Estimation of income and expenses of the main management of Cossack troops for 1907

Identifier 98649723-9817-4f7a-bf1b-06d074d3ead0
Title Estimation of income and expenses of the main management of Cossack troops for 1907
Dates 1907.
Notes Handwritten text.InkOriginal case heading: about paying the main management of Cossack troops for 1907 (genuine): February 16 - March 7, 1907Title Affairs Also: a draft of state painting of income and expenses and estimates of individual departments for 1907. EXTENSION OF THE MAIN GUIDE OF Cossack troops in 1907: February 16, 1907 - March 7, 1907
Text language Russian
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 1278 / 1 / 832
Cataloguing source RGIA
Series 1906-1907 years.
Extent 34 sheets
Creator Russia.Main Department of Cossack troops
Fonds The State Duma of I, II, III and IV convocations
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