Фольклор России и СССР
Материалы по теме
Narratives of Christianization in the formation of the Komi literary tradition in the context of Russian literature (XIV - beginning of the 20th centuries)
The narratives of Christianization in the formation of the Komi literary tradition in the context of Russian literature (XIV - the beginning of the twentieth centuries).2022.
The motive of snakes in the Russian fairy tale and epic: to the question of national specifics
Trofimov, Georgy Alexandrovich.The motive of snakes in the Russian fairy tale and epic: to the question of national specifics.Moscow, 2018.
Linguistic and cultural features of folklore song discourse (religious and emotional-sensual concepts)
Teppeeva, Jamila Ramazanovna.Linguistic and cultural features of folklore song discourse (religious and emotional-sensual concepts).Nalchik, 2020.
Bylin M.S. Kriukovoy. Annals. T. 2
Kryukov. Marfa Semyonovna. Bylin M.S. Kriukovoy. Moscow: B. and., 1941. T. 2. 1941. |
Cultural meanings of the Russian skomoroshestva
Argov, Andrey Vladimirovich. Cultural meanings of Russian skomoroshestva. St. Petersburg, 2015. |
The communicative and pragmatic potential of Russian proverbs
Karadzhev, Bagaudin Ibragimovich (candidate of philological sciences). Communicatively pragmatic potential of Russian proverbs. Moscow, 2009. |
Fraying cripples
The doublet fund of the National Security Service. Film Cripples Crossing. Moscow: Typography A. Semena, 1861. |
Fraying cripples
The doublet fund of the National Security Service. Film Cripples Crossing. Moscow: Typography of the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages, 1864. |
Historical essays of Russian folk literature and art
The doublet fund of the National Security Service. Historical essays of Russian folk literature and art. St. Petersburg: Publication by DE Kozhanchikov, 1861. |
Historical reader. Issue. 1
Pokrovsky, Vasily Ivanovich (historian of literature, 19th century). Historical reader. Moscow: edition of M. Naumov's bookstore, 1887-1907. Вып. 1. 1887. |