Institute of Advertising in the formation and reproduction of gender images and models of consumer behavior in Russian society

Simpletin, Julia ViktorovnaThe Institute of Advertising in the formation and reproduction of gender images and models of consumer behavior in Russian society: Author of Dis.On Soi.Uch.step.candidate of sociological sciences: specialty / Prostitin Julia Viktorovna;[Place of protection: South.Feder.un-t].-Rostov-on-Don, 2019. -37 p.;21. -Bibliography: P.36-37 (13 names)..1. The people (collection).2. Social structure, social institutions and processes.3. Psychology-social (social) psychology-socio-psychological problems of economic psychology-socio-psychological problems of the psychology of service and trade-the methodology and technique of research work in the field of psychology.4. Sociology-sociology of service, trade, advertising-methodology and technique of research work in the field of sociology.BBK 60.524.224.67ya031BBK 60.561.26ya031Source of an electronic copy: YuFu.Website
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