Russian biographical dictionary.[T.13].Pavel, Monk - Peter (Ileika)

Russian biographical dictionary / ed.Under the supervision of the pre.Imp.Rus.East.A.A.Polovtsova.T. 1. - St. Petersburg: imp.Rus.East.O-in, 1896-1918.- 29. -Ed.: T. 4-5 - N.P.Chulkov;t. 7 - E.S.Shumigorsky and M.G.Kurdyumov;vol. 10 - N.D.Chechulin and M.G.Kurdyumov;Vol. 17 - Boris Lvovich Modzalevsky.Place of ed.t. 4-5: Moscow..I. Kudryumov, Mikhail Grigoryevich (1869-).II.Modzalevsky, Boris Lvovich (1874-1928).III.Polovtsov, Alexander Alexandrovich (1832-1909).IV.Chulkov, Nikolai Petrovich (1870-1940).V. Shumigorsky, Evgeny Sevastanovich (1857-1920).VI.Chechulin, Nikolai Dmitrievich (1863-1927).Electronic copy source: PB[T.13]: Pavel, the Monk - Peter (Ileika).- Type of.I.N.Skorokhodova, 1902. -[2], 711 s .. -Part of the text is for the the text.- Ex.: Without region., Def.: Part of the text goes into a binding, p.33-64 are numbered twice, the second time with a note (2), 287-290, 497-502 are absent..1. Russian language (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: Penza GKM
Publisher Императорское Русское историческое общество
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