Trips of Peter I
- Trips of Peter I in Russia
About the highest coming of the great sovereign, king and the Grand Duke, Peter Alekseevich ... From ... Moscow on Dvina, to the Arkhangelsk city of three-year-old ...
About the highest coming of the great sovereign, king and grand prince, Peter Alekseevich ... from ... Moscow on Dvina, to the Arkhangelsk city of three-year-old ... m.: Univ.Type., 1783.A brief description of the visit of the sovereign of the tsar and Grand Duke Peter Alekseevich I in Voronezh and Mitrofan, the first Bishop of Voronezh. Supplement to a brief description of the residence of the sovereign of the Tsar and Grand Duke Peter A
Brief description of the visit of the Tsar and Grand Duke Peter Alekseevich I in Voronezh and Mitrofan, the first Bishop of Voronezh; Supplement to a brief description of the residence of the sovereign of the Tsar and Grand Duke Peter Alekseevich First in Voronezh (pp. 31-119). Moscow: at the University Press, 1832.Recollection of the highest incidents of the great sovereign Peter the Great, who is blessed with the edge that now forms the Olonets province
Ignatius (Semenov, Matvey Afanasievich, 1791-1850). Recollection of the highest incidents of the great sovereign Peter the Great, who is happy with the region, which now constitutes the Olonets province. Petrozavodsk: The Gub. type., 1841.Recollection of the Advent of the Great Sovereign Peter the Great to Olonets
Ignaty (Semenov, Matvey Afanasievich, 1791-1850). Recollection of the coming of the great sovereign Peter the Great to Olonets.
S.P. Petersburg: type. J. Tray, 1849.Marine collection. T. 2, [No. 1-12]
Marine collection. St. Petersburg, 1848-. Film T. 2, [No. 1-12]. 1849.Peter the Great on the Marcial Waters, discovered in 1716 in the Olonets province
Samoylov, Nikolay Peter the Great on the Marcial Waters, opened in 1716 in the Olonets province. Category: Sankt Petersburg. J. Tray, 1852.Peter the Great in the folk legends of the North Territory
Bars, Epidifor Vasilyevich (1836/37-1917).Peter the Great in the folk legends of the north edge.Moscow: Typography A. I. Mamontov and K °, 1872.Emperor Peter the Great and his activities on Olonets
Ivanov, Alexander Ivanovich (1820-1890). Emperor Peter the Great and his activities on Olonets. Petrozavodsk: The Gub. type., 1873.On the importance of Peter the Great for Russia in general and in particular for the Astrakhan region
Leontiev, Nikolay Filippovich (1845-1914). On the significance of Peter the Great for Russia in general and in particular for the Astrakhan region. Astrakhan: Type. EN Lesnikova, 1873.About the stay of Peter the Great and Catherine II in Kazan
Osokin, Nikolai Alekseevich (1843-1896). About the stay of Peter the Great and Catherine II in Kazan.
[Kazan: the type. NA Ilyashenko, qualification. 1891].Manuscript of the article of the teacher of the Tver theological seminary Vladimir Kolosov "Peter the Great in Tver". Autograph
Kalachev Nikolai Vasilyevich (1819-1885).
Manuscript of the article of the teacher of the Tver theological seminary Vladimir Kolosov "Peter the Great in Tver". Autograph.Two-time visit to the monarch by Peter the Great of the Solovetsky Monastery
Two visits to the monastery by Peter the Great of the Solovetsky Monastery. Arkhangelsk: Solovets. Monastery, 1902.Peter the Great in the North
Peter the Great in the North. Arkhangelsk: Provincial Printing House, 1909.Peter the Great in the North
Peter the Great in the North. Arkhangelsk: Provincial Printing House, 1909.The matter concerns the Minister of Finance Count Vasilyev, about the house, which is part of the Lipetsk Ironworks, in which the Emperor Peter the Great once had a stay
Department of Police Executive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The case in relation to the Minister of Finance Count Vasiliev, about the house, consisting of the Lipetsk Ironworks, in which the Emperor Peter the Great once had a residence.Marcial Waters, where Peter the Great was treated, and the Petrovsky church with them in Petrozavodsk district of Olonets province
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Marcial Waters, where Peter the Great was treated, and Petrovsky Church in their presence in Petrozavodsk district of Olonets province. - Trips of Peter I abroad
Peter the Great abroad
Kizevetter, Alexander Alexandrovich (1866-1933). Peter the Great abroad. Moscow: School, 1913.Peter I. T. 2. The first overseas trip
Bogoslovsky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (historian, 1867-1929). Peter I. Leningrad: State socio-economic publishing house, 1940-1948.
T. 2: The first overseas trip. 1941.- England
Peter the Great in Holland and England
Ustryalov, Nikolai Gerasimovich (1805-1870). Peter the Great in Holland and England. Category: Sankt Petersburg. Imp. Acad. Sciences, 1855. - Germany
Peter the Great, Menshikov and Leibniz
Peter the Great, Menshikov and Leibniz. Berlin: The bookstore of B. Bera (E. Bock), 1861.Transcription of the alleged conversation between Peter the Great, Menshikov and Leibniz in Torgau in 1711
- Holland
Peter the Great in Holland and England
Ustryalov, Nikolai Gerasimovich (1805-1870). Peter the Great in Holland and England. Category: Sankt Petersburg. Imp. Acad. Sciences, 1855.The stay of Peter the Great in Sardam and Amsterdam in 1697 and 1717
Languages, Alexander Petrovich (lawyer, writer; 1802-1878).The stay of Peter the Great in Sardam and Amsterdam in 1697 and 1717.Berlin: B. Behrs Buchhandlung (E. Bock), 1872.Russian old.G. May 1874, Vol. 11, [Vol.9-12, September-December]
Russian old.St. Petersburg, 1870-1918.G. May 1874, Vol. 11, [Vol.9-12, September-December].1874.A. G. Brückner. Peter the Great in Dresden in 1698, 1711 and 1712. P. 727–734 (scans 737–744)
Journal of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.1883. Part 226. [№ 4].April
Russia.Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.Journal of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.St. Petersburg, 1803-1917.1883. Part 226. [№ 4].April.1883.A. Brückner. Review: Gebhard junior. Het leven vin M-r Nicolaus Corneliuz Witsen (1641–1717). Utrecht. 1881–1882. P. 320–325 (scans 178–183) [«The Life of Mr. Nicolaus Corneliuz Witsen» (review of the book dedicated to the Dutch traveler, burgomaster of Amsterdam, whom Peter I exchanged letters with and met during his last trip to Holland, in Russian language)]
Russians in Holland
Venevtinov, Mikhail Alekseevich (1844-1901). Russians in Holland. Moscow: type. and the terminology of O.O. Gerbek, 1897.Notes Ya.K. The nomenclature about the stay of Peter the Great in the Netherlands in 1697/98 and 1716/17.
Nomen, Ian Cornelis. Notes Ya.K. The name of the stay of Peter the Great in the Netherlands in 1697/98 and 1716/17. Kiev: type. S.V. Kulzhenko, 1904.Russian antiquity. G. 47 1916, V. 165, book. 1, January
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg: B. and. G. 47 1916, V. 165, book. 1, January: G. 47 1916, Vol. 165, book. 1, January. Petrograd: Type. P. Usova, 1916.A. S. Latsynsky. Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia, in Holland and Zaandam in 1697 and 1717. [P. I]. С. 5–24 (scans 27–46)
Russian antiquity. G. 47 1916, V. 165, book. 2, February
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg, 1870-1918.
G. 47 1916, V. 165, book. 2, February. Petrograd: [Type. P. Usova], 1916.A. S. Latsynsky. Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia, in Holland and Zaandam in 1697 and 1717. [P. II]. P. 193–223 (scans 9–39)
Russian antiquity. G. 47 1916, V. 165, book. 3, March
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg: B. and. G. 47 1916, V. 165, book. 3, March: G. 47 1916, Vol. 165, book. 3, March. Petrograd: [Type. P. Usova], 1916.A. S. Latsynsky. Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia, in Holland and Zaandam in 1697 and 1717. [P. III]. P. 387–396 (scans 11–20)
Russian antiquity. G. 47 1916, V. 166, book. 4, April
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg: B. and. G. 47 1916, V. 166, book. 4, April: G. 47 1916, V. 166, book. 4, April. Petrograd: Type. P. Usova, 1916.A. S. Latsynsky. Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia, in Holland and Zaandam in 1697 and 1717. [P. IV]. P. 5–14 (scans 13–22)
- France
The Journey of His Majesty to Paris
His Majesty's journey to Paris.
[Sankt Petersburg]: [Type. Art. and Ing. cadet. body], [1771].Peter the Great in Paris
Poludensky, Mikhail Petrovich (1829-1868). Peter the Great in Paris. [Moscow: type. Gracheva and Co., censorship. 1865].Russian thought.Kn.1. January
Russian thought.Kn.1. January.1884.M. M. Kovalevsky. New information on Peter the Great’s trip to Paris, collected from Spanish archives. P. 104–114 (scans 118–128)
Peter the Great in France
Tsvetaev, Dmitry Vladimirovich (1852-1920). Peter the Great in France. [Moscow, 1894]. - Czech Republic
Peter the Great in Carlsbad 1711 and 1712
Kustodiev, Konstantin Lukich (1837-1875). Peter the Great in Carlsbad 1711 and 1712.
Budapest: type. Weng. cor. University, 1873.
A. P. Sokolov. Peter the Great’s Palace in Astrakhan. P. 42–45 (scans 66–69)