Konstantin father AK Benkendorf, a military agent in Berlin, a messenger at the Württemberg court.1817-1858.Benkendorf Constantine Hristoforovich grandfather AK Benkendorf, Adjutant General, a member of the Patriotic War of 1812, the Russian-Persian war of 1826-1828., Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829.1785-1828.Alopeus Maxim, Benkendorf relative, Minister in Berlin.1748-1822.Peter P. Shuvalov, the magistrate Uman district of Kiev province.1819-1901.Note (unsigned) about staying in...The case against Mr Chancellor of the rules, regulations with regard to foreigners who come to Portugal
Police Department executive MIA.The case against Mr Chancellor of the rules, regulations with regard to foreigners who come to Portugal.Unidentified person [banker from Lisbon]. Letter and account to Briullov K.P.
Zheleznov MI
Unidentified person [banker from Lisbon]. Letter and account to Bryullov K.P.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe matter of the highest command of the postponement of the wife of the Portuguese Charge d'Affaires Don Pedro de Sousa Botelho, nee Princess Gagarina, for six months the sale of real estate it is in Russia
Police Department executive MIA.The matter of the highest command of the postponement of the wife of the Portuguese Charge d'Affaires Don Pedro de Sousa Botelho, nee Princess Gagarina, for half its real estate sales in Russia.On the proposal of Dr. A. Abreu, who lived in Portugal, buy him two islands lying in the group of the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean
The Council of Ministers (1905-1917).On the proposal of Dr. A. Abreu, who lived in Portugal, buy him two islands lying in the group of the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean.Spain, France, Portugal.1973-1976
Spain, France, Portugal.1973-1976.[B.m:. b.and.] 1973-1976.Португальский дневник (сканы 380–410)
- Science, culture and sport
The case to impose a fine on the Vilna censors for missing works: "Letter to Rabbi Rabbi Lisbon Brest"
Public Education Department of the Ministry of Education.The case to impose a fine on the Vilna censors for missing works: "Letter to Rabbi Rabbi Lisbon Brest".The thing about cooking transit instrument for the Lisbon Observatory
Public Education Department of the Ministry of Education.The thing about cooking transit instrument for the Lisbon Observatory.The case of the award of the professor of the St. Petersburg Practical Technological Institute, the actual State Councilor Belshtein commander's cross of the Portuguese Order of the Conception of the Virgin
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917).
The case of the award of the professor of the St. Petersburg Practical Technological Institute, the actual State Councilor Belshtein commander's cross of the Portuguese Order of the Conception of the Virgin.The point on the bill of the Ministry of Education, tabled in the State Duma of the third convocation, on vacation means spending Gear expedition to Portugal to observe a solar eclipse in 1912
Duma I, II, III and IV callings.The point on the bill of the Ministry of Education, tabled in the State Duma of the third convocation, on vacation means spending Gear expedition to Portugal to observe a solar eclipse in 1912.1911-1912.Presentation of the Ministry of Education in the Council of Ministers of the holiday means to outfit an expedition to Portugal to observe the total solar eclipse on 16-17 April 1912
The Council of Ministers (1905-1917).Presentation of the Ministry of Education in the Council of Ministers of the holiday means to outfit an expedition to Portugal to observe the total solar eclipse on 16-17 April 191227th meeting of the IFLA Standing Committee for UNIMARC, National Library of Portugal (Lisbon), March 20-21, 2017
Zhlobinskaya, Olga Nikolaevna. 27th meeting of the IFLA Standing Committee for UNIMARC, National Library of Portugal (Lisbon), March 20-21, 2017 Lisbon, March 20-21, 2017- Sporting events
Португалия (сканы 890–962)