The case on the resolution of the historical society of Nestor's chronicler to open a subscription to the institution at the Uni...

Identifier 00fb37ac-d876-4b6a-90e8-982cef1ebeef
Title The case on the resolution of the historical society of Nestor's chronicler to open a subscription to the institution at the University of St. Vladimir Scholarship Solovyov's historian scholarship.Immediately about the establishment of scholarships and the premium of his name at Moscow University
Dates 1888.
Notes Handwritten text.InkThe original heading of the case: the case on the draft Regulation on the Prize and Scholarship named after S. M. Solovyov at Moscow University.Part 2. January 26, 1888 - August 10, 1888
Text language Russian
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 733 / 149 / 441
Cataloguing source RGIA
Series Cases of the category of higher educational institutions of the Department of Public Education for 1873-1885.
Extent 24 sheets
Creator Kiev Chronicler Nesor's Chronicler.University of Moscow
Fonds Department of Education of the Ministry of Education
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