The motive of snakes in the Russian fairy tale and epic: to the question of national specifics

Trofimov, George AlexandrovichThe motive of snakes in the Russian fairy tale and epic: to the question of national specifics: abstract of dis.On Soi.Uch.step.candidate of philological sciences: specialty / Trofimov Georgy Aleksandrovich;[Place of protection: Mosk.ped.state.un-t].- Moscow, 2018. -29 p.;21 cm .. -Bibliography: p. 28-29 (9 names)..1. The people (collection).2. Russian language (collection).3. Folkloristics.4. Philological sciences.Fiction - folklore.Folkloristics - Russian Federation - folklore of the Eastern Slavs - Russian folklore - works of folklore and their research - epic genres - a fabulous epic - fairy tales.5. Philological sciences.Fiction - folklore.Folkloristics-folklore of the Russian Federation-folklore of the Eastern Slavs-Russian folklore-works of folklore and their research-epic genres-a folk heroic epic-epics.BBK 82.3 (2) -441ya031BBK 82.3 (2) -442ya031Electronic copy source: MPGU.Website
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