Фольклор России и СССР
Материалы по теме
Ethno-poetic constants in the lyrics of Nikolai Rubtsov
Chernova, Anastasia Evgenievna (candidate of philological sciences). Ethno-poetic constants in the lyrics of Nikolai Rubtsov. Moscow, 2014. |
Chuvash wedding
Mikhailov, Spiridon Mikhailovich (1821-1861). Chuvash wedding. [Kazan, 1852]. |
... The Chuvash wedding. Chuvashi
Infantiev, Porfiry Pavlovich (1860-1913). ... The Chuvash wedding; Chuvashi. St. Petersburg: P.V. Lukovnikov, 1912. |
Chastushka for antipaschal topics
Coposov, A. Pustushka for antipaschal topics.Moscow: State.Publishing.MUZ.Sector, 1930.
The formation of humane relations of younger students by means of folklore in children's creative associations
The formation of humane relations of younger students by means of folklore in children's creative associations.2014.
Circassian diaspora folklore: Localization of traditions, functionality of texts
Circassian diaspora folklore: localization of tradition, functionality of texts.2021.
Folklore of Russian three -river as the basis of ethnic identity (according to the materials of field research 2015–2019)
The folklore of Russian three -Russian as the basis of ethnic identity (according to the materials of field research 2015–2019).2019.
Феномен русской народно-песенной традиции в музыкальном образовании
Бурьяк, Марина Клавдиевна. Феномен русской народно-песенной традиции в музыкальном образовании. Москва, 2016. |
The works of the musical and ethnographic commission, consisting of lovers of natural science, anthropology and ethnography under the ethnographic department of the Imperial Society..... 4. Experiments of artistic processing of folk songs
Moscow Music and Ethnographic Commission.The works of the musical and ethnographic commission, consisting of lovers of natural science, anthropology and ethnography under the ethnographic department of the Imperial Society.Moscow: Musical and ethnographic commission, 1906-.T. 4: Experiments of artistic processing of folk songs.1913.
The works of the musical and ethnographic commission, consisting of lovers of natural science, anthropology and ethnography under the ethnographic department of the Imperial Society..... T. 2. Materials and research on the study of folk songs and music
Moscow Music and Ethnographic Commission.The works of the musical and ethnographic commission, consisting of lovers of natural science, anthropology and ethnography under the ethnographic department of the Imperial Society.Moscow: Musical and ethnographic commission, 1906-.T. 2: Materials and research on the study of folk song and music.1911.