Barnabas Brissonius, the main in Paris of the Senator, about the Persian kingdom.Part 2. On worship, laws and customs of Peresky

Brisson, Barnabe (1531-1591).Barissonia Barnabas, the main in Paris of the Senator, about the Persian Kingdom / Translated the Group of the Shlyakhta Cadet Corps by the teacher, Captain's rank, Ivan Alekseev;Fixed and published by his brother P. [Rotoire] P. [Etr] A. [Lexseev].- In Moscow: in the university printing house, N. Novikov, 1781.-3 t.;8 ° (17 cm).-SK XVIII;737..I. Alekseev, Ivan Alekseevich (translator; 1735-1779).II.Alekseev, Peter Alekseevich (writer, archpriest; 1731-1801) .1.Persia Ancient is history.BBK 63.3 (0) 31Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: PBPart 2: On worship, laws and customs of Peresky.- 1781.-[2], 398 s .. -It also includes: Part 3: On the military affairs of the Persian state.- The copy of the presidential library is the ownership: part 2-3 weaves together.In a whole binding with bandages (5) and applications (2) on the spine.Tinted.Forester and Nahzats are decorative.General pollution of paper and spots throughout the book block, wave -like deformation of the book block;scuffs and tears on the lids of the binding.- Exlibris (Stampel): Naryshkinsky Special Library in the city of Tambov on pp.: [3], 3, 17, 33, 35, 51, 65, 66, 73, 75, 97, 117, 129, 143, 159, 169, 191, 223, 247, 285, 335, 363, 389, 419, 441, 455, [2] l.Nahzatsa.Exlibris (another): an unidentified person for 2 liters.Furry (specially wiped) (walnut ink).Exlibris (another): V.I. Alyneva for 2 l.Forester, dated 19-V-1938.On the back of the title sheet, the stamp/stamp "Presidential Library".On the back of the title sheet, the stamp of the publisher N. I. Novikov..1. Book monuments of the presidential library (collection).2. VTB (collection).3. Persia Ancient - history.BBK 63.3 (0) 31Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: PB
Publisher В Университетской типографии у Н. Новикова
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