The works of the musical and ethnographic commission, consisting of lovers of natural science, anthropology and ethnography unde...

Moscow Music and Ethnographic Commission.The works of the musical and ethnographic commission, consisting of lovers of natural science, anthropology and ethnography under the ethnographic department of the Imperial Society.-Moscow: Music and ethnographic commission, 1906-.- 29 cm. - (Izvestia of the Imperial Society of Lovers of Natural Sciences, Anthropology and Ethnography, which consisting of the Imperial Moscow University. The works of the ethnographic department; ...).1. Imperial society of lovers of natural science, anthropology and ethnography (Moscow, city) - activity.2. Folk songs - study.BBK 82.3 (2) -4BBK 85.319.41Electronic copy source: PBT. 4: Experiments of artistic processing of folk songs.T. 1. - 1913. -Ast.pag.: il., Portra .. - (.... the works of the ethnographic department; vol. 118, vol. 18).-Bibliography in substitution notes..1. The year of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia (collection).2. People (collection).3. Folk songs - study.BBK 82.3 (2) -4BBK 85.319.41Source of an electronic copy: Russian Geographical SocietyOriginal storage location: Russian geographical society
Publisher Музыкально-этнографическая комиссия
Catalogue object