Клятва юных

Young oath: Stories: [for middle age] / Drawings by R. Gershanik.- Moscow ;Leningrad: State Publishing House of Children's Literature of the People's Commissariat of the RSFSR, 1945 (Moscow: Factory of the Children's Book of Detgiz).-95, [1] p.: silt .. - (pioneer library).-Contains stories: the oath of young / V. Kaverin.Big Middle / B. Lavrenev.Family / N. Tikhonov.Karysh / A. Kononov.To a new life / V. Fraerman.Son / V. Kaverin..I. Gershanik, Roman Vasilievich (1898-1984) .1.Pioneer organization in Russian history (collection).2. Russian language (collection).3. The memory of the Great Victory (collection).4. Children's literature - USSR - 1930 - 1950 - collections.5. Children and the Great Patriotic War - fiction - 1941 - 1945 - collections.BBK 83.84 (2) Y43BBK 63.3 (2) 622-7ya43Electronic copy source: Belgorod GUNBOriginal storage location: Belgorod GUNB
Publisher Государственное издательство детской литературы Наркомпроса РСФСР
Catalogue object