On the participation of Komsomol members and pioneers in a right campaign // Stalin's shift.No. 133 (383)

BCP (b).Chelyabinsk Regional Committee.On the participation of Komsomol members and pioneers in a rugging campaign: Resolution of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the CSMM of the Chelyabinsk Region: [newspaper clipping].- - // Stalin shift.- No. 133 (383).- 1935. - S. 2.1. Komsomol - public work - documents and materials.2. Omsk region: pages of history (collection).3. Chelyabinsk region: pages of history (collection).4. Territory (collection).5. The people (collection).6. Power (collection).7. Pioneer organization in Russian history (collection).8. Young pioneers - public work - documents and materials.BBK 63.3 (2ros-4 Chel) 61u1BBK 63.3 (2ros-4MS) 61Yu1BBK 74.27 (2ros) Yu1Electronic copy source: Chelyabinsk OUNBOriginal storage location: Chelyabinsk OUNB
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