The point on the bill of the Ministry of Education, tabled in the State Duma of the third convocation, on vacation means spendin...

Title The point on the bill of the Ministry of Education, tabled in the State Duma of the third convocation, on vacation means spending Gear expedition to Portugal to observe a solar eclipse in 1912
Series State Duma III Convocation. Cases on bills of departments, legislative proposals and requests of members of the State Duma, cases of commissions, petitions and complaints of peasant societies and individuals
Fonds The State Duma of I, II, III and IV convocations
File Государственная Дума III Созыв. Дела по законопроектам ведомств, законодательным предложениям и запросам членов Государственной Думы, дела комиссий, прошения и жалобы крестьянских обществ и частных лиц
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