The history of librarianship in the Russian Federation

The history of librarianship in the Russian Federation

The first results of the introduction of the electronic library subscription in the Central Scientific Library of the Russian Federation in the conditions of the new edition of Part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Loginov, Boris Rodionovich (Candidate of Technical Sciences, 1946-). The first results of the introduction of the electronic library subscription in the Central Scientific Library of the Russian Federation in the conditions of the new edition of Part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2015.

Speech by Vladimir Rubinovich Firsov, President of the Russian Library Association

      "The right to access to information: opportunities and constraints in the electronic environment," a conference (St. Petersburg, 2012). Speech by Vladimir Rufinovich Firsov, President of the Russian Library Association.
St. Petersburg: Presidential Library. BN Yeltsin, 2012.
