Plenary meeting of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, June 4, 2021, 17:20, St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (2021).Plenary session.Plenary meeting of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, June 4, 2021, 17:20, St. Petersburg / President of Russia, official website.- St. Petersburg, 2021. -57 sheets + video recording (70 min 37 c): plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, June 4, 2021, 17:20, St. Petersburg.-Vladimir Putin took part in the plenary meeting of the XXIV St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.The current forum is one of the most large-scale events since the beginning of the pandemic.The heads of state and government of foreign countries, leaders of large Russian and international associations, companies and banks, leading experts and policies, companies and banks, leading experts and policies were invited to discussions within the PMEF.The motto forum in 2021 - "again together. The economy of a new reality."In the plenary session on video calls, the Federal Chancellor of the Austrian Republic of Sebastian Kurtz and the Emir of the state of Qatar Tamim Ben Hamad Al Tanya took part.The President of Argentina Alberto Fernandez and the President of Brazil Zhair Blanto turned to those present with the video attraction.I. President of Russia, official website.1.Putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich (1952) - speeches, performances, etc. 2. Power (collection).3. Russia and the countries of the world (collection).4. Russian Federation - Economic Policy - Speech, Speeches, etc.BBK 65.5-66Я04.BBK 66.4 (0), 4th04BBK 66.4 (2rds), 4th04Electronic source: President of Russia.Official site
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