Circular, ceremonials and proposals of the Ministry of the Imperial Court and other institutions to leadership.Immediately instr...

Identifier bb7b36e8-4845-467f-afa2-b1b7821d3d52
Title Circular, ceremonials and proposals of the Ministry of the Imperial Court and other institutions to leadership.Immediately instructions
Dates 1882
Notes Case
Text language Russian
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 1339 / 1 / 6
Cataloguing source RGIA
Series Inventory of the office of the court of the heir to the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, the Ministry of the Imperial Court for 1882
Extent 44 l.
Creator Россия. Министерство Императорского двора и уделов
Fonds The office of the court of the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich of the Ministry of the Imperial Court
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