Joint meeting of the heads of the SCO and CSTO member states, September 17, 2021, 13:10.[Speech by President of the Russian Fede...

The Russian Federation.President (2018-; V. V. Putin).Joint meeting of the heads of the SCO and CSTO member states, September 17, 2021, 13:10.[Presentation of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin] / President of Russia, the official website.- 2021. -4 sheet + video recording (9 min 42 (c): Speech [Vladimir Putin] at a joint meeting of the heads of the SCO and CSTO member states, September 17, 2021.-A joint meeting of the Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Collective Security Treaty Organization was held in Dushanbe.Vladimir Putin participated in the summit in video conferencing mode.I. A joint meeting of the heads of the SCO and CSTO member states.II.President of Russia, official website.1.Putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich (1952) - Speech, speeches, etc. 2. Shanghai Organization of Cooperation - Activities - Participation of the Russian Federation - Speech, Speeches, etc. 3. Power (Collection).4. Russia and the countries of the world (collection).5. The Russian Federation - Foreign Policy - NCH.21 c.- speech, performances, etc.BBK 66.4 (2rds), 4th04BBK 66.4 (0), 01I04Electronic source: President of Russia.Official site
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