Science, Education, and Culture
- Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (the Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The Kunstkamera, founded in 1714, is the first state public museum in Russia. Established in 1879 the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (MAE) became the successor to the Kunstkamera. Today, the MAE holds over 1.2 million items. One of the world’s largest ethnographic, anthropological and archeological collections is housed in the institution. The collection includes studies, guidebooks, archival documents, maps and visual materials that give an insight into the history of the museum - its foundation, organization of activities, staff expansion and new acquisitions.
- Russian Academy of Sciences
The collection is devoted to the Russian Academy of Sciences, the largest centre for fundamental scientific research and practice. It features current official documents, archival materials, research on the history of the Academy, literature indexes, anniversary publications, graphic materials, works of members of the Academy of Sciences and its periodicals.
- Science
Decrees and orders of Peter I about monsters and monsters, about the ancient chroniclers, about the correction of the icon image (copies of the 19th century?)
Kalachev Nikolai Vasilyevich (1819-1885).
Decrees and orders of Peter I about monsters and monsters, about the ancient chroniclers, about the correction of the icon image (copies of the 19th century?).Peter I - a member of the Paris Academy of Sciences
Golitsyn, Augustine Petrovich (1824-1875). Peter I - a member of the Paris Academy of Sciences.
Berlin: A. Asher \u0026 C °; Paris; London: A. FranckTrubner \u0026 C °, 1859.Science and literature in Russia under Peter the Great. T. 1. Introduction to the history of education in Russia XVIII century
Pekarsky, Petr Petrovich (1827-1872). Science and literature in Russia under Peter the Great. Т. 1: An Introduction to the History of Enlightenment in Russia in the 18th Century.
St. Petersburg: Publication of the Public Benefit Partnership, 1862. 1862.Leibniz and his century.T. 2. The attitude of Leibniz towards Russia and Peter the Great Based on the unpublished papers of Leibniz in the Hanover library
Gere.Vladimir Ivanovich.1837-1919.Leibniz and his century.St. Petersburg: Printing V. Golovin, 1868-1871.T. 2: The attitude of Leibniz to Russia and Peter the Grand Dubled Purks of Leibniz in the Hanover library.1871.Peter the Great as the founder of the Academy of Sciences
Veselovsky, Konstantin Stepanovich (1819-1901). Peter the Great as the founder of the Academy of Sciences.
St. Petersburg: type. Imp. Acad. Sciences, 1872.What did Peter the Great do in terms of the skotrachnical part in Russia?
Unterberger, Friedrich Semenovich (1810-1884). What did Peter the Great do according to the skot-therapeutic part in Russia ?.
Dorpat: To the type. K. Matisen, 1872.Peter's attempt to spread scientific scientific knowledge among the Russian people
Lvov, Apollinary Nikolayevich (1848-1901). Peter's attempt to spread scientific agricultural knowledge among the Russian people.
[Moscow: Univ. type., 1892].Russian Society and Science under Peter the Great
Bogoslovsky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1867-1929). Russian Society and Science under Peter the Great. Leningrad: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1926. - Education
Youth honest mirror or Indication for everyday attitudes
Youth honest mirror or a testimony to everyday life.
in St. Petersburg: under the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1767.Praise to Peter the Great, the emperor and autocrat of the All-Russian Father of the Fatherland
Nikitenko, Alexander Vasilyevich (1804-1877). Praise the word to Peter the Great, the emperor and autocrat of the All-Russian Father of the Fatherland. Category: Sankt Petersburg. A. Plushard, 1838.Peter the Great as an enlightener of Russia
Grotto, Jacob Karlovich (1812-1893). Peter the Great as an enlightener of Russia.
St. Petersburg: type. Imp. Acad. Sciences, 1872.Peter the Great as educator and teacher of the people
Sokolovsky, Ivan Vladimirovich (1850-1880). Peter the Great as a teacher and teacher of the people.
Kazan: To the type. Un-ta, 1873.State and popular education in Russia of the XVIII century.Part 1. A system of vocational education (from Peter I to Catherine II)
Vladimir Budanov.Mikhail Flegontovich.1838-1916.State and popular education in Russia of the XVIII century.Yaroslavl: Type.G.V.Falk, 1874.Part 1: A system of vocational education (from Peter I to Catherine II).1874.Russian antiquity. 1890 [T. 66. Book. 5]. May
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg: B. and., 1890.
1890 [T. 66. Book. 5]. May. 1890.D. P. Strukov. Students – at home mentors in 1712. P. 347–350 (scans 107–110) [on the topic of public education during the reign of Peter I]
How and what Peter the Great taught his people
Makarova, Sofia Markovna (1834-1887). How and what Peter the Great taught his people.
St.-Petersburg: The constant. commis. on the device of people. readings, 1896.Peter the Great - the founder of water sports in Russia
Peter the Great - the founder of water sports in Russia. S.-Petersburg: Economic typo-lithography, 1910.Tsar-worker and teacher
Senigov, Iosif Petrovich (1859-). King-worker and teacher. Petrograd: VI Gubinsky, [1915].The article by AF Koni "Peter the Great and Public Education"
Koni Anatoly Fedorovich, a lawyer, a writer, a member of the Academy of Sciences, chairman of the St. Petersburg District Court, a member of the State Council.
The article by AF Koni "Peter the Great and public education".Chronological scheme of folk education under Peter Great
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.The chronological scheme of folk education under Peter is great. - Culture
The vocabulary is bilingual, that is, the Slavonic, Hellenic-Greek and Latin treasures from various ancient and new books, collected according to the Slavic alphabet,
Polikarpov-Orlov, Fedor Polikarpovich (about 1670-1731). The vocabulary is bilingual, that is, the sayings of Slavonic, Hellenic-Greek and Latin treasures from various ancient and new books collected and according to the Slavic alphabet to the rank located. [Moscow: tsarist printing house, 1704].Dictionary in Slavic, Greek and Latin languages, published in Moscow at the print yard by F. P. Polikarpov in 1704. Features the biggest collection of vocabulary and phraseology of the end XVII – first quarter of XVIII century. Vocabulary is listed in the alphabetical order, Russian words and phrases are followed by its Greek and Latin equivalents. Unique monument of Moscow book printing of XVIII century
HET NIEUWEWE TESTAMENT, OF TE ALLE BOCken des Nieuwen Verbonds ONSES Heren Jesu Christi
HET NIEUWEWE TESTAMENT, OF TE ALLE BOECKEN des Nieuwen Verbonds ONSES Helen Jesu Christi.In's gravenhage: by Johannes Van Duren, Boeckverkopeer, 1717.Journal of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.1883. Part 226. [№ 4].April
Russia.Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.Journal of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.St. Petersburg, 1803-1917.1883. Part 226. [№ 4].April.1883.P. Morozov. Review: Russian dramatic art. 1672–1725. P. 270–282 (scans 128–140)
The first book shop in St. Petersburg under Peter Great
Arsenyev, Alexander Vasilievich (1854-1896).The first bookstore in St. Petersburg under Peter the Great.St. Petersburg: edition of the bookstore D.F. Fedorov (son), qualifying.1887.Peter the Great and the Russian language among the Slavs
Kulakovsky, Platon Andreevich (1848-1913). Peter the Great and the Russian language among the Slavs. [St. Petersburg]: VD Smirnov's printing house, qualification. 1903.Time sheets of Peter the Great. Issue. 1
Time sheets of Peter the Great. Moscow: Moscow. synod. type., 1903-1906.
Issue. 1. 1903.Time sheets of Peter the Great. Issue. 2
Time sheets of Peter the Great. Moscow: Moscow. synod. type., 1903-1906.
Issue. 2. 1906.The birth of periodic press in Russia
Balitsky, Grigory Vasilyevich.The birth of periodic press in Russia.St. Petersburg: Senate.Type., 1908.Western influence into Russian in Petrovskaya era
Smirnov, N. A. Shipad influence into Russian in Petrovskaya era.Spb.: A type.imp.Acad.Sciences, 1910.... Beginning of periodicals in Russia
Shlosberg, Arthur Nikolayevich. ... Beginning of the periodical press in Russia. St. Petersburg: The Senate. type., 1911. - Publications printed in the Civil Script
[Civil ABC with moralizing]
[The alphabet of the civil with moralizing]. Film [Moscow, January 1710].The “ABC-book” features Slavic block and cursive characters, syllables, morals from the Bible, tables of church and arithmetic numbers, as well as church, Arabic, and Roman numeral systems. In the “Image of old and new Slavic characters, block and cursive” section, Peter I has scratched out all capital and lowercased Slavic letters and excluded the letters “ot”, “omega” and “psi”. The resolution of Peter I is written on the back of the cover: “Historical and manufactory books to be printed in these letters, the scratched-out letters are not to be used.
Military architecture. Hypothetical, and eclectic
Sturm, Leonard Christophe (1669-1719). Military architecture. Hypothetical, and eclectic.
In Moscow: The Moscow Printing House, March 13, 1709.Composition on fortification in the form of the conversation between the master and its pupil. The Russian translation was edited by Peter I himself
The book of Marsova or military affairs from the Majesty of the Majesty of the Russians.For the capture of the Music Fortice, and at different places of the brave battle of the implemented.Over the search for his Kingdom of Majesty Skeiski.
The book of Marsova or military affairs from the Majesty of the Majesty of the Russians.For the capture of the Music Fortice, and at different places of the brave battle of the implemented.Over the search for his Kingdom of Majesty Svesey. Sunkt Petersburg, January 1713.A collection of reports on war activities (relations) and daily notes (journals) on the victories of Russian troops in the Great Northern War. Every report is followed by the engraved layout of fortresses or battles, in some cases also followed by the engraving of fortresses’ images
Talking which legal reasons for his royal majesty Peter Pervience King and the Lord of All-Siskai and Protective, and Protective, and Protective: To start the warriors against King Carol 12, Swedish 1700 had, and who is of the following feet, during the sepi
Shafirov, Peter Pavlovich (1669-1739).Talking which legitimate reasons for his royal majesty Peter Pervience King and the Lord of All-Seesque and Protectful, and Protect, and Protective: To start the warriors against King Carol 12, Swedish 1700 had, and who is of the other feet, during the seeds of the Warriors, moreAnd the tendency to reconcile showed, and who in the continuation of the ona, with only the great spill of the blood of Christiani, and the ruin of many lands is guilty;and from which the warriors of the Country Warrior according to the rules of Christian and political peoples are...In the composition written by Peter Shafirov following the order of Peter I, the war against Sweden is presented as a necessity, caused by the urgent needs of the state. In conclusion written by Tsar himself, it is stated that the war won’t be over until Russia conquers the Baltic Sea
The announcement of the investigative case and the court, according to the decree of his royal majesty, to Tsarevich Aleksei Petrovich, was sent to St. Petersburg in accordance with the decree of His Majesty to the press, for the news of the senate, this
Russia. The Emperor (1682-1725, Peter I). The announcement of the investigative case and the court, according to the decree of his royal majesty, to Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich, was sent to St. Petersburg in accordance with the decree of His Majesty to the press, for the news of the senate, this June at day 25, 1718, issued. [St. Petersburg, June 1718].The history of Peter I and his son Alexei’s relationship between October 11, 1715 and February 3, 1718, based on documentary materials. The publication was destroyed during the reign of Peter II (1727-1730), who has redeemed his father, Alexei Petrovich
Amphibian Circle Short description from old and new geography
GUNER, I. NEW Circle Quick description from old and new geography.Moscow: B. and., 1719.Composition on geography in the form of questions and answers, edited by Peter I’s closest supporter J. D. Bruce
The book is a historiography of the name, glory and expansion of the Slavic people, and their kings and lords under many names, and with many kingdoms, kingdoms, and provinces.
Orbini, Mavro (-1614). The book is a historiography of the name, glory and expansion of the Slavic people, and their kings and lords under many names, and with many kingdoms, kingdoms, and provinces. [St. Petersburg]: In St. Petersburg printing house, Aug. 20, 1722.By the decree of Peter I, has been prepared the partial translation of the composition by catholic priest Mavro Orbini (1550-1614) “The Realm of the Slavs”, published in 1601 and dedicated to the history of Slavic people
Collection of books published in the reign of Peter the Great
Petrov, Alexander Vasilyevich (1867-1927).Collection of books published in the reign of Peter the Great.St. Petersburg: Type.T-Va V. Weinerman and K °, 1913.
Decree «On ancient chroniclers and chronographers», February 16, 1722 (scans 7–8): [on locating ancient texts in Russian eparchies and monasteries and transferring them to Moscow for copying];
Decree «On curious items in Siberia», September 1, 1720, February 16, 1721 (scans 9–12): [on the purchase and transfer from St. Petersburg to Siberia of gold items found in burial sites, and other curious items of historical value]