Development of funds of Russia's academic libraries in the context of the transformation of the information space

Lakizo, Irina GelacianDevelopment of Funds of Russia's Academic Libraries in the Conditions of Transformation of the Information Space: Abstract Dis.on the sisterUch.step.Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences: specialty / Lakizo Irina Gelaksievna;[Place of protection: S.-Petersburg.StateIn-t culture].- St. Petersburg, 2019. -22 p.;21. -Bibliogr.: C.20-22 (23 Names.)..1. People (collection).2. Library science, bibliography and bidders.3. Culture.The science.Enlightenment - library business.Library science - library business - Russian Federation - library network.Types of libraries.Separate libraries - libraries of scientific institutions and organizations - Libraries of Academies of Sciences - Network of libraries of the Russian Academy of Sciences.4. Culture.The science.Enlightenment - library business.Library science - library funds and catalogs - library funds.BBK 78.347.41 (2LD) Ya031Source of an electronic copy: SPbgik.Site
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